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1、四年级英语暑假作业最新答案 (答案在后面哦) 一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词 共5) ( ) 1. A. lunch B.math C. class ( ) 2. A. slippers B.sneakers C. pototoes ( ) 3. A. cucumber B.cloudy C.cool ( ) 4. A. windy B.rainy C.sunny ( ) 5. A. these B. those C.shoes 二、Listen and choose.(听录音,选答语补全 共5) ( ) 1.Whats the weather _ in

2、Bei _g? A ./ B. like C. likes ( ) 2.-What colour is your_? - _. A. shirt B. T-shirt C.skirt ( )3.Lets go to the_ to have some chicken. A. TV room B. art room C. canteen ( ) 4.Its _ in Harbin. A.windy B. cloudy C. hot ( ) 5.This is the _ A.music room B.puter room C.teachers desk 三、Listen and choose.(

3、听录音,选择所听句子的最佳答语 共5) ( ) 1. A.Yes,they are. B. Yes,they arent. ( ) 2. A.Its my t-shirt. B. No,its not. ( ) 3. A. Thank you. B. Yes. ( ) 4. A. They are goats. B. They are goat. ( ) 5. A. Its 11 oclock. B. Eleven. 四、Listen and number.(听录音,给图片标上序号 共5) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、Listen and judge(听句子,与所听内容一致的“

4、T”不一致“F” 共5) ( ) 1.The canteen is on the second floor. ( ) 2. These are your baby pants. ( ) 3. Are they sheep? -Yes,they are. ( ) 4. My socks are white. Xk b1 .co m ( ) 5.Its7:00.Its time for breakfast. 六、Listen and colour.(听录音,给图片涂上颜色 共5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、Listen and tick“T”or“F”.(听录音,判断正误 共5) 1. 2

5、. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 八、Listen and write.(听录音,写一写,把下面句子补充完整 共5)。 1. Look at the .They are fat. 2. The is pretty, but its too expensive. 3. I want a water watermelon and bananas. 4. - Mr monkey, is it cold? -No, its not. Its . 5.We have a new room. 笔试部分(60) 一、 Read and find.(读一读,选出不同类的单词 共5)

6、 ( ) 1. A.gym B.TV C. TV roomm ( ) 2. A.boots B.pants C.jeans ( ) 3. A.warm B.cold C. dress ( ) 4. A.fat B.duck C.rabbit ( ) 5. A.rainy B.windy C.seven 二、Look and write.(看图,写单词 共5) 三、Watch and judge.(仔细观察,判断划线部分读音是否一致,一致的“T”不一致“F” 共5) ( ) 1. A. nos se B. home ( ) 2. A. pig B.bike ( ) 3. A. cat B.cak

7、e ( ) 4. A. music B. B. student ( ) 5. A. egg B.red 四. 看图,根据句意选择正确的单词填空 共5) A.boots B.expensive C. library D. snowy E. How many 1. _ pears?-Two. 2.The skirt is 100yuan,very _ . 3.Today is _.Put on your _. 4.Go to the _ . Read some books. 五. Read and find.(读一读将右栏前的序号写在相应问句前的括号内 共5) A B ( ) 1.What tim

8、e is it? A. Its on the second floor. ( ) 2.Are they goats? B. Yes, you can. ( ) 3.Whose is this T-shirt? C. Its eight oclock. ( ) 4.Where is the music room? D.Its Amys. ( ) 5. Can I wear my new shirt today? E. Yes,they are. 六、Read and choose.(选择填空 共5) ( ) 1. -How much is this pretty dress? - _. A. I

9、t is 98 yuan. B.They are 98 yuan. C.Great. ( ) 2.Its rainy today. Lets _! A. go to the playground B. play football C. watch TV ( ) 3. -Can I help you? - _. A.Yes. How much is it? B.Its pretty. C.You are wele. ( ) 4.-Where is the TV room? - Its on the _ floor. A. one B. first C. two ( ) 5.-Is this yo

10、ur T-shirt? -_. A. No,it is. B.Yes, it is. C. Yes,it isnt. 七、Read and match(读一读,连线 共5) 1. What are these? -They are cats. 2. Take off your jackets. 3. Its hot today.I can wear my T-shirt. 4. Go to the canteen.Eat some noodles. 5. Its windy .Hold on to your hat. 八、Read and number. (读一读,排顺序 共5) ( ) Wh

11、at colour is it? ( ) Is this your sweater? ( 1 ) Where is my sweater? ( ) Black. ( ) No,its not. ( 7 ) Its my sisters. ( ) Whose is it? 九、Read and match.(看图回答问题 共5) 1. How many hens ? 2. Is this your art room? 3. Whats the weather like? 4.Are they horses? 5. What time is it? 十、Put the words in the r

12、ight order.(连词成句 共5) 1. Is cold it (?) 2. your That puter is ( .) 3. time English Its for class( .) 4. are much How they ( ? ) 5. What is colour it ? 十一、Read and fill in the blanks。(阅读短文,选择合适的句子补全对话。共5) Amy: Hello. Chen Jie: Hi,Amy! _ Amy: Not much. Chen Jie: _ Amy: It rainy. How ahout Linyi? Chen J

13、ie: _ Amy: Oh,no,my pictures! Chen Jie: Whats the matter ,Amy? Amy: Its windy now . _ Bye! Chen Jie: OK._ A. Whats the weather like in Shanghai? B. Goodbye C. What are you doing? D. Its sunny today. E. I have to close the window. 十二、Read and judge.(读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。共5) Dear Grandma, Thank you for the new sandals. They are cool. It is hot in Tancheng. Its sunny too. I can wear my new sandals. I


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