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1、withdraw的用法总结大全 withdraw的用法你知道哪些?今天给大家带来withdraw的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 withdraw的意思 vt. 撤走,拿走,撤退,(从银行) 取 (钱) vi. 撤退,(从活动或组织中) 退出 变形:过去式: withdrew; 现在分词:withdrawing; 过去分词:withdrawn; withdraw用法 withdraw可以用作动词 withdraw的基本意思是“取收回”自己的东西或已经说出的话等,指出于某种原因或动机而有意地移动,这种原因或动机一般是得体的、礼貌的,也可能是出于不满。withdraw引

2、申用于军事可表示“(使)撤退出”,有时还有“提款”的意思。 withdraw既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与介词from, to连用。 withdraw可用于被动结构。 withdraw用作动词的用法例句 In view of members reservation and request for further information, the Administration agreed to withdraw the item.鉴于委员有所保留,并要求取得进一步资料,政府当局同意撤回该项目。 He wanted to wit

3、hdraw his name from the guest list.他想从客人 _中撤出自己的名字。 Id like to withdraw some money from my aount.我想从户头里提出一些钱。 withdraw用作动词的用法例句 Tell the men to withdraw from their new position.告诉那些人从新的阵地上撤出。 He may withdraw into his own private world.他可以蜷缩在个人的小天地里。 He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew.他跟我们

4、谈了一小时的话就走了。 withdraw用法例句 1、Shed half expected him to withdraw from the course. 她多少已经预料到他会中途就退出这门课程。 2、The African National Congress threatened to withdraw from the talks. 非洲国民大会威胁要退出会谈。 3、The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour they have no power. 失业者没法罢工他们没有这种实力。 今日问题- 英语中 withdraw 有哪些意思? 在商务英语

5、中,withdraw 是个超级厉害的词,有多重意思。 withdraw 在日常英语中,最常见的意思是“撤退”,比如从战场上撤退,就是withdraw from the war. 在商业环境中,withdraw主要有三层含义。 第一层是“撤销”的意思,比如: withdraw a bill/demand/offer 撤销议案/要求/建议 withdraw a remark 收回发言 第二层是“退出”的意思,比如: withdraw from treaty 退出条约。 如特朗普宣布退出巴黎气候协议,就可以说: President Trump announced the U.S. would wit

6、hdraw from the Paris climate aord 第三层是“取款”的意思,比如: withdraw money from the bank 从银行取款 问:据报道,欧盟25日在比利时布鲁塞尔召开特别1.峰会,2.通过英国脱欧协议3.草案。中方对此有何评论? Q: It is reported that on November 25, at a special 1. summit in Brussels, Belgium, the European Union 2. endorsed the 3. draft deal on the UKs departure from the

7、 bloc. What is your ment? 1. 峰会:summit 注意:1)作名词,表示政府间峰会或首脑会议: A summit is a meeting at which the leaders of two or more countries discuss important matters. 2)作名词,表示山峰,顶点 The summit of a mountain is the top of it. 引申:在峰会的开场白上,嘉宾致辞时,常用一个表达,叫做address the summit。 address这个词需要了解一下其它用法: 1)最基本的意思,就是地址,不再赘

8、述。 2)作动词,表示寄往、寄给: If a letter, envelope, or parcel is addressed to you, your name and address have been written on it. 比如说: This letter is addressed to Pro.Zheng. 这封信寄给郑教授。 3)作动词,表示向.作正式讲话,对.发表演讲 If you address a group of people, you give a speech to them. 注意:address此时作及物动词,后面直接加宾语。 address the summ

9、it: 就是致辞。 2. 通过:endorse (名词形式为endorsement) 1)作及物动词,表示公开赞同、支持: If you endorse someone or something, you say publicly that you support or approve of them. 2)作动词,表示在支票背面签名,背书 When you endorse a cheque, you write your name on the back of it so that it can be paid into someones bank aount. 3)作动词,表示为.作广告:

10、 If you endorse a product or pany, you appear in advertisements for it. 引申:通过,还可以用adopt或者pass来表示。 3. 草案:draft 注意:1)作名词,表示草案;草稿 (也可以draft deal) A draft is an early version of a letter, book, or speech. 2)作及物动词,表示起草,后面可直接跟宾语。 When you draft a letter, book, or speech, you write the first version of it.

11、 3)作动词,表示征召入伍 If you are drafted, you are ordered to serve in the armed forces, usually for a limited period of time. departure: (depart的名词形式) 1)作名词,表示离开、启程 If someone does something different or unusual, you can refer to their action as a departure . 2)作名词,表示辞职、离职 If someone does something differen

12、t or unusual, you can refer to their action as a departure. 引申:表示脱离,还可以用withdraw. 答:中方高度关注英国4.脱欧问题,注意到欧盟上周日召开了英国脱欧问题特别峰会,5.批准通过英国脱欧协议和未来英欧关系政治宣言。欧盟和英国都是中国的全面战略伙伴。繁荣、稳定、开放的欧洲和英国符合各方利益。中方希望英欧双方最终就脱欧问题达成共识。中方推动中欧、中英关系6.并行发展的既定政策不会改变,愿同欧方、英方一道,为世界和平、稳定与繁荣作出新贡献。 A: The Chinese side has been closely follo

13、wing the UKs 4. withdrawal from the EU. We have noted that on Sunday, the EU held a special summit, during which the agreement on the UKs withdrawal from the EU and the political declaration on the future relationship between the EU and the UK were 5. approved. Both the EU and the UK are Chinas preh

14、ensive strategic partners. When the EU and Britain remain prosperous, stable and open Europe and Britain, all parties stand to benefit. China hopes that the UK and the EU can reach a final agreement on Brexit. Chinas policy on developing the China-EU and China-UK relations 6. in parallel will remain

15、 unchanged. We stand ready to work with the EU and the UK to make new contributions to the peace, stability and prosperity of the world. 4. 脱离/撤离:withdraw 注意:1)作动词,撤走,拿走 If you withdraw something from a place, you remove it or take it away. 2)作动词,使撤退,使撤回 When groups of people such as troops withdraw or when someone withdraws them, they leave the place where they are fighting or where they are based and return neare


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