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1、GRE阅读备考新手需纠正学习思路 GRE阅读备考新手需纠正学习思路 细数4个不可或缺的备考思路,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 理解文章的意思 关于这部分的解释是,我们拿到新GRE阅读材料,第一件事就是要理解全文的大概意思,要明白作者在讲什么,想表明什么,做到心中有数才能合理做题。GRE阅读速读提高不上去很大程度上是因为考生还不习惯英语到自己语言的理解,需要一个切换理解的时间。比如看到一个词,要先想到这个词的意思,然后理解整句话。 解决这个问题的关键就是需要大量的阅读,在不断地阅读中多理解多总结,即使不是精读也要试图理解一片文章的大概和基本逻辑,经过联系使中间这个切换时间越来越短,最后达到完

2、全不需要切换的语言感觉,从而培养GRE阅读语感。 关于做阅读笔记 阅读笔记对与GRE阅读考试来说,有些考生可能并不需要,有些考生可能会需要做些笔记。短期来看,针对考试可以尝试多做笔记,用自己熟悉的符号记录或者标注各种语言的重要信息,这样做题时候回文定位会省事很多。 长难句的攻克 这个问题也是我们经常拿出来讲的问题,有些GRE考生可能自身觉得理解一片文章讲的是什么并不可能,但是对于一些细节,和关键问题还是理解模糊或者无法理解的问题。出现这种问题的很多原因是对GRE阅读长难句理解不透造成的,也就是在面对一些结构复杂的长句子时无所适从。这里建议考生可以找一些针对性的GRE长难句来练习,通过不断练习和

3、总结来提高自身的阅读和理解能力。其外,还需要针对一些专业词汇做特殊的记忆,比如考生不常见的地质学、气象学和天文学等领域的词汇。 抛掉传统阅读思维 相信很多国内考生都会有这个问题,就是在阅读思维上会被传统的习惯所禁锢。GRE阅读考试不同于一般的阅读考试,对于思路上不太适应GRE阅读思维的同学,平时练习的时候可以多积累其他方面的阅读量,还有多看一些经典的阅读文章,从这些文章中找到可发掘的点,然后自己加以利用。其实通过训练,大家就可以发现自己的阅读思维会有一个很大提高。 以上就是为各位考生的关于GRE阅读提分新标准的介绍,希望考生积极做好备考工作,及时调整好状态,努力在新GRE阅读考试中取得理想的成

4、绩! The molecules of carbon dioxide in the Earths atmosphere affect the heat balance of the Earth by acting as a one-way screen. Although these molecules allow radiation at visible wavelengths, where most of the energy of sunlight is concentrated, to pass through, they absorb some of the longer-wavel

5、ength, infrared emissions radiated from the Earths surface, radiation that would otherwise be transmitted back into space. For the Earth to maintain a constant average temperature, such emissions from the pla must balance ining solar radiation. If there were no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, heat

6、 would escape from the Earth much more easily. The surface temperature would be so much lower that the oceans might be a solid mass (solid mass: 实体) of ice. Today, however, the potential problem is too much carbon dioxide. The burning of fossil fuels and the clearing of forests have increased atmosp

7、heric carbon dioxide by about 15 percent in the last hundred years, and we continue to add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Could the increase in carbon dioxide cause a global rise in average temperature, and could such a rise have serious consequences for human society? Mathematical models that al

8、low us to calculate the rise in temperature as a function of the increase indicate that the answer is probably yes. Under present conditions a temperature of-18 can be observed at an altitude of 5 to 6 kilometers above the Earth. Below this altitude (called the radiating level), the temperature incr

9、eases by about 6 per kilometer approaching the Earths surface, where the average temperature is about 15. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide means that there are more molecules of carbon dioxide to absorb infrared radiation. As the capacity of the atmosphere to absorb infrared radiation inc

10、reases, the radiating level and the temperature of the surface must rise. One mathematical model predicts that doubling the atmospheric carbon dioxide would raise the global mean surface temperature by 2.5. This model assumes that the atmospheres relative humidity (relative humidity: n.相对湿度) remains

11、 constant and the temperature decreases with altitude at a rate of 6.5 per kilometer. The assumption of constant relative humidity is important, because water vapor in the atmosphere is another efficient absorber of radiation at infrared wavelengths. Because warm air can hold more moisture than cool

12、 air, the relative humidity will be constant only if the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increases as the temperature rises. Therefore, more infrared radiation would be absorbed and reradiated back to the Earths surface. The resultant warming at the surface could be expected to melt snow and

13、 ice, reducing the Earths reflectivity. More solar radiation would then be absorbed, leading to a further increase in temperature. 17. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) warn of the dangers of continued burning of fossil fuels (B) discuss the significance of increasing the amount of carbon

14、 dioxide in the atmosphere (C) explain how a constant temperature is maintained on the Earths surface (D) describe the ways in which various atmospheric and climatic conditions contribute to the Earths weather (E) demonstrate the usefulness of mathematical models in predicting long-range climatic ch

15、ange 18. Aording to the passage, the greatest part of the solar energy that reaches the Earth is (A) concentrated in the infrared spectrum (B) concentrated at visible wavelengths (C) absorbed by carbon dioxide molecules (D) absorbed by atmospheric water vapor (E) reflected back to space by snow and

16、ice 19. Aording to the passage, atmospheric carbon dioxide performs all of the following functions EXCEPT: (A) absorbing radiation at visible wavelengths (B) absorbing infrared radiation (C) absorbing outgoing radiation from the Earth (D) helping to retain heat near the Earths surface (E) helping to maintain a constant average temperature on the Earth



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