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1、精品文档欢迎下载 1 Unit 8 Dates of the Month Part B 教学目标 语言知识目标 1. 学习单词before 2. 学习句型: is busy doing/with. December 25 is Christmas Day. 3. 学说韵律诗:Busy。 4. 功能:谈论日期与节日。 语言技能目标 1. 能使用 is busy doing/with描述他人正忙于做某事。 2. 能用英语说出某个节日的具体日期。 3. 能用英语谈论某个节日前的准备活动。 文化意识 了解中西方节日的不同特点和庆祝方式。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. 师生互致问候

2、。 2. 学说韵律诗:Busy。 3. 揭示课题。 (1)教师说:“ This chant is about. ”根据学生的补充,教师在黑板上板书Christmas Day。 (2)教师问:“ When is Christmas Day? ”根据学生的回答,教师在黑板上Christmas Day 前板书 December 25,并请学生读一读这个句子。 (3)板书课题:Unit 8 Dates of the Month Part B Step 2 Presentation (一)学习单词before ,并导入课文 1. 教师指着黑板上的句子说:“December 25 is Christmas

3、 Day. Its a very important festival in western countries. Before it people are very busy. ”板书Before it people are very busy. 精品文档欢迎下载 2 (1)教学单词before 。 (2)练说句子Before it people are very busy.请学生说一说句子中的it指什么。本句 话也可以说Before Christmas Day people are very busy. 2. 教师提出问题:“ What are they busy with? Please

4、 listen and watch the video.” 3. 教师播放课文录音或CD-ROM ,学生边听边思考。 (二)学习be busy doing sth和 be busy with sth的构成 1. 教师出示下面的表格,请学生自读课文,然后填写表格,如: Date Who What December 11 Mr King is busy writing Christmas card December 16 Mrs King is busy with her Christmas tree Children are helping their mother. 2. 教学单词Mrs. 教师指着Mr King 和 Mrs King 的图片说:“ Look! He is Mr King. And she is Mr Kings wife. We call her Mrs King.”告诉学生,Mr 是 Mister的缩写形式, Mrs 是 Mistress的缩写形式, Mrs 一般是对已婚女性的尊称,而之前学过的Miss 是对未婚女性 的尊称。 Step 3 Homework 1. 听课文录音,模仿跟读。 2. 完成活动手册中本课练习。


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