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1、2020 年春六年级下册英语 期末质量检测 考试时间: 60 分钟 一、听音选单词。(10%) ( )1.A.dog B.bog ( )2.A.then B.thank ( )3.A.farm B.far ( )4.A.use B.us ( )5.A.snack B.snake ( )6.A.five B.fine ( )7.A.Tim B.dim ( )8.A.pet B.bet ( )9.A.mine B.nine ( )10.A.low B.row 二、听音选答语。(10%) ( )1.A.I m 46kg. B.Tom is 3kg heavier than me. C.Mike is

2、 taller than me. ( )2.A.I m tired. B.Im twelve years old. C.He is tired. ( )3.A.She is 162cm tall. B.My bed is 200cm long. C.I m shorter than Tom. ( )4.A.I have a headache. B.Her nose hurts. C.You look so happy. ( )5.A.She is short and fat. B.He is tall and thin. C.He is a student. 三、听短文,判断下列句子正(T)误

3、(F) 。 (10%) ( )1.Mike is going to visit his grandparents. ( )2.Mikes uncle is an accountant in a factory. ( )3.Mikes uncle goes to work on foot. ( )4.Mikes aunt is a nurse. ( )5.Mikes brother is a university student. 四、选出每组单词画线部分发音不同的一项。(10%) ( )1.A.peak B.bread C.beach D.team ( )2.A.get B.west C.se

4、ven D.she ( )3.A.use B.must C.thumb D.hungry ( )4.A.water B.class C.ask D.banana ( )5.A.cook B.good C.foot D.broom 五、从下面每组单词中找出不同类的单词,将序号填在题前括号内。(10%) ( )1.A.am B.is C.are D.saw ( )2.A.work B.went C.took D.ate ( )3.A.today B.tomorrow C.yesterday D.holiday ( )4.A.Friday B.Sunday C.year D.Monday ( )5.

5、A.tall B.thin C.strong D.nose 六、单项选择。(10%) ( )1.She TV every night. A.watch B.watches C.is watching ( )2.She is going her homework this evening. A.to do B.does C.do ( )3.What s your hobby? I like . A.dives B.making kites C.collect leaves ( )4. means “Stop” .Yellow means “” . A.Green,Go B.Red,Wait C.

6、Green,Wait ( )5.You can get there the No.6 bus. A.by B.in C.takes ( )6.What your father do,Lucy? He is a teacher. A.do B.is C.does ( )7.The sun shines and the becomes vapour. A.water B.rain C.cloud ( )8.If you want to buy some pears,you can go to the . A.bank B.fruit shop C.pet shop ( )9.I m going t

7、o the piano tomorrow afternoon. A.playing B.played C.play ( )10.My pen pal lives Beijing. A.in B.on C.at 七、给下列句子排序。 (10%) ( )No,I didnt. ( )I played basketball.How about you? ( )What did you do yesterday? ( )I watched TV. ( )Did you climb a mountain? 八、按要求完成下列各题,每空一词。 (10%) 1.I m 13 years old. (对画线部

8、分提问) are you? 2.Tom is reading books in his study. (对画线部分提问) is Tom in his study? 3.There are fifty students in our class. (对画线部分提问) students are there in your class? 4.This shirt is white.(对画线部分提问) is this shirt? 5.My home is near here. (改为同义句) My home isn there. 九、根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 (10%) Mrs Jones i

9、s an American doctor.She is in China now.She works in a childrens hospital in Shanghai.She likes children and she likes to work for children.She works hard in the daytime and learns Chinese in the evening school.She also learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends.Now she can spe

10、ak some Chinese.She can read and write some Chinese,too. She says it s not easy to learn Chinese well.Mr Jones,her husband( 丈夫) is a teacher.He teaches English in the No.5 Middle School.He works from Monday to Friday.He teaches 3 classes every day. ( )1.Mrs Jones works in . A.America B.England C.Chi

11、na ( )2.Mrs Jones learns Chinese in . A.a hospital B.an evening school C.a library ( )3.Mrs Jones learns Chinese from . A.the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends B.her students C.her patients( 病人) ( )4.Mr Jones is . A.in a hospital B.in a middle school C.in a library ( )5.Mr Jones works every we

12、ek. A.five days B.six days C.three days 十、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误( F) 。 (10%) Once upon a time,there was a boy.He looked after sheep.The boy was bored.He ran to the village.He shouted, “Wolf(狼),wolf! ” Everyone ran to the field.There was no wolf.The boy laughed. The next day,the boy ran to the village again.

13、“Wolf,wolf, ” he shouted.The people ran to the field.There was no wolf.The people were angry. But then one day,a wolf came to the field.The boy ran to the village.But the people didn t run to the field.They said,“Dont tell lies(谎言)!” The wolf killed many sheep. ( )1.The boy looked after sheep. ( )2.

14、The boy ran to the village and told lies,because he was bored. ( )3.When the boy shouted “Wolf,wolf ”at the first time,the wolf came. ( )4.The people ran to the field when the wolf really came. ( )5.The wolf killed many sheep.The boy laughed. 期末质量检测(六年级) 听力材料 一、听音选单词。 1.bog 2.then 3.far 4.use 5.snak

15、e 6.five 7.Tim 8.bet 9.mine 10.row 二、听音选答语。 1.How heavy are you? 2.How old are you? 3.How tall is Kate? 4.Whats the matter with you? 5.What does Jack look like? 三、听短文,判断下列句子正(T)误( F) 。 Mike is a student.He studies in a school near his home.Tomorrow is Saturday.He is going to visit his uncle sfamily

16、with his parents.They are going there by bus.Mikes uncle is an accountant in a bookstore.He often goes to work on foot,because the bookstore is near.Mikes aunt works in a hospital .Shes a doctor.Mike has a brother.His brother is a university student.He is going to be a policeman. 参考答案 一、1-5 BABAB 6-10 AABAB 二、1-5 ABAAB 三、1-5 FFTFT 四、1-5 BDAAD 五、1-5 DADCD 六、1-5 BABBA 6-10 CABCA 七、5 2 1 3 4 八、1.


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