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1、2020/11/2,Welcome Our Teachers,2020/11/2,Enjoy The Song,2020/11/2,Were going.,2020/11/2,Culture 1: Study Tour,2020/11/2,Amy: Hello, Tim. What are you going to do during your vacation? Tim: Im going to . And you? Amy: Im going to have a study tour in . Tim: Great! How are you going to Australia? Amy:

2、 Im going by plane. Tim: Where are you going to stay? Amy: Im going to stay with an Australian family.,Mount Tai,Australia.,Mount Tai is a scared mountain in Shandong, China.,The SydneyOperaHouse is in Australia.,The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.,Beijing University is the famous unive

3、rsity in China.,Shaanxi History Museum is the largest museum in China.,The Niagara Falls is in Canada.,The Big Ben is in the UK.,The Statue of Liberty is in the USA.,2020/11/2,Mount Tai,Beijing University,The Yangtze River,Shaanxi History Museun,2020/11/2,USA,Australia,UK,Canada,2020/11/2,Mount Tai,

4、USA,The Yangtze River,UK,Shaanxi History Museun,Australia,Beijing University,Canada,2020/11/2,Choose the right words.,The Yangtze River Australia USA UK Mount Tai Canada Shaanxi History Museum Beijing University,(1) We can visit the Big Ben in .,(2) I hope I can study in China.,(3) is the longest ri

5、ver in China.,(4) I going to see a show in Sydney Opera House in .,(5) This Summer hoilday, Mary is going to climb .,(6) We can visit the Statue of Liberty in .,(7) is the largest museum in China.,(8) I am going to see the Niagara Falls in .,UK,Beijing Uniersity,The Yangtze River,Australia,USA,Shaan

6、xi History Museum,Canada,Mount Tai,2020/11/2,1.How is she going to go ?,2.Where is she going to stay ?,Amy is going to Australia.,She is going by plane.,She is going to stay with an Australian family.,2020/11/2,Study Tour,How,Where,Where to stay,I am going to.,I am going.,I am going to stay with/in.

7、,What,I am going.,2020/11/2,Where are you going ? How are you going to.? What are you going to do? Where are you going to stay?,Ask and finish the survey.,Vicky,Beijing,by plane,see the Great Wall,stay with relatives,The Taj Mahal is in the India.,(印度泰姬陵),The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.,(埃菲尔铁塔),The Pa

8、lace Museum is in in Beijing.,(北京故宫),The Guangzhou Tower in Guangzhou.,(小蛮腰),2020/11/2,Conclusion: Everyone has his own plan. Remember, The most important thing for you is study. Think about the history of the places and know more about you are going to visit.,Homework: Write a short passage for you

9、r plan.,2020/11/2,Thank you !,Goodbye !,编后语,做笔记不是要将所有东西都写下,我们需要的只是“详略得当“的笔记。做笔记究竟应该完整到什么程度,才能算详略得当呢?对此很难作出简单回答。课堂笔记,最祥可逐字逐句,有言必录;最略则廖廖数笔,提纲挈领。做笔记的详略要依下面这些条件而定。 讲课内容对实际材料的讲解课可能需要做大量的笔记。 最讲授的主题是否熟悉越不熟悉的学科,笔记就越需要完整。 所讲授的知识材料在教科书或别的书刊上是否能够很容易看到如果很难从别的来源得到这些知识,那么就必须做完整的笔记。 有的同学一味追求课堂笔记做得“漂亮”,把主要精力放在做笔记上,

10、常常为看不清黑板上一个字或一句话,不断向四周同学询问。特意把笔记做得很全的人,主要是担心漏掉重要内容,影响以后的复习与思考.,这样不仅失去了做笔记的意义,也将课堂“听”与“记”的关系本末倒置了太忙于记录,便无暇紧跟老师的思路。 如果只是零星记下一些突出的短语或使你感兴趣的内容,那你的笔记就可能显得有些凌乱。 做提纲式笔记因不是自始至终全都埋头做笔记,故可在听课时把时间更多地用于理解所听到的内容.事实上,理解正是做好提纲式笔记的关键。 课堂笔记要注意这五种方法:一是简明扼要,纲目清楚,首先要记下所讲章节的标题、副标题,按要点进行分段;二是要选择笔记语句,利用短语、数字、图表、缩写或符号进行速记;三是英语、语文课的重点词汇、句型可直接记在书页边,这样便于复习时查找当然也可以记在笔记本上,前提是你能听懂;四是数理化生等,主要记老师解题的新思路、补充的定义、定理、公式及例题;五是政治、历史等,着重记下老师对问题的综合阐述。,2020/11/2,最新中小学教学课件,27,2020/11/2,最新中小学教学课件,28,谢谢欣赏!,


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