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1、,Unit 4,Section A,A Test of True Love,1,1,Warming Up,Main Idea,Words and Expressions,A Quiz Of Your Heart,Warming Up,Is it true love? Or something else?,Please take the following test with one person in your mind. (They will be often referred to as them in the test),Warming Up,1. Do you feel weak in

2、 the knees at the sight of “them”?,Warming Up,2. Have you experienced a loss of appetite because “they” were not with you?,Warming Up,Absence to love is what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small; it inflames the great.,3. When you sleep, are they in your dreams?,Warming Up,To the world you may

3、 be one person, but to one person you may be the world.,4. If your closest friend is making fun of “them”, would you stand up for “them”?,Warming Up,Love me, love my dog.,5. Could you never lie to “them”?,Warming Up,Friendship is like earthenware: Once broken, it can be mended. Love is like a mirror

4、: Once broken, that ends it.,6. Do you call “them” more than once a day just to hear their voice?,Warming Up,7. Do you feel happy, sad, hot and cold at the same time?,Warming Up,8. Can you name their favorite ice cream, movie, song, etc.?,Warming Up,9. Do you look forward to Valentines Day?,Warming

5、Up,Love makes the world go round.,10. Have you written “them” a poem?,Warming Up,Every man is a poet when he is in love.,This is not a scientific Quiz.It only helps you to answer the question:How do I know when I am in love?,Good luck!,Warming Up,Main Idea,Part A: Question Answering,(Para. 1),Why wa

6、s John Blandford staying in Grand Central Station in New York?,waiting to see a woman who ,Tips,Main Idea,(Para. 2),2. How did John get connected with the woman?,Tips,volunteered for military service received a book ,Main Idea,(L. 8) A letter, which wished him courage and safety, came with the book.

7、,(attach to),(Para. 2),3. How was Johns first response to the woman different from that of his friends?,the only person to write back ,Tips,Main Idea,(Para. 3),4. What had the woman, Hollis Meynell, done in the past thirteen months?,Tips,had faithfully written without decrease ,5. How did he feel as

8、 long as he received her letters?,as though, survive,Tips,Main Idea,(Para. 4),6. When he asked her for a photo, what did she do? Why ?,decline request Suppose she is beautiful . Suppose she is plain .,Tips,Main Idea,(Paras. 6-13),7. Did Hollis Meynell come to the station as they had arranged?,Tips,Y

9、es, but she .,Main Idea,(Para. 14),Tips,8. Why did Hollis Meynell want to test John Blandford?,love one just for her beauty, age or .,Main Idea,Part B: Description of a Person, Find out how Ms. Meynell looks like .,Figure,Hair,Eyes,Lips,Suit,long focused (AmE.),要赢得比赛,我必须时刻全神贯注。,Ive got to _ if _ _.,

10、stay focused,I want to win,this competition,Words and Expressions,L. 6 without fail,continually, always do sth.,- Tim visits his mother every day without fail.,used to tell sb. firmly that they must do sth.,请务必在八点整到达。,- Be here at 8 oclock sharp, without fail.,unfailing(ly),- She battled against can

11、cer with unfailing good humor.,unfailing help / support,- The staff are unfailingly polite.,Words and Expressions,L. 7 volunteer,v.,- Helen ed to have Thanksgiving at her house this year.,- Tim ed for guard duty.,- Michael ed the information before I had a chance to ask.,- Mum ed Dave for washing-up

12、 duties.,Words and Expressions,n.,- After the party, many young men stayed behind as volunteers to clean the place.,在假期,很多大学生下乡提供自愿服务。,adj.,voluntary, involuntary,During holidays, many college students _ _.,voluntary service to people in the remote areas,offer,Words and Expressions,L. 10 identical,t

13、he same,-This is the book I returned to the library last week.,very similar,- Nutritionally, infant formulas are almost to / with breast milk.,这两姐妹长相和性格都很像。,The two sisters _ _.,are identical in appearance,and character,Words and Expressions,L. 12 departure,leaving a place,( from.for ),男朋友去法国后,她感觉更加

14、失意。,- Her boyfriends departure for France increased her sense of frustration.,departure lounge,departure board,候机室,离港情况表,Words and Expressions,a way of doing sth. that is different from the usual or expected way,- The new designs represent a from their usual style.,v.,depart,- We decided to go swimm

15、ing, ing from our original plan.,depart this life,(formal) to die,Words and Expressions,L. 14 aboard,prep.,adv.,- The plane crashed, killing all 200 people .,飞机坠毁了,机上200人全部遇难。,All aboard!,v.,board,- Passengers were standing in line, waiting to .,- Tianjin Airlines Flight 6099 to Dalian is now ing at

16、 Gate No. 21.,Words and Expressions,L. 21 decline,to say no politely, an offer / invitation, to do,v.,- Offered the position of chairman, Smith d, preferring to keep his current job.,- The minister d to comment about the progress of the peace talks.,become worse,deteriorate,- Her health has been declining progres


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