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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:影视英语 唐顿庄园大表哥的颠覆性新角色“I was not your obvious choice for that kind of role,” Dan Stevens said, discussing his part as a crewcutted homicidal maniac in the forthcoming horror-adventure movie “The Guest.”“一般来说,人们不会想到让我来演那种角色,”丹史蒂文斯(Dan Stevens)说。他说的是自己在即将上映的恐怖冒险影片神秘访客(The

2、Guest)中扮演的平头杀人狂。That is true. Last seen by most people lying dead in a ditch in his guise as Matthew Crawley in the waning, traumatizing seconds of the third season of “Downton Abbey,” Mr. Stevens has moved to New York to wreak a different kind of havoc. Handsome, polite, well spoken and exuding pro

3、totypical Englishness, he has propelled himself into the next phase of his career with a succession of parts two of them in movies opening this week that do not so much play against type as laugh in its face.的确如此。大部分人最后一次见他是在唐顿庄园(Downton Abbey)第三季的一个悲痛时刻,他扮演的马修克劳利(Matthew Crawley)躺在沟壕里死去。史蒂文斯搬到纽约,造成

4、了另一种大混乱。他英俊潇洒,彬彬有礼,谈吐不凡,散发着典型的英伦气息,但他激励自己进入事业的新阶段,演绎了一系列与上述形象相反的角色,故意颠覆自己的固有形象。他参演的两部电影将于本周上映。Un-Matthew No. 1: David in “The Guest” (opening Wednesday), a mysterious and charming ex-soldier with a buff physique and a sleepy Southern drawl who insinuates himself into a blameless small-town family an

5、d, in the space of a few days, leaves half the neighbors as well as an elite military hit squad meant to take him down dead.不像马修的第一个角色:神秘访客(周三9 月 17 日上映)中的大卫(David)。当过兵的大卫神秘、迷人,有着健硕的体格,说话慢吞吞地,带着美国南方口音。他轻松地融入小镇上一个无可指摘的家庭,在几天时间里杀死了一半邻居以及打算干掉他的顶尖杀手小分队。Un-Matthew No. 2: Kenny in “A Walk Among the Tombst

6、ones” (Friday), a squirrelly, strung-out, super-skinny Brooklyn drug dealer who hires a disgraced cop turned private investigator (Liam Neeson, naturally) to find his kidnapped wife.不像马修的第二个角色:行过死荫之地(A Walk Among the Tombstones,周五9 月 19 日上映)中的肯尼(Kenny)。肯尼是布鲁克林的一名毒贩,行为古怪,因吸毒而异常消瘦,他雇佣一名曾当过警察但是被撤职的私人侦探

7、(利亚姆尼森Liam Neeson饰)寻找自己被绑架的妻子。Un-Matthew No. 3: Colin in an episode of “High Maintenance,” an online series of no-budget short films about the adventures of a Brooklyn pot dealer. In his segment, Mr. Stevens plays an amiable stay-at-home dad who lives in a cloud of weed, writers block and womens clo

8、thing.不像马修的第三个角色:在高昂的代价(High Maintenance)的其中一集里扮演科林(Colin)。这是一系列低成本网络短片,讲述的是一位布鲁克林毒贩的冒险活动。在史蒂文斯这一集里,他扮演一名和蔼可亲的宅男奶爸、才思枯竭的作家,沉浸在大麻之中,穿女式服装。Mr. Stevens, 31, would also appear to be playing against type in person. Seeing him on television for so long in fussy period clothes three-piece suits, tuxedos, w

9、hite ties and tails and, when things got really daring, pajamas made it a shock to see him in real life recently over lunch at a Manhattan restaurant. The eyes were the same bright blue, of course, but he was much wirier than he used to be. His hair was shorter, his face was thinner and scruffily be

10、arded, and his clothes were like everyone elses: denim shirt, denim jeans.31 岁的史蒂文斯在生活中似乎也在扮演跟自己的固有形象不同的角色。长久以来,我们在电视上看到的他都穿着精致的时代剧戏服三件套西服,无尾礼服,正式礼服,还有非常紧急时穿的睡衣 所以前不久在曼哈顿的一家餐厅共进午餐时,见到现实生活中的他让我觉得很震惊。当然,还是同样的明亮的蓝眼睛,但是比从前瘦了很多。头发短了,脸瘦了,留着参差不齐的胡子,衣服也和其他人一样:斜纹棉布衬衫,牛仔裤。The restaurant was virtually empty sa

11、ve for a flock of publicists. Mr. Stevens ordered gazpacho after determining that it contained no dairy products, and waved away the bread basket on account of its gluten-ous contents.除了一群宣传人员,餐厅基本上是空的。史蒂文斯在确定西班牙冷菜汤里不含乳制品后点了一份,得知这里的面包含麸质后就没点面包。“Under three layers of tweed, you can hide a lot of ills

12、,” he said, so he has made a post-“Downton” effort to take better care of himself. He comes from a tradition whose attitude toward exercise is “If it hurts, stop,” he said, and he hates to seem obsessive too much about his new regime, whatever it is. “You know,” he said sheepishly. “Gym stuff. Run a

13、 little bit.”“穿着三层花呢服装,你能掩盖很多毛病,”他说。所以在退出唐顿庄园后,他更加注意体形。他说自己的成长环境对待锻炼的态度是“如果觉得疼,就停下”,他很不喜欢显得过于在意自己的新健身法不管它是什么。“你知道,”他腼腆地说,“就是去健身房锻炼,跑跑步。”He smoothly moved on to another topic, the interesting turn his career has taken. “I wasnt going to step into another period drama straight away, because I didnt wa

14、nt to,” he said. “Typecasting only comes if you say yes to these things. You can always say no.”他很自然地转换到另一个话题他的事业的有趣转变。“我当时没打算立刻去演另一部时代剧,因为我不想那样,”他说,“只有你自己同意,才会总演同一类角色。你永远都可以拒绝。”There was a year when Mr. Stevens said no to a lot of things. One was “Downton,” where he had had a great run as the resid

15、ent heartthrob but was ready to move on to bigger things. Before shooting began for the third season, he informed the authorities that he would not be returning for the fourth.有一年时间,史蒂文斯拒绝了很多邀请。其中一个是唐顿庄园,他在其中饰演的万人迷很受欢迎,但是他打算实现更宏大的目标。早在第三季开拍之前,他就通知剧组他不演第四季了。He then spent months wondering how they wou

16、ld get rid of him. Death by illness was out: Sibyl, his sister-in-law on the program, had already died of eclampsia after giving birth, and his former fiance, the dreary Lavinia Swire, had succumbed to the Spanish flu. Having Matthew abandon his wife, Lady Mary, and, say, leave the country, would have been out of character for such a nice man.然后有好几个月时间他都在想,他们会怎么处理掉这个角色。肯定不会是因病


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