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1、小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:http:/ 提供:影视英语 星际穿越是一场未来主义的冒险Like the great space epics of the past, Christopher Nolans “Interstellar” distills terrestrial anxieties and aspirations into a potent pop parable, a mirror of the mood down here on Earth. Stanley Kubricks “2001: A Space Odyssey” blended the technol

2、ogical awe of the Apollo era with the trippy hopes and terrors of the Age of Aquarius. George Lucass first “Star Wars” trilogy, set not in the speculative future but in the imaginary past, answered the malaise of the 70s with swashbuckling nostalgia. “Interstellar,” full of visual dazzle, thematic a

3、mbition, geek bait and corn (including the literal kind), is a sweeping, futuristic adventure driven by grief, dread and regret.就像过去那些伟大的太空史诗一样,克里斯托弗诺兰(Christopher Nolan)的星际穿越(Interstellar)将大地上的焦虑与抱负总结为强有力的流行格言,反映出地球上的各种情绪。斯坦利库布里克(Stanley Kubrick)的2001 太空漫游 (2001: A Space Odyssey)把阿波罗时代对技术的敬畏与水瓶座时代迷

4、幻剂影响下的希望与恐惧混合在一起。乔治 卢卡斯(George Lucas) 星球大战(Star Wars)三部曲的第一部不是发生在推断中的未来,而是发生在想象中的过去,以夸大的怀旧回应 70 年代的莫名不安。星际穿越充满视觉奇观、主题上的抱负、极客的花样与玉米花式的感伤(也有真正的玉米),这是一场彻底的未来主义冒险,由悲哀、畏惧和遗憾所驱动。Trying to jot down notes by the light of the Imax screen, where lustrous images (shot by Hoyte van Hoytema and projected from re

5、al 70-millimeter film) flickered, I lost count of how many times the phrase “Im sorry” was uttered by parents to children, children to parents, sisters to brothers, scientists to astronauts and astronauts to one another. The whole movie can be seen as a plea for forgiveness on behalf of our foolish,

6、 dreamy species. We messed everything up, and we feel really bad about it. Can you please give us another chance?Imax 屏幕上,光彩照人的画面熠熠生辉(摄影是霍伊特冯 霍伊特玛Hoyte van Hoytema,以 70 毫米胶片放映),我借着屏幕的光线匆匆记下笔记,已经忘了 “我很抱歉”这句台词出现了多少次父母对孩子说、孩子对父母说、姊妹对兄弟说、科学家对太空员说,太空员之间互相说。整部电影可以看做一个请求,代表我们这个愚蠢而又爱做梦的物种进行道歉。我们把一切都搞砸了,我们真的

7、觉得很糟糕。“你”能再给我们一次机会吗?The possibility that such a “you” might be out there, in a position to grant clemency, is one of the movies tantalizing puzzles. Some kind of message seems to be coming across the emptiness of space and along the kinks in the fabric of time, offering a twinkle of hope amid humani

8、tys rapidly darkening prospects. For most of “Interstellar,” the working hypothesis is that a benevolent alien race, dwelling somewhere on the far side of a wormhole near one of the moons of Saturn, is sending data across the universe, encrypted advice that just may save us if we can decode it fast

9、enough.这个“你”有可能存在,并且是极为仁慈的,这是片中一个诱人的谜团。人类的前景正在迅速变得黯淡,此时某种信息似乎穿越了宇宙的空虚,沿着时空奇异的扭曲,带给人类一线希望。在星际穿越的大部分情节中,这个假说是:有一个仁慈的外星种族,居住在土星卫星附近虫洞的另一端,向整个宇宙传播数据,内容是经过加密的建议,如果我们尽快解开这个密码,就能拯救自己。What our planet and species need saving from is a slow-motion environmental catastrophe. Rather than explain how this bleak

10、future arrived through the usual montages of mayhem, Mr. Nolan (who wrote the screenplay with his brother Jonathan) drops us quietly into what looks like a fairly ordinary reality. We are in a rural stretch of North America, a land of battered pickup trucks, dusty bluejeans and wind-burned farmers s

11、canning the horizon for signs of a storm. Talking-head testimony from old-timers chronicles what sounds like the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, until we spot a laptop on the table being set for family dinner.我们的行星和种族面临的危机是一场缓慢演进的环境灾难。诺兰(他与弟弟乔纳森Jonathan合写了剧本)没有通过常见的灾害蒙太奇场景来解释这个惨淡的未来是如何发生的,而是让我们静静沉浸在一个看上去相当平

12、凡的现实之中。我们置身北美的乡村地带,农夫们开着破旧的小卡车,穿着脏兮兮的牛仔裤,面容沧桑,看到暴风的征兆,在地平线上奔忙。电视上接受采访的人讲述旧时代的事,听上去有点像 20 世纪 30 年代的沙化灾害,后来我们看见一家人用餐的桌子上放着一个笔记本电脑。The head of the family in question is Cooper (Matthew McConaughey), a widower who lives with his two children and his father-in-law (John Lithgow). Once a NASA pilot, Coope

13、r now grows corn, the only thing that will grow after a blight has wiped out most of the planets other crops. The human population has shrunk to a desperate remnant, but the survivors cling to the habits and rituals of normal life. For now, there is plenty of candy and soda and beer (thanks to all t

14、hat corn); there are parent-teacher conferences after school; and Coopers farmhouse is full of books and toys. But the blight is spreading, the dust storms are growing worse, and the sense of an ending is palpable.这个家庭的一家之主名叫库珀(Cooper,马修麦康纳Matthew McConaughey饰),他是一个鳏夫,与两个孩子和岳父(约翰利特高John Lithgow)一起生活

15、。他曾经是NASA 太空员,现在种玉米,枯萎病侵袭了这个星球上的其他农作物,能种的庄稼只有玉米了。地球总人口已经缩减到令人绝望的数目,但幸存者还保持着正常生活的习惯与仪式。目前这里还有许多糖果、苏打水和啤酒(多亏了这些玉米);学校放学后还有家长和老师的会面;库珀的农舍里有许多书籍和玩具。但灾害在传播,沙尘暴愈演愈烈,末日气息触手可及。The Nolans cleverly conflate scientific denialism with technophobia, imagining a fatalistic society that has traded large ambition f

16、or small-scale problem solving and ultimate resignation. But Christopher Nolan, even in his earlier, more modestly budgeted films, has never been content with the small scale. His imagination is large; his eye seeks out wide, sweeping vistas; and if he believes in anything, it is ambition. As it celebrates the resistance to extinction taking as its touchstone Dylan Thomass famous villanel


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