七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Going Shopping Reading A精品学案 牛津译林版.doc

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1、七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Going Shopping Reading A精品学案 牛津译林版课 题7A unit 5 Going Shopping (Reading A )学习目标知识目标1.能通过图片与关键词来推测单词的大意,并通过阅读对语篇内容形成正确理解。2.从对话中了解关于购物的信息。能力目标能够运用已学知识,描述自己的购物需要情感目标熟悉购物用语,培养交际能力学习重点在不同的情境下购物。学习难点如何将语言知识成为真实、有趣的实践活动。课前自学一、在课本76页找出下面的词、词组和句子。词:shopkeeper_ minute_ cost_quite expensive_ matc

2、h_ pretty_ also_ enough_something_ high_ wait_idea_ discount_词组:just a minute Never mind_ stickers of take a look quite expensive many kinds of match sth. go well with look for football cards 句型: 1) Can I help you?2)What can I do for you?3)Im looking for 4)How much do/doescost?5) How much is/are? 6)

3、There is a discount on.7) Ill buy.8) Ill take. 9) I dont have enough money to buy her a CD then.要求:1)翻译上面的词、词组和句子。2)试着大声朗读,对不会读的做标记,然后跟磁带朗读。 3)查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。 根据要求改写句子。1) Can I help you? (同义句) 2) The CD costs her ten yuan. (同义句)She _ ten yuan _ the CD.3) These books cost me eighty yuan. (对划

4、线部分提问) 4) This teddy bear is too expensive for me to buy. (同义句)I dont _ _ money _ _ this teddy bear.5) It takes me 90 yuan to buy the skirt. (同义句) 6) This pair of jeans matches her blouse very well. (同义句)Their pair of jeans _ _ _ her blouse.二、思考:(1)询问价格的几种方法及区别 (2)花费的几种表达方法及区别 三、完成课本77页B1部分练习。看看哪组做得

5、又快又对,可以小组讨论。四、快速阅读第76页A部分对话,完成课本77页B2和78页C部分练习。课堂交流展示(一)合作探究:1预习情况交流。将课前准备中的情况与你的同学进行交流。2. 小组探讨(1) 询问价格的几种用法及区别。(2) 花费的几种表达方法。(二)展示交流:1. 对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法)在组内或班内展示2. 听第一个对话然后展示讲解课本第77页B2部分练习。3. 读第二个对话回答下列问题。a. How much do the hair clips cost?b. What does Amy buy for Sandy?c. Does Amy buy a

6、 CD for Sandy?4. 进一步阅读第76页A部分的对话回答下列问题。a. How much money are all the presents?b. What do the hair clips match?5. 再一次阅读第76页A部分的对话 Talk about Amys shopping .At the beginning, Amy wants to buy_, but the cards are too expensive, so she wants to _.6. 小组进行活动,分角色朗读。然后交换角色,完成每个角色的扮演。7. 试想自己要买鞋,你怎样和售货员进行对话,买

7、到自己想要的鞋。提示:1.鞋的尺寸是38码。 2.它的颜色是白色。3.它的价格是50元。 A:_ B:_A:_ B:_ A:_ B:_ 课堂达标检测一、翻译下面的词组1)look for 2)不要紧 3)稍等一会儿 4)看一看 5)over there 二、用上面的词组的适当形式填空:1. Im sorry. I dont have any new comic books._. 2. Sandy, come here, please. _. Im coming.3. Lets _ at these CDs.4. What are you doing? I _some football stic

8、kers for Daniel.5. The tiger is_.三、用所给的句子完成对话Thats quite expensive, Ill buy them, Just a minute, can I help you ,How much do they cost ,Id like to buy a pair of shoesShopkeeper: Good morning, _1_? Tom: _2_.Shopkeeper: What size do you want?Tom: A Size 4. Do you have any black ones?Shopkeeper: Yes._3

9、_. There are some black shoes over here.Tom: Theyre nice. _4_?Shopkeeper: They re 280 yuan.Tom: Oh? Really? _5_. Shopkeeper: There is a discount on last years shoes. They match you .Tom: OK. _6_.学习感悟:第42课时一、翻译下面的词组1.look for 2.Never mind! 3.just a minute 4.take a look 5.over here 二、用上面的词组的适当形式填空1. Never mind! 2. Just a minute 3.take a look 4. am looking for 5.over here三、用所给的句子完成对话1.can I help you 2.Id like to buy a pair of shoes 3.Just a minute 4.How much do they cost 5. Thats quite expensive 6.Ill buy them5


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