江苏省姜堰市蒋垛中学初中英语 8B_Unit6 period 9教学案+课堂检测 牛津版.doc

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《江苏省姜堰市蒋垛中学初中英语 8B_Unit6 period 9教学案+课堂检测 牛津版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省姜堰市蒋垛中学初中英语 8B_Unit6 period 9教学案+课堂检测 牛津版.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、江苏省姜堰市蒋垛中学初中英语 8B_Unit6 period 9教学案+课堂检测 牛津版学习目标:知识与技能:To revise the whole unit, focusing on Grammar and Vocabulary过程与方法:总结前面知识Teaching procedures课中导学Step 1 Warm up by questioningWhat information do you want if you were interested in joining a charity walk? What is the event called?When will it be h

2、eld?Why is it held?Where will it be?Who can join the walk?How can people apply to join the walk?Which charity is being supported?Step 2 Reading and copyingThe Class 1, Grade 8 students are organizing a charity walk. Amy and Daniel are designing a web page to advertise the event. Now read the flow ch

3、art on page 105 that they have made. Find and copy as many expressions as possible from the chart. raise money, provide food, get an application form, fill in the form, returnon or before 15May, one month after, finishwithinStep 3 Filling in the blanks in Part BNow go to page 106 to fill in the blan

4、ks in Part B using the information from Part A. I shall check your answers later on. 课内互学Step 4 DiscussingWhich charity do you want to support? And why? What might be the key information that you should include in your flow charts?Try to list the key information in pairs. the name of the eventwhat t

5、ype of event it iswhen will it be held (date and time)why it is heldwhere it will be heldwho is organizing the eventwho can participate Step 5 Designing a flow chartNow make a flow chart according to the information listed just now.Step 6 WritingFinally you are to write a web page according to the f

6、low charts you have made.When the web page designs are completed, some of you will come to the front to present them to the class. After class some of the best ones will be put up on the wall for reference and comment.Step 7 Homeworka. Read aloud the passage on page 106.b. Write an article about a c

7、harity walk. 课堂反馈与拓展用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空1. I felt very happy when the _ (organize) chose me to be the host.2. He kept _ (run) to keep fit.3. Everything seemed _ (happen) so fast and now it is all over.4. There is no time _ (think) about it.5. Fimally, I _ (pass) the English exam because of my hard work.6

8、. There is a lot of work so we need a lot of _ (volunteer).7. It isnt easy _ (be) a host but its exciting.8. Id like to go shopping instead of _ (go) hiking.9. It is impossible for Sandy _ (teach) herself how to make a home page.10. The little boy got _ (lose) on his way home last Sunday.11. Carry o

9、n _ (speak) English, and you _ (be) better at it.12. I cant work out the problem _ (with) twenty minutes because it is so difficult.13. Please tell Kitty I have some _ (information) she wants about UNICEF.14. I think the Tree-planting is fun _ (join)15. It is _ (mean) to take part in the trip to the

10、 World Park.16. It si easy to give seats to the _ (old) on the bus.17. My uncles job is _ (clean) the street.18. Bring your lunch here if _ (necessary).19. The singers were _ (sing) with very beautiful _ (voice).20. Our school has _ (organize) a charity walk _ (call) Walk for Children.21. He is used

11、 to _ (take) a walk after supper.22. The charity show _ (hold) in ten days.23. I wish we _ (will) have enough money to help everyone.24. We all became very _ (interest) in playing chess.25. The patient did not have to pay for the _ (treat).26. The doctor will perform an _ (operate) on the man.27. I

12、_ (be) to Canada twice. I _ (go) there in 1998 and in 2004.28. The teacher told the students that light _ (travel) much faster than sound.29. If you dont work hard at your lessons, you _(not pass) your exams.30. Where are Nick and Lily at the moment? The twins _ (watch) TV in the room.31.You use thi

13、s set of keys for _(type).32.They _(marry) when they were very young.33.Its nice to have _(opened) space and pretty gardens.34.Was noise pollution a problem before the _(close) of the old airport?35.Its _(health) to eat too much.36.They were _(lucky) to lose because they played so well.37.I think it

14、 was _(polite) of him to ask you to leave.38.I rang my parents to tell them I had arrived _(safe).39.Do you have your own _(transportation)?40.It is important with a childs intellectual _(develop).41.This is a _(recently) photo of my daughter.42.It is a famous _(door) theme park in Tokyo.43.The _(perform) all wore different costumes.44.Lets have a big _(clap) for our next performer.45.The shampo


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