专业英语unit 用法演示课件

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1、1,Negotiable,可转让的, 可流通的; 可谈判的, 可协商的, 可通行的 Easy or possible to negotiate or be negotiated: 可协商的:容易或可能协商或被协商的 Negotiate V. negotiator n. Negotiation n Negotiability n:,2,negotiable demands容易被协商的要求: a negotiable road. 可通行的路negotiable instruments act /law票据法negotiable securities. 可转让的证券clearing system o

2、f negotiable instruments 票据清算制度Offer term negotiable if reasonable 如合理,报价条件可以商议。He says his claim is not negotiable. 他说他的要求是不容讨价还价的。,3,negotiable letter of credit 可转让信用证 negotiable documents 可流通单据, 可转让单据证券 negotiable note 可转让票据,4,Note,A piece of paper currency. 纸币:一纸现金 A certificate issued by a gove

3、rnment or a bank and sometimes negotiable as money. 票据:政府或银行确保的证据,有时可用作钱 A promissory note. 借据:保证性的证据,5,promissory note 本票note shaver 高利贷者note issue 纸币发行量 receiving note 收货专票prompt note 【商】期货金额及交割日期通知单,6,outstanding,Superior to others of its kind; distinguished. 显著的:胜过同类其他的;卓越的 Projecting upward or

4、outward; standing out. 凸出的:向上或向外突出出来的;突出的 Still in existence; not settled or resolved: 未完成的:仍然存在的;未决定或未解决的:,7,outstanding work 未完成的工作a long outstanding problem. 长期悬而未决的问题outstanding debts 未付清的欠款leave outstanding 搁着不理;搁置不付不偿还,8,an outstanding issue 悬而未决的问题funds outstanding for settlement 结算中占用资金balan

5、ces outstanding with branches 联行汇差funds outstanding for foreign exchange 外汇占款,9,substitute,substitute material 代用材料substitute goods 代用品substitute for a teacher 代替一位教师substitute A for B 用A代,10,position,头寸,位置position bookkeeping 头寸簿记, 外汇买卖簿记 tandem position 串联配置,前后排列prone position 【军】卧倒姿势position onst

6、age 舞台区位position effect 位置效应neutral position 空档fetal position 胎儿(状)姿势,(调气养身的)打坐defensive position 防御阵地,11,inventory,A detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in ones possession, especially a periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock. 财产目录:个人财产中物品的详细的、逐条登录的目录、报告或记录,特指对所存的全部货物和材

7、料所做的阶段性的统计 The items listed in such a report or record. 存货清单:列于此类报告或记录中的条款,12,An evaluation or a survey, as of abilities, assets, or resources. 清查:对能力、资产或资源的评估或调查 To make an itemized report or record of. 编目:编制的逐条记录的报告或记录 n. 详细目录, 存货, 财产清册, 总量,13,inventory 盘存physical inventory 【商】实地盘存inventory theory

8、 存贮论inventory liquidating 【商】减少存货inventory control 库存管理physical inventory system 实地盘存制perpetual inventory system 永续盘存制,14,inventory account 存货帐 inventory adjustment 盘存存货调整 inventory audit 存货审查 inventory building 存货增加,15,execute,execute an order 接受订货execute a purpose 达到目的execute a plan 实施计划execute a murderer 处死一凶手execute a contract 在合同上签字execute a command 执行命令execute the part of Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特execute a piece of work 完成一件工作,16,wholesale,wholesale commerce 批发商业wholesale price index 批发价格指数a wholesale slaughter 大屠杀wholesale destruction. 大规模的破坏,17,



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