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1、外贸英语函电English Business Correspondence,2006.7.29.,Business Correspondence Business Communication Communicating in International Business,30.10.2020,2,Business English is the one usually used in business activities,whose spelling of most business expressions or jargon is familiar to learners. The diff

2、erence is that their meanings have been changed. The Words appearing in business have acquired new meanings in business contexts. Learners can grasp these expressions either through reading extensively some business English articles or memorizing them from vocabulary books. Only by doing so can they

3、 attain a satisfactory level in business English.,30.10.2020,3,1.Business Letters商务英语书信的格式和原则 2.Establishing Business Relations(建立业务关系) 3.Enquiry询盘 4.Quotations and Offer 发盘 5.Counter-offer 还盘 6.Acceptance and Orders(接受和订单) 7. Shipment 装运 8. Complaints Manager 或者The Manager 或者在公司名称地址后,加注: For the at

4、tention of Mr._ Attention the Manager_ Attention Mr._(但是这种用法现在已渐变少,如使用,信封上也必须注明) E.g.: Richard Thomas 2. 国内外的商会,商务参赞处或其它的商务组织。3. 贸易伙伴的介绍; 4. 代表团互访; 5. 市场调查; 6. 客户自我介绍; 7. 通过银行; 8. 广告,30.10.2020,30,常用句型,信息来源: 我们从处得知, 通过我们了解到 We learn your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manu

5、facturers in this line.我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。 We owe your name and address to The Journal of Commerce.我们从商业日报得知贵公司的名称和地址。 Having had/obtained the name and address of your company from ABC Trading Company, we know that you deal in textiles.通过ABC贸易公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉你放经营纺织品。,30.10.2020,31,写信目的:

6、建立业务关系 We are writing you and hope to enter into business relations with you.我们写信给你希望建立业务关系。 We are writing you and willing to open up business relations with you. 我们写信与你联系,以期与贵公司建立业务关系。 We would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you.我们愿借此机会与贵公司建立业务关系。,30.10.2020,32,

7、自我介绍 We have been in this line of business for many years. 我们从事这项业务已经多年。 We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension.我们有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与你们合作,扩展业务。 We are writing to introduce ourselves as one of the leadin

8、g manufacturers dealing with optical components and instrument with good connections in China.现函告我公司为中国光学零件和仪器制造领域的领先制造商,在国内拥有大批客户。 We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as exporters dealing exclusively in garments,我们利用此机会介绍,我公司为专门经营服装的出口商。,30.10.2020,33,要求寄送有关资料 Please send us your catalo

9、gues and quatations.请给我们寄你公司的商品目录和价目单。 We shall appreciate your catalogues and quotations.如能寄你公司的商品目录和价目单当十分感谢。 In order to give you some idea of various qualities of products we handle, we have pleasure in forwarding you by airmail one catalogue and a few sample books for your reference.为使你方对窝工四的产品

10、有一初步了解,今航寄我方目录和一些阳平供你放参考。,30.10.2020,34,确认收到来信 Thank(We thank) you very much for your email on July 1, 2006,谢谢贵公司2006年7月1日发来的邮件 We have duly received with many thanks your letter dated June 20, 2005, 贵公司2005年6月20日函悉,谢谢。 In reply to your letter dated Sep. 28, 2005 enquiring for ball lenses, we would

11、like to inform you that接你公司2005年9月28日邮件,承询球面透镜,现答复。,30.10.2020,35,Dear Sirs, Re:Caculating Machine From the latest issue of the “financial Times”, we know that your corporation deals in Desktop and Poket size Calculating Machines for export. We are regularly interested in such electronic products of

12、 all types and shall appreciate it if you will make us best possible offers CIF Toronto, for promt shipment under usual letter of credit terms. We await your early reply. Yours faithfully, Jie Zhang,A letter purchasing Calculating machines,30.10.2020,36,Reply to the above letter,Dear Ms Zhang, We ha

13、ve received with many thanks your letter dated August 15,2005. As there are many type of Desk-top and Pocket-size Calculating Machines, we can not conveniently quote without specific enquiries. We hope you will inform us what particular calculating machines are of current interest to you. To make it

14、 clearly understood, we should mention that our terms of payment call for confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight. We thank you for your approach and look forward to pleasant relations with you. Truly yours, John Smith,30.10.2020,37,Translate the following letter into Eng

15、lish,敬启者: 我公司从网上得知贵公司的名称和地址,并了解到你公司经营玩具的进出口。今特致函与你望能与你建立业务关系。 若能提供贵公司的有关产品的目录和价目单,将不胜感激。 如果价格合理而且交货期可以接受,相信能成交大笔交易。 谨上,30.10.2020,38,Dear Sir or Madam, Having obtained your name and address from the Internet, we learn that you are handling the import and export of Toys. We are writing you in the hop

16、e of establishing business relations with you. It will be highly appreciated if you will send us your catalogues and quotations. If Price are in line and time of shipment is acceptable, we trust important business will be closed. Yours truly,30.10.2020,39,Write a reply according to the incoming email,To: Date:October 3, 2003 10:15 am Subject: Hello Dear Sirs: Having obtained your name and address from the Internet. We are writing you in the hope of entering into trade



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