【部编】人教(PEP)三年级英语上册教案设计《Unit3 Look at me》Lesson1

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1、 人教(PEP)三年级英语上册教案设计Unit3 Look at meLesson1人教(PEP)三年级英语上册教案设计Unit3 Look at meLesson1第一课时课时内容A. Lets talk. Lets play.课时分析Lets talk仍然是情景对话呈现部分。早上Chen Jie高高兴兴去上学。小鸟也快乐地用 Good morning 来向她问好。她也用 Good morning来回应。接着她碰到了Mike。Mike用How are you来询问她的近况。她则用Im fine, thank you. 来表示回应。并提议:Lets go to school! Mike爽快地回

2、答:OK!这个小情景特别符合学生每天的生活实际。在这样的场景下,学生能够非常清晰地理解重点句式How are you? Im fine, thank you. 以及Lets go to school的含义,并有助于他们在实际生活中正确运用这些句式进行交流和表达。Lets play是一首How are you?的歌曲。具体内容为:Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? How are you? Im fine. Thank you. Im fine. Thank you. How are you? How are you?在学习完如何运用How are

3、you来询问他人近况之后,这样的歌曲可以帮助学生巩固所学的句型。同时,让学生在吟唱中,培养自己的节奏感。并通过加动作表演等多种形式,提高学生参与的积极性,激发他们的英语学习兴趣。课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读句型:How are you? Im fine, thank you. Lets .2. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用How are you? 来询问他人的近况,并能以Im fine, thank you. 来回应。3. 能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用Lets . 来提出自己的想法和建议。4. 能够大胆表达,乐于使用英语与他人进行交流。课时重难点1.重点能够听懂、会说、认读句型:

4、How are you? Im fine, thank you. Lets .2. 难点能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用How are you? 来询问他人的近况,并能以Im fine, thank you. 来回应。能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用Lets . 来提出自己的想法和建议。教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 教材人物图片或头饰、手偶教学过程Step 1 Warm up1.出示教材中小主人公的图片,请学生向他们打招呼。Teacher:Look at the picture. Whos this? She is Sarah. Please say hello to Sarah

5、. Hello, Sarah. And He is Mike. Say Hello to Mike, please.2. 齐说韵句:Hello, Sarah, hi, hi, hi. 教师出示教材中人物的图片,学生据此向他们打招呼,说韵句。Teacher:Lets chant to say hello to them.Hello, Sarah, hi, hi, hi. Hello, Mike, hi, hi, hi. Hello, John, hi, hi, hi. Hello, Chen Jie, hi, hi, hi. Hello, Miss White, hi, hi, hi.设计意图:

6、以教材中的主要人物来热身,并将打招呼的内容形成韵句。学生在有节奏的吟唱中,做好下一步英语学习的心理和知识准备。Step 2 Lead in1.以生日快乐歌的曲调,演唱Good morning.Teacher: Hello,boys and girls. Lets sing good morning together. Listen to me first. Then sing with me.Good morning to you. Good morning to you. Good morning, boys and girls, good morning to you.2. 出示Chen

7、Jie 的图片,请学生向她打招呼。Teacher:Whos this? Please say good morning to her.设计意图:以歌曲来复习上一节课的学习过的句式,并引入本课时的内容,使学生在愉快的氛围中温故知新。Step 3 Presentation1. 展示教材图片,讨论图片人物,请学生猜测人物的身份。播放课文内容,学生倾听。Teacher:This is Chen Jie. Whats this? Yes, Its a bird. Whos this? Yes, hes Mike. What are they talking about? Listen to the ta

8、pe and find.2. 讨论对话内容。Teacher:What does Chen Jie say to the bird? Yes. She says: Good morning. What does Mike say to Chen Jie? Yes, he says: How are you? (板书句式)Read after me, please. How are you? What does Chen Jie answer? She says: Im fine. Thank you. (板书句子) Read after me. Im fine. (做动作,使学生理解fine的含

9、义)Fine, fine, fine. Im fine. I am fine. (做动作,使学生理解thank you的意思)Thank you. And what does Chen jie want to do? Yes,she says: lets go to school. (板书句子)Lets go to school. Repeat it, please. (出示学生去上学的图片,讲解go to school)This is a school. The boys and girls go to school. Say it together, please. Go to schoo

10、l. Lets go to school.(走到学生身边,邀请学生一起上学,做出背着书包去上学的动作)Hi, XXX. Lets go to school.设计意图:让学生养成利用磁带等方式获取原声录音的学习习惯,通过倾听原汁原味的地道语言来培养自己的听力感受及倾听理解能力。在听前布置小问题,让学生带着问题去倾听,便于培养他们认真倾听且在听中获取关键词句的能力。在学生对对话内容有基本理解之后,再谈论课文内容,通过肢体语言及图片等帮助学生理解新授句式及词汇的含义。Step 4 Practice1. 再次播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets rea

11、d the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefully.2. 学生分角色朗读课文。Teacher: Now, who wants to be Chen Jie? Who wants to be Mike? Who wants to be the bird? Lets read the dialogue in roles.3. 请学生戴上头饰来扮演对话的角色,表演对话。Teacher: Now well find the best actor or actress. Please come to the fro

12、nt and show the dialogue.设计意图:通过以上三个活动,使学生能够充分理解课文内容,并且能够正确朗读课文。在不同形式的读和表演活动中,使学生逐步理解并掌握本课的重点句型,为其达到熟练表达奠定基础。4.链式活动 ,请一排学生前一个问,后一个答,答者接着问下一个,进行How are you? Im fine, thank you. 问答练习。Teacher:Lets do a chain work. This line, please. How are you?Student: Im fine. Thank you. How are you?.设计意图:通过链条式一问一答活动

13、,使学生既能练习到问句,又能练习到答句,而且以这种交流式的回答来进行,使学生在练习中明白两个句子的意义及使用方法。5. 播放Lets do里的歌曲,学生先听,再跟唱,再加上动作进行练习,然后表演。Teacher:You did a very good job. I will show a song for you. What is the song about? Listen carefully.Teacher: What is the song about? Yes, its about how are you. Listen to the song again. This time, si

14、ng with the tape, please.Teacher: Lets do some actions when we sing the song. Look at me, please. Hello, Hello.(伸出一只手摆动,做打招呼的动作)How are you?(将双手向前伸,掌心向上)Im fine. (双手收回,轻点胸前)Thank you. (双手合十,做感谢的动作) Now, please do with me.Teacher: Lets sing the song together and do the actions.Teacher: Lets sing the song in pairs and do the actions.设计意图: 先请学生认真倾听,熟悉歌词及曲调。再简单分析歌词内容,请学生通过跟唱掌握曲调。再加上动作,让学生在动作中体会、理解歌词的内容,进而进一步熟悉本课的重点句式。再通过


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