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1、1,灾害管理培训,2,概况,课程目标:了解灾害管理的基本概念和当今灾害管理的趋势,了解灾害管理和发展之间的关系、了解损害评估和需求分析的方法、了解社区灾害风险管理的方法及过程、了解参与式风险评估的概念及方法,3,交流内容,灾害管理的基本概念和术语 灾害管理的趋势 灾害与发展的关系 评估方法简介,4,灾害管理的基本概念和术语,基本术语:灾害、致灾因子、风险、风险元素、能力、易损性、灾害风险、响应、求援救济、恢复、修复、重建、发展、减轻、准备、防御、灾害风险管理 灾害管理的趋势:防御、减轻、救灾-防灾、备灾、将灾害风险纳入发展周期中 国家-社区 多层次、多方位与多学科的参与及共同工作的全面灾害管理

2、 灾害风险管理的周期:大范围的组织、机构的参与和有效合作,与制度国家发展规划相联,旨在创造最佳利用资源、最大程度减少重复的有规划的环境,增强可持续发展,并提高国家和社区的抵御能力,包括确定背景、辨别风险、分析风险、评估风险、接受风险、应对风险,5,灾害管理的趋势,趋势:综合灾害风险管理,帮助 决策者在发展规划中进行灾害风险分析,从而减轻投资风险 社区参与灾害风险管理,6,灾害管理周期的变化,灾害管理周期包括六个阶段: 防御 减轻 准备 响应 修复 恢复,Emergency Response 紧急响应,Rehabilitation 修复,Reconstruction 重建,Disaster Pr

3、evention 防灾,Disaster Mitigation 减灾,Disaster Preparedness 备灾,Warning 预警,Disaster 灾害,7,New Paradigm,8,Understanding the impact of disaster risks on development and incorporating disaster risk considerations into development funding and planning Development should support the reduction of vulnerability

4、 and the building of community and country resilience Development agencies and donors must promote linkages between their development and humanitarian work,Holistic、Comprehensive、Cooperative and Collaborative、Multi-level, multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary involvement 、Considers underlying cau

5、ses of disasters, conditions of disaster risks,CHARM moves the focus away from departments and agencies supporting a wide range of non-coordinated activities, towards a broader and integrated programming approach that will promote the achievement of sustainable outcomes.,9,社区参与灾害风险管理,To enable the v

6、ulnerable members of a community or society to obtain the benefits that they desire and expect from their collective participation in the identification, planning, implementation and evaluation of risk reduction project. 使社区或社会的脆弱群体获得他们所渴望并期待的好处。这些好处是从他们在集体参与减轻灾害风险项目的辨别、规划、实施和评估中获得的。,目标:,10,什么是社区灾害风

7、险管理过程,Process of mobilizing a group of people in a systematic way towards achieving a common risk reduction objective which takes place in a geographically-defined living area (or) in sector groups not necessarily living in a district location. 社区灾害风险管理过程是指:用一种有系统的方式,动员一群人完成减轻灾害风险的共同目标的过程。这一过程发生在居住在

8、同一地理区域的社区,或发生在一个专业领域但不一定同属一个地理区域的人群中。,11,Stages in Community Based Disaster Risk Management Process社区灾害风险管理过程的步骤.,Stage,1,INITIATING THE PROCESS 创始过程,EXTERNAL INVOLVEMENT 外部参与,Request for assistance from within vulnerable communities 来自脆弱社区的援助要求 Identification of vulnerable communities by intermedia

9、ries 由相关的中间组织辨别脆弱的社区 A hazard event or disaster that highlights the need for assistance 需要重点援助应对的致灾因子或灾害 Knowledge of local situations, processes and systems 了解当地情况、经济、社会关系及政治、行政管理系统,12,Stage,2,COMMUNITY PROFILING 社区剖面,EXTERNAL INVOLVEMENT 外部参与,Initial integration with the community 与社区接触、融合 Underst

10、anding of the community, its developmental positions and the context upon which disaster will impact 了解社区的基本情况、社区的发展状况及灾害将造成对社区的影响 Identification of social groups, cultural arrangements, economic activities, spatial characteristics, vulnerable households and groups 辨别社会团体、文化习俗、经济活动、地理区域特征、脆弱的家庭和群体,S

11、tages in Community Based Disaster Risk Management Process社区灾害风险管理过程的步骤.,13,Stage,3,COMMUNITY RISK ASSESSMENT 社区风险评估,COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 社区参与,Hazard Mapping 绘制致灾因子图 Vulnerability assessment 易损性评估 Capacity assessment 能力评估 Peoples perception of disaster risks 人们对灾害风险的认识,=,The size of the problem and

12、the opportunities to deal with 问题的大小和 应对机会,Stages in Community Based Disaster Risk Management Process社区灾害风险管理过程的步骤.,14,Stage,4,RISK REDUCTION PLANNING 减轻灾害风险计划,COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 社区参与,Preparedness measures 准备措施 Mitigation measures 减轻措施 Roles, responsibilities, schedules, inputs, outputs 角色责任、 日程表

13、、 输入、输出 Community target and indicators 社区目标和指标,Stages in Community Based Disaster Risk Management Process 社区灾害风险管理过程的步骤.,15,Stage,4,RISK REDUCTION PLANNING 减轻灾害风险计划,COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 社区参与,Preparedness measures 准备措施 Mitigation measures 减轻措施 Roles, responsibilities, schedules, inputs, outputs 角色责

14、任、 日程表、 输入、输出 Community target and indicators 社区目标和指标,Stages in Community Based Disaster Risk Management Process 社区灾害风险管理过程的步骤.,16,Stage,5,IMPLEMENTING AND MONITORING 实施和监测,COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 社区参与,Strengthening of Community Response Organization 加强社区的响应组织 Community mobilization in risk reduction

15、activities 动员社区开展减轻风险活动,Stages in Community Based Disaster Risk Management Process社区灾害风险管理过程的步骤.,17,Stage,6,EVALUATION AND FEEDBACK 评估和反馈,COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 社区参与,Lessons learned 学习教训 Documentation and dissemination of best practices 归档文字材料,并传播最佳实践经验,Stages in Community Based Disaster Risk Managem

16、ent Process社区灾害风险管理过程的步骤,18,灾害与发展的关系,Cause and effect relationship between disasters and development is ignored. 灾害与发展之间的因果关系被忽略 Disasters are seen in the context of emergency response. 对灾害只看到紧急响应的一面 Development programs are not assessed in the context of disaster risks. 发展项目没有考虑灾害风险因素 Communities under disaster stress are seen as too turbulent for development initiatives. 受灾害威胁的社区对于发展活动过于狂热,19,Political system securing citizen participation in decisio



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