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1、,生产件批准程序 Production Part Approval Process (PPAP),Presented by: Max Zhang Ford CSO STA 9th August 2007,2,PPAP is to demonstrate suppliers understanding of:PPAP是为表明供应商怎样理解以下内容的一个过程:,- 零件的用法 Parts Usage - 相关的项目 Associated programs - 车辆 Vehicle - 型号年份 Model Year (MY),零件的功能 Parts functionality,零件的特性 Part

2、s Characteristics,特性的关键性 Criticality of features,怎样测量零件 How to gauge the part,生产要求 Production requirements,工程图纸要求 Engineering drawing requirements 工程规范 (ES) 材料特性 Material Characteristics 材料处理(热处理, 外观) Material Treatment (Heat Treat, Appearance),安全特性 Operator Safety features, if any 关键特性 Critical Cha

3、racteristics 重要特性 Significant Characteristics 高影响的特性 High Impact Characteristics 传递特性 Pass Through Characteristics,使用哪些最为合适的量具 What most suitable gauges to use? - 计量型量具 Variable gauges - 计数型量具 Attribute gauges 基准 Datum 测量方法和装配工厂存在相关性 Measurement Correlation with using plants,何时需要? When needed? 哪里需要?

4、 Where needed? 多少数量? How much? -按节拍生产 Run at Rate -生产能力确认 Capacity Verification,3,Application什么时候用到PPAP?,PPAP is required for, but not limited to: PPAP对以下情况适用(但不局限于): All new tooled parts (使用新模具生产零件) All new vehicle programs and running changes for vehicles currently in production (新车型,或者是对现有车型的变更)

5、Any change in supplier operating pattern (i.e. new shift) (生产模式的变更) Any additional, modified or reconfigured production tooling, equipment or work streams (模具,设备或生产线的增加,改造或重新装配) Revised customer DPV (Daily Production Volume) exceeding verified supplier capacity level (客户需求量的增加),4,Content内容,Phased PP

6、AP introduction 阶段性生产件批准程序的介绍 Ford special requirements to PPAP 18 elements. 福特汽车对于生产件批准18个项目的要求。 VPP usage VPP的使用方法,阶段性生产件批准程序PHASED PPAP PROCESS,6,What is the Phased PPAP?什么是Phased PPAP?,Phased PPAP is Fords approach to PPAP process management Phased PPAP是福特特有的生产件批准管理程序。 Introduced to improve upon

7、 launch performance 用来提高项目开发和实施的表现。 Requires a supplier site to demonstrate Manufacturing capability (制造能力) Product quality (产品质量) And production capacity (产能) prior to job #1 (在J#1之前),7,Phased PPAP vs the old PPAPPhased PPAP与PPAP的比较,Phased PPAP organizes the process into four phases Phase 0: Run-at

8、-Rate Phase 1: Quality Verification Phase 2: Production Verification Phase 3: Capacity Verification,PPAP,X,1 PP,FEU,Job 1,Phased PPAPPhase 0Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3,8,Supplier Phased PPAP Process Map阶段性生产件批准程序示意图,STATUS:,Phase 2,Completed,Phase 2,Warrant,#18,Yes,Status Tracking,Database,2,3,4,Proceed t

9、o next page,Submit to,Customer,Important note:,Phase 2 and Phase 3 can happen,concurrently if all Inputs and,Outputs are satisfied,No,Phase 0 Run-at-Rate,Phase 1 Quality Verification,Phase 2 Production Verification,Phase 3 Capacity Verification,1 - Design Records 2 - Engineering Change Documents 3 C

10、ustomer Engineering Approval 4 - Design FMEA 5 - Process Flow Diagrams 6 - Process FMEA 7 - Control Plans 8 - Measurement System Analysis Studies 16 - Checking Aids 17 - Customer-Specific Requirements,9 - Dimensional Results 10 - Records of Material / Performance Test Results 11 - Initial Process St

11、udies 12 - Qualified Laboratory Documentation 13 - Appearance Approval Report 14 - Sample Production Parts 15 - Master Sample 18 - PPAP Warrant,PPAP Warrant (element 18),Run-at-Rate for all production streams (element 1 8, 16, 17),Quality Verification for all production streams (element 9 15),Capaci

12、ty Analysis Report,Capacity Analysis Report,PPAP Warrant (element 18),Have Run-at-Rates (Phase 0) been conducted and Quality Verifications (Phase 1) been satisfied for ALL production streams?,9,Phase 0: Run-At-Rate (按节拍生产),10,Phase 1 Prerequisites (Phase 1的先决条件),In order to begin Phase 1, the follow

13、ing are required: 要进入Phase 1,必须达到以下条件: Successful completion of Run-at-Rate (Phase 0) for at least one work stream 对至少一条生产线成功完成节拍生产 Capacity Analysis Report completed for at least one Job1-intended production work stream 对至少一条生产线成功完成产能分析 Tier “X” successful completion of Phase 1 分供方完成了Phase 1 PPAP.,

14、11,Phase 1: Quality Verification (质量验证),1,Continue Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) using parts from Phase 0 Dimensional measurements #9 Material tests #10 Statistical process package #11 Performance tests #12 Appearance criteria #13 Sample parts #14 Master samples #15 Customer-specific requi

15、rements #17 As defined by PPAP,Return toPhase 0 for corrective action,STATUS: Phase 1 Complete,Phase 1 Warrant #18,Status Tracking Database,4,2,NO,Submitto customer,YES,Have the PPAP elements been satisfied?,Important note: for suppliers with only one production stream, completion of Phase 1 & 2 occ

16、ur at the same time.,4,12,What is required to get Phase 1 PSW approval?获得Phase1 PSW的条件,13,Input Requirements (Phase 2的先决条件),Phase 2 requires the following (Phase2需要以下条件): All Job 1 intended production work streams have successfully completed Run-at-Rate (所有生产线都成功完成了节拍生产) Capacity Analysis Reports completed for all Job 1 intended production work streams (所有生产线都



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