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1、Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 一、教学内容: Unit 7 Summer holiday plan ( storytime ) Period 1 二、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Will you ?及其回答 Yes, I will/No, I wont.Where/When/How long/What will you? I /We will 2. 能听懂、会说、会读会写词汇summerholiday /stay/sound/Disneyland/ OceanPark/Taipei/traveler/travel around the world/ d

2、ifferent. 3.会运用一般将来时态的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。 三、教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Will you ?及其回答 Yes, I will/No, I wont.Where/When/How long/What will you? I /We will 2.会运用一般将来时态的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。 四、教学难点: 会运用一般将来时态的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。 五、课前准备:卡片, PPT 六、教学过程: StepI:Warm up 1. Sing a song . 2. Free talk(出示自己的信息卡片 ) 让学生猜自己的兴趣爱好 I like tra

3、veling .Last summer holiday , I went to shanghai and Beijing (出示东方明珠 和天安门 ) Step II:Presentation and practise 1.This summer holiday ,Ill go to HongKong and Taipei .(出示香港迪士尼乐园和台 北 图片) 从而引出单词Hong Kong / DisneyLand / Taipei . 通过出示东方明珠、天安门、迪士尼乐园、 Taipei 图片 和学生进行问答,引出 句型: Where will you go for the holida

4、y ? When will you go ? What will you do ? I /We will 2.Work in pairs. StepIII : Come to the storytime. T 与学生交流 T:Oh, You will go to Beijing this summer holiday .Then, What about YangLing and Mike summer holiday ?Do you want to know? A:分层阅读: 1. listen and answer . T: First, listen to the tape,then an

5、swer my questions . Q1: What are the children talking about ? They are talking about their plans for the summer holiday ? (在问题中引出新单词plans/ summer holiday, 从而导入本课课题) Q1: How long will YangLing stay London ? She will stay there for a month ? (学习新单词How long/ stay ) 1. Watch the cartoon, Match and say .

6、 2. Listen and repeat ,then read the dialogue and fill in the tables. Who Where How How long what Mike YangLing Su Hai Liu Tao 4.Read the dialogue by yourselves,then complete the exercise of P69. B:整篇阅读 1.让学生通篇阅读,画出不理解的句子和词组,然后小组讨论,把讨论结果写在 纸上,之后小组汇报,师生共同解决。 T: Today we ve learned a dialogue of diffe

7、rent hobbies. Now read the whole dialogue and find out the sentences and phrases do not understand, write on paper, panel discussion, followed by group presentation, students and common solutions. 2.小组内分角色朗读,讨论共同找出本文的中心意思/ 大体意思,然后每小组抽 一个代表汇报 T: Ok. Well done . Now boys and girls sub-role within the

8、group read, discuss together to find the central meaning of this article / general meaning, then a representative of each group reported pumping 3. According to the blackboard design and try to retell the dialogue. Step4:Consolidation (拓展练习 ) 1.T: Today We ve learned a dialogue about summer holiday

9、plans . Can you make a similar dialogue use these sentences ? talk with your partner .Then Ill ask some pairsact.(2 pairs) 2. So much for today .Finally, I ll give you a proverb“Travel will enhance romance and adventure. 旅行能加强浪漫气息和冒险意味。 Step5:Homework 必做: 1.Copy the new words/phrases three times. 2.

10、Listen and Read the dialogue five times. 选做: Talk about the summer holiday with your parents or friends use these useful sentences. Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 内容: Unit 7 ( Grammar time& Fun time ) Period 2 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Will you ?及其回答 Yes, I will/No, I wont. Where/When/How long/What will yo

11、u? I /We will 2.能够运用一般将来时来以 (滚雪球)的游戏形式交流暑假出行计划的操练活动。 教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Will you ?及其回答 Yes, I will/No, I wont. Where/When/How long/What will you? I /We will 2.能够运用一般将来时来以 (滚雪球)的游戏形式交流暑假出行计划的操练活动。 教学难点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Will you ?及其回答 Yes, I will/No, I wont. Where/When/How long/What will you? I /We

12、 will 2.能够运用一般将来时来以 (滚雪球)的游戏形式交流暑假出行计划的操练活动。 课前准备:卡片, PPT 教学时间: Period 2 教学过程: Step 1:Warm up 3. Enjoy some pictures. 2. Free talk: Where will you go for ? When will you? Will you/they/he/she? Step 2:Revision 1. Read the dialogue (Story time). 2. Answer the question: Where will Mike /Yang Ling/Su Ha

13、i/Liu Tao go ? What will? How long will? Step 3 :Presentation 1. To teach Grammar time. (1)Read the sentences. ( 表格 1 和 2) (2)Ask and answer: Will Mike go back to London for the summer holiday? Will he stay there for two weeks? Will Yang Ling go to Shanghai for the summer holiday? 学生找规律:Find the rul

14、e: Will? Yes, will./No, won t. (3) Read the sentences( 表格 3和 4) (4) Ask and answer: 师先问一个学生有关于暑假活动的安排: T: Where will you go for the summer holiday? S1: I will T: When will you go? S1: I will T: How long will you go? S1: I will T:What will you do there? S1: I will 两人一组用 Where / When / How long/ What

15、will he/she ? 来询问有关 S1同学的 暑假活动按安排。 小组讨论再发现规律 : 特殊疑问词 +will+ 主语+单词原型 ? 主语+will+ 动词原形 . 2. To teach Fun time. (1)Make a model: T: I will go to. S1: I will go to. T: He/She will go to I will go to. (2) Work in pairs then play the game. Step 4.Summary Will ? Yes, will./No, wont. 特殊疑问词 +will+ 主语+单词原型 ? 主

16、语+will+ 动词原形 . Step 5 Homework 1. Try to write your summer holiday plans with“will”. 2. Talk about summer holiday plans each other. 板书设计: Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Will ? Yes, will./ No,wont. Where/When/How long/What will? will Unit 7 Summer holiday plans 内容: Unit 7 ( Sound time, Culture time& Cartoon time ) Period 3 教学目标: 1.了解并掌握 oy 字母组合的发音,以及在具体的单词中的运用。 2.了解西方文化,增强跨文化意识。 3.进一步理解运用一般将来时,能用一般将来时态进行交流



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