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1、高考英语复习 1 高考英语阅读理解专题训练 A Some people describe American society as a salad bowl while others think of it as a melting pot. In a bowl of salad ,all the ingredients are mixed together. 1 Together,however,the ingredients make up a unity.All the ingredients of a salad contribute to the finished product.Th

2、ey may be covered with the same dressing(调味酱 ),but the green vegetables,tomatoes and cooked corn can all be seen for what they are. From this point of view ,America is very much like a salad bowl where individual ethnic groups mix together, yet maintain their cultural uniqueness.People may work toge

3、ther during the day at similar jobs and in the same companies,but at night they may return to their ethnic groups where their own individual culture directs their way of life. 2 Each ethnic group has its own special customs,language,food and traditions to protect and defend.This idea of the salad bo

4、wl is referred to as cultural diversity ;that is,American society is a collection of various cultures living together in harmony within one country. 3 Here, society is like one large pot of soup.All cultural aspects are mixed together, sacrificing their original identity and keeping a bit of what th

5、ey were to become a new reality.The longer the soup is cooked,the better the taste and the more likely it will be for the mixture to dissolve.In this sense,America can surely be seen as a melting pot where people from all over the world come to live and work together forming one nation. There are do

6、zens of shared symbols. 4 In such a culture,symbols like the flag and the nation s official song serve to break down the walls which separate ethnic groups. Whether a salad bowl or a melting pot , America can be best described as a mixture of both. 5 A Both are correct depending on one s point of vi

7、ew. B They never lose their shapes,colors or tastes. C This is why there is so much diversity within America. D In other words,America is a nation where there is unity in diversity. E Thus,one needs to abandon one s culture to be considered “American ” FThey serve to develop the various ethnic group

8、s to create a new American culture. G The other theory,which is also used to describe American society ,is the melting pot. 语篇解读本文是一篇论述性的文章。文章主要讲述了人们对美国社会的形容。一些人认为 它是一个沙拉碗,另一些人认为它是一个大熔炉。 1答案B 解析由空后的 “Together,however,the ingredients make up a unity. ”及本段最后一句中的“.can be seen for what they are. ”可知选 B

9、项。 高考英语复习 2 2答案C 解析全段都是讲的美国有如此多的差异性的原因,故选C 项。 3答案G 解析从空后面一句 “.society is like one large pot of soup. ”这是和前面不同的观点。所以G 为正确选项。 4答案F 解析由关键词In such a culture,可以推断选项F 中的 a new American culture 与之相符。所以F 为正确选 项。 5答案D 解析总结句选择。由In other words 可以看出这是对本文总结的另一种说法。所以D 为正确选项。 B Moving abroad can be a challenging e

10、xperience.You leave your family , friends and everything you know behind.You enter a new culture where the customs and sometimes the languages are different. 6 .It s a time to discover new things ,make new friends and begin a new adventure. So what are the best ways to involve yourself in the new cu

11、lture while living abroad? Live with a native speaker 7 .First,you have a friend!Living alone can be a lonely experience , especially if you re far from home.Ive also had the opportunity to meet my housemate s friends and socialize( 交往 ) with them. 8 .In addition, you have someone to tell you about

12、the cultural customs and interesting places in the area. Socialize with the local people The thought of making friends and mixing with the local people may seem scary at first but its worth it. 9 ,attending an evening class or participating in a language exchange with people that are interested in l

13、earning your native language. 10 The food in France is amazing and discovering new food is a fun experience.Ive tried things that I ve never tried before.My knowledge of different bread and cheese types has grown greatly. A Try the local food B But its also exciting C I currently volunteer with home

14、less people D You can also speak the local language every day E Improve my French vocabulary and understanding FYou can meet other people in the area by joining a club G There are many advantages of living with a native speaker 语篇解读本文介绍了几种我们在国外的时候尽快适应当地人生活的方法。 6答案B 解析根据空格前的内容“You enter a new culture

15、 where.are different. ”及空格后的内容“ Its a time to discover new things.a new adventure. ”可知,空格处起承上启下的作用。故选B。 高考英语复习 3 7答案G 解析根据该段小标题“Live with a native speaker ”可知,应选G。 8答案D 解析该段主要讲述了与本地人一起居住的好处,故选D。 9答案F 解析根据该段小标题 “Socialize with the local people” 及下文的 “attending an evening class or participating in a l

16、anguage exchange” 可知,空格处内容应是关于与当地人交往的具体做法,故选F。 10答案A 解析这里填的应该是主题句,是对下文的一个总结。A 项中的 “the local food ”和下文中的 “The food” 相一致,故选A。 C Third- Culture Kids Did you grow up in one culture , your parents came from another, and you are now living in a totally different country?If so,then you are a third- culture kid! The term “third-culture kid ” (or TCK) was coined in the 1960s by Dr.Ruth.She first came across this phenomenon when sh


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