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1、1 人教版义务教育课程实验教科书 小学英语六年级下册 Unit 2 What s the matter, Mike? (教案 ) 玉溪聂耳小学张桦 一、教学设计的基本理念 新英语课程标准提出了“构建以学生发展为本”的教学理念, 将通过师生间在课堂中教与学的各种交流活动,既学习生成知识, 又获得提高智能,提倡学生参与,体验,亲身实践,独立思考、 合作探究,培养学生创新精神和实践能力,创设良好的英语学习 氛围,提高学生综合语言运用能力。结合本课教学实际,我依据 新的课程标准,尝试从教材入手,引导学生将课堂教学内容编成 chant ,用于巩固所学新内容,通过形式多样的方式进行教学。具 体做法如下:

2、(1) 从学生感兴趣的话题入手,引导学生将本课的单词编成富 有儿童情趣的chant, 以组内组成的方式进行表演。 (2) 坚持多媒体与教材整合,给学生创设形象直观的学习情 境。 (3) 以人为本,面向全体,全员参与,活动为主线,增加学生 的语言实践机会。 二、教材分析 2 人教版小学英语六年级下册第二单元第四课时主要学习和练 习两部分的内容。第一部分是听、说、读、写本课的重点单词: excited, tired, sad, happy, bored, angry; 能从六幅图中表 述自己的情感。第二部分掌握句型How do you feel if you climb mountains? 及回

3、答; How are you,?You look so及回答; 能够陈述产生某种心情的原因及怎样鼓励、劝慰别人。 本节课的重点: 1) 听懂会说并认读单词excited, tired, sad, happy, bored, angry;并且能熟练地运用到相关句型中。2)能够 使用句型: How are you, ? You look so及回答 Yes, I 引 导 学 生 说 出I m glad/sorry to hear that. Believe yourself. Study hard. Enjoy yourself并能够根据实际情况回 答。 本节课的难点 :听、说、读、写单词exci

4、ted, tired, sad, happy, bored, angry;以及学生能够陈述产生某种心情的原因及 怎样鼓励、劝慰别人。 三、 教学目标 知识目标: 1)Listen, say, read and write excited, tired, sad, happy, bored, angry 2)Drills: How do you feel if you climb mountains? I feel 3 How are you ,? You look so I m glad/sorry to hear that. Believe yourself. Study hard. Enj

5、oy yourself. 能力目标: 1)培养学生掌握如何用英语表述心情并能简单陈述原因。 2)发展学生的观察力、想象力,增强其创新能力。 情感目标: 锻炼学生积极用英语与他人交际的能力,以及相互之间的合 作学习能力。通过创编Chant,让学生感受到英语的音韵美。 创编 Chant 如下: How are you feeling? Tired, tired, I am tired. Oh, you look so tired today. How do you feel? Excited, excited, I am excited. Oh, you look so excited today

6、. 四、 教具准备 多媒体课件、单词图片、评价智慧星和录音机等。 五、教学过程 4 教师活动学生活动 I.Warm-up/Revision(热身 /复习) T:Class begins. Hello,boys and girls. How are you? I m fine, too. Sit down, please. 1)Now, boys and girls, Let s chant together “How are you feeling?” 2)Next let s listen, do and act.(放 录音,做动作 ) How do you feel? I feel hot

7、 ,hot ,hot ,hot. Can I go swimming? Yes, yes, yes. I m glad to hear that. 3)All of you look at the screen, please. Let s read together.( 学生 齐读)大屏幕展示 20 个词组,快速复 Ss: Hello, MissZhang. Fine, thank you, and you? Ss:Teacher and students say the chant together happily. Ss: Teacher and students do the acti

8、ons together happily.( 师生同做 ) Ss:学生全班齐读。 5 习巩固词组。 II.Presentation 1) Look, listen and say(看一看, 听一听,说一说 ) T:师带有感情色彩和肢体动作说:“I feelhappy, because I can fly a kite. ” “How do you feel if you climb mountains?” 2) Look at the screen and listen( 大屏幕展示六张学生真 人照片。 T: “ Do you want to learn these new words? Ok

9、, Let s listen and say.” 3) Teach these new words with the picture cards. “tired ,tired, tired” “t-i-r-e-d” 师抽读 3-5 名学生。 Ss:生答:“高兴 / 兴奋 / 难过 / 生 气”并做出相应表情。 Ss:学生看,听,学说生词 Ss:生跟读“ tired ,tired tired ”“ t-i-r-e-d” 3-5 名学生个别起来读该词。 Ss: 生 跟 读 “ excited, excited, excited, ”“ e-x-c-r-e-d” 6 “excited, excite

10、d, excited” “e-x-c-i-t-e-d” 师抽读 1-2 小组学生。 教授 angry, bored, happy, sad等词 方法同上。 Practice in groups. 4)Memory Games (记忆游戏) T: Look at the screen 2 minutes. Who can spell it quickly? Ask several students to spell. 5)Listen imitate(模仿秀) T:播放听的内容, 共三遍,请生模仿。 6)Let s talk( 跟读课文 ) T: Open your books, turn to

11、 page 20,let s learn these patterns. .Now let s practice in groups. T: You can choose topic I or topic 1-2 个小组轮流读单词。 Ss:学生逐一拼读,再齐读,打乱 卡片顺序,再读。 Ss:组内练读。 Ss;让学生看图后,试图拼读单词 (凭记忆)。 Ss:学生先听,然后跟读,再模仿。 Ss:学生听一遍课文录音,跟读, 然后师生表演对话。 Ss:学生选择话题 1 或话题 2 进行 小组练习,并进行展演。 7 2 and practice. .Homework Ss:Copy the new wo

12、rds. 六、板书设计 Unit 2 Whats the matter, Mike? How do you feel if you climb mountains? I feel happy/excited/tired/sad/bored/angry. You look so tired/excited/happy/sad/bored/angry. 七、练习设计 Let s read together(学生齐读 ) go on a big trip go on a hard trip believe yourself study/work hard have a headache have a football match stay at home ride a bike play sports play computer games play basketball climb mountains fly kites make a snowman go swimming go hiking broke ones toy plant trees 8 failed the math test pass the math test


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