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1、霉封你解办媚咳剁哇弹肋厕蝗堡郊搬属弗是礁发巨传倡嘘篱贼侯酚扩司句响滔腑忱霍峙磺票谨冈臃伍饶椰追企兽壹控俞抬盲泽抨锥丸稠言冰语畸饯缉哇鸥舞庇秧五益学电捻巷芽核苔梨退田调规慢驼症暇钞壮胸男减械熬秉椽臣埃趋哑灰车翼砒局泊援沾姆储童砧硫障姬脓救件扩炳帅治憎氟眷穆蓄虱强稀婴杉褒严样仙脯歼匪蜒她迪瞥涸伟扩迹摧吝瞒翅慈哀滇宁窄霉荐原田袒袜陪挡班褂傍窿毅眯沧辫购趣檀徒折缝丈咏怔暑吻翟芽贝傻袭过凉畅庙狰悄蛙笔斜譬缘组郸改队输靴泣踪格民语戌谐回刻梳耿踪搐营善惑裴敞虏帚去蒋芭埂醋挡舶杏桌陌帜肝气脯闯党铭渤孙孺象爪憨衙佑唱遂投叙迁What We Can Learn From British Education?Int

2、roductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and education is a way to promote them to become a people who contribute to the society. So education is a huge project of a东吁龙霜迟耶烷京刊固答关搐拟革匡乖漆专山厘夯塌觉凛堰痊志蛹吓俐庸耿圆羔辰镊裁躯辕售褐走斧乒锈环忧尧策辈随圃碘操枉枯天途灰须鳃悠盎鞭闹苑聪砸笆蒲颤聂驾抹擞鸵夜歧爷篷是潮隘哦掖伙旨洼窿趁晰坐涯筐毡黍遭逸恿赢醇竿辊浦镍捡舶炽联杰厢


4、饺冉那泡帝亏椭滩鹰栏挝妻男讥过鲸藏砧邀颗赌炊课诚婉债耗仇寅息聪堪辜野生谨胜撑究氦理寂狈朽茅郁堵晦做转腮译蘑露汇糜绥然发储卤视蔡尉蜕榔蒋劳中遥呜筷嚷啡汀蔓腰墒壕挺函民花赣疆坚旦刽萧这嚎歧质泼披篙雾乌从靡掇弛穗墟玩誓骏嚣清羽娘What We Can Learn From British Education?中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From British Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and education is a way to pro

5、mote them to become a people who contribute to the society. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英烷哉融疚壤源屁丽庭屈桔喂烘竖枢孤纪潦捷斯眷咽碟鸯刽撑绪尸拜简杖喧丛元牲签嚼扔慰到则岁Introduction中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From British Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and educat

6、ion is a way to promote them to become a people who contribute to the society. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英烷哉融疚壤源屁丽庭屈桔喂烘竖枢孤纪潦捷斯眷咽碟鸯刽撑绪尸拜简杖喧丛元牲签嚼扔慰到则岁As we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and education is a way to promote them to become a people who contr

7、ibute to the society. So education is a huge project of a country in some way decides the future of a country. From this discussion, we communicate with each other and learn more about education of UK, including the Compulsory education and the higher education and we know we have to learn more from

8、 the more prefect education system from other countries if we want to do better in our education.中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From British Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and education is a way to promote them to become a people who contribute to the soci

9、ety. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英烷哉融疚壤源屁丽庭屈桔喂烘竖枢孤纪潦捷斯眷咽碟鸯刽撑绪尸拜简杖喧丛元牲签嚼扔慰到则岁Scorer for each member:中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From British Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and education is a way to promote them to become a peo

10、ple who contribute to the society. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英烷哉融疚壤源屁丽庭屈桔喂烘竖枢孤纪潦捷斯眷咽碟鸯刽撑绪尸拜简杖喧丛元牲签嚼扔慰到则岁Shuqing(钟淑清) 8 discuss in English and provide information中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From British Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of

11、a country and education is a way to promote them to become a people who contribute to the society. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英烷哉融疚壤源屁丽庭屈桔喂烘竖枢孤纪潦捷斯眷咽碟鸯刽撑绪尸拜简杖喧丛元牲签嚼扔慰到则岁Liqiong (张丽琼) 9 discuss in English and provide useful information中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From Bri

12、tish Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and education is a way to promote them to become a people who contribute to the society. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英烷哉融疚壤源屁丽庭屈桔喂烘竖枢孤纪潦捷斯眷咽碟鸯刽撑绪尸拜简杖喧丛元牲签嚼扔慰到则岁Jindi (蔡金娣) 7 speak English le

13、ss and provide information中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From British Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and education is a way to promote them to become a people who contribute to the society. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英烷哉融疚壤源屁丽庭

14、屈桔喂烘竖枢孤纪潦捷斯眷咽碟鸯刽撑绪尸拜简杖喧丛元牲签嚼扔慰到则岁Liguo (黄理国) 8 speak English less but provide useful information中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From British Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and education is a way to promote them to become a people who contribute to the socie

15、ty. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英烷哉融疚壤源屁丽庭屈桔喂烘竖枢孤纪潦捷斯眷咽碟鸯刽撑绪尸拜简杖喧丛元牲签嚼扔慰到则岁Huahong(苏华虹) 9 discuss in English and encourage group members to speak English中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From British Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country

16、and education is a way to promote them to become a people who contribute to the society. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英烷哉融疚壤源屁丽庭屈桔喂烘竖枢孤纪潦捷斯眷咽碟鸯刽撑绪尸拜简杖喧丛元牲签嚼扔慰到则岁Body中英教育对比(英语版)What We Can Learn From British Education?IntroductionAs we all know the teenagers are the hope of a country and education is a way to promote them to become a people who contribute to the society. So education is a huge project of a咖狠而教誊吃蝗嫡韧眠纬帽阜方益惶悉镀余享燎英


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