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1、2021考研英语作文写作高分词汇 时间过得很快,为了做好准备,下面由为你精心准备了“2021考研英语作文写作高分词汇”,持续关注将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 网恋 cyber romance Cyber romance is a dangerous game . Thus , youd better?refuse to chat with strangers in the midnight since you have no idea whether it is your father , grandma or a bad guy you dont know . 网恋是游戏,很危险,所以最好

2、拒绝深夜无聊的 _陌生人,因为你不知道他是你的爸爸,奶奶,还是什么不认识的坏人。 网购 online shopping Online shopping makes it easy for you to make price parisons . 网上购物便于人们进行价格比较。 团购 group shopping Not everyone thinks group-buying and shopping online is the best way to save money . 并非所有的人都认为团购和网上购物是省钱的最佳途径。 秒杀 sec-kill 网店 online shop/store

3、 A considerable number of students transition to the seller by the buyer , in the online shop has bee a fashion and trends , but also a way of business students . 相当多的大学生由买家过渡到卖家,在网上开店已经成为一种风尚与趋势,也是大学生创业的一种方式。 Whether youre working on a portfolio website , online store or Web app , making your pages

4、 easy and enjoyable for your visitors to use is key . 无论你是在做一个作品集网站、网上商店还是网络应用,让你的页面对用户来说可以容易和快乐的使用是一个关键。 信誉 credit Ample credit also tends to feed into spending and asset prices . That makes people feel richer . 信誉充足往往带动消费和资产价格上涨,于是,人们又觉得自己变富了。 退款 refund The Amazon Appstore , like Apples App Store

5、, does not have any sort of clear refund process or return window . 与苹果的应用商店类似,亚马逊的应用商店也没有任何形式的清晰的退款过程或窗口。 科学技术 science and technology We should exert ourselves in the struggle for the modernization of science and technology . 我们应为实现科学技术现代化而努力。 沉迷网络 web-addiction Web addiction has negative effect on

6、 the development of ego-identity . 网络成瘾行为会对大学生自我同一性的形成有负面影响。 电脑犯罪 puter crime Sabotage is also an increasingly mon type of puter crime . 蓄意破坏也是日益增加的普遍的电脑犯罪。 电子商务 e-merce The first law of e-merce is that if users cannot find the product , they cannot buy it either . 电子商务的第一法则是,如果用户不能找到商品,他们就不会购买它。 虚拟

7、生活 virtual life Most players live out virtual life with more than one character , as if they are trying out various facets of their persona . 另外,绝大多数的玩家都会在他们的虚拟生活中扮演多个角色,就好象他们要去尝试其人格中的多种面貌一样。 信息时代 information era The emergence of Information Network Anti - Counterfeit Technology is closely related t

8、o the ing information era . _络防伪技术的兴起,与当前信息时代的到来有着密切的联系。 网上冲浪 surf the Inter They feel constrainedespecially , perhaps , when they watch sa _ite television or surf the Inter . 他们感到压抑特别是在看卫星电视或在网上冲浪的时候。 _ electronic book An ebook is an electronic book presented in a digital format . _是一种 _籍,一种全新的阅读方式

9、。 网拍麻豆 model 浏览器购物 monitor shopping 橱窗购物 window shopping If not , window shopping can quickly bee an expensive hobby ! 如果你抵挡不了橱窗里商品的诱惑,你很可能迅速就会变成一个贵重商品的购物狂! 网络书评 inter book review His paper takes inter book review as an example to analyze present situation of library and give several suggestions for

10、 librarys inter book review . 文章以网络书评服务为例,分析了目前图书馆网络书评工作的现状,提出了加强图书馆网络书评服务工作的几点建议。 网上纠纷 online dispute Online Dispute Resolutions , like other Inter functions or services , develop and change quickly , so there is a need to master its latest development . 在线争端解决机制与其他互联网上的功能或服务一样,发展和变化速度快,必需掌握最新的具体发展

11、情况。 恶性骚扰 malicious harassment Malicious harassment as the development of the telemunications industry has bee intensified , result in serious harm to society . 恶意短信骚扰随着电信行业的发展变得愈演愈烈,给社会带来严重的危害。 品质保证 quality guarantee It has strict management system , plete quality guarantee system and fine pre-sale

12、and after-sale service system . 具有严格的管理制度,健全的品质保证体系和优良的售后售前服务系统。 互信 mutual trust Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation atone of all friendship . 相互间的信赖与对彼此的信心才是友谊的基石。 诚信 credibility We should speed up the establishment of a social credibility system . 我们应该加快建立社会信用体系。 品德 morality Personality

13、 includes morality , character , interests and self-qualification , reflecting a persons whole spirit . 个性包括品德、品格 、爱好、 自我修养等,能够反映一个人的整个精神面貌。 创新 innovation We must press ahead with the building of a national innovation system . 我们必须推进国家创新体系建设。 共赢 all-win We will continue to work hard to develop with

14、all other countries and regions in the world an economic relationship that features cooperation , mutual benefit , all-win and mon prosperity . 我们将继续与世界各国各地区努力发展合作、互利、共赢、共荣的经济关系。 欺诈 fraud This will put a premium on fraud . 这会助长欺诈歪风。 代价 cost If it is not being achieved or if it or if it is being achieved at a very heavy cost , which is politically not sustainable , then the government must look for other options . 如果我们不能达到这一目标,或者说我们要付出很大的代价才能实现这一目标,那在政治上是难以为继的,那么政府必须寻找其他选择方案。 社会文明 social civilization Labor is the motivation of social civilization , and it is


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