2021考研英语 作文加分短句复习

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《2021考研英语 作文加分短句复习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021考研英语 作文加分短句复习(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2021考研英语 作文加分短句复习 考研英语备考很多事情都要提上日程了,看看哪些是该注意的,下面由为你精心准备了“2021考研英语:作文加分短句的复习”,持续关注将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 1.It is important 或essential或crucial或significant for someone to do.对某人来说,做某事是重要要的 例句: It is vital for human beings to take immediate action to protect wild animals. 对人类来说,立刻采取措施保护野生动物至关重要。 2.There is lit

2、tle doubt that.毫无疑问 例句: There is little doubt that more and more people are moving from rural areas to large cities。 毫无疑问,越爱越多的人,从农村地区迁移到城市。 3.be put under threat of 遭受某物的威胁 例句: Citizens are put under threat of getting infected with the virus. 市民正在遭受感染病毒的威胁。 4.Those who.那些.的人 例句: Those who eat fast

3、food very often tend to gain much more weight. 5.The reason why.is that.原因是. 例句: The reason why fast food dominates our dining table is that governments fail to protect a nations traditional food industry. 快餐如今支配着我们的餐桌的原因是政府没有保护好本国的传统食品行业。 6.We must keep in mind that.我们必须牢记 例句: We must keep in mind

4、that we are not children any more,and we should be independent. 我们应该牢记我们不是孩子,我们应该独立了。 7.enable someone to do.使某人能够做某事 例句: The new test should enable doctors to detect the disease early. 8.It is no exaggerations to say that .毫不夸张的说 例句: It is no exaggerations to say that university study totally chang

5、ed my life. 毫不夸张的说,大学学习生活改变了我的一生。 9.Believe it or not 无论信不信 例句: Believe it or not,many fresh graduates of today can hardly to adapt to this petitive society. 无论信不信,如今很多应届毕业生很难适应这个充满竞争的社会。 10.adjust oneself to 调整自己以便适应 例句: We need to adjust oneselves to the petitive job market. 我们应该调整自我,以便适应充满竞争的就业市场

6、。 11.It concerns many parents that.某事引发了很多父母的担忧 例句: It concerns many parents that some children may be exposed to school bullying. 一些孩子暴露在校园暴力之下,这引发了很多父母的担忧。 12.be put under pressure to do.迫于压力做某事 例句: We need to admit that many of us were put under pressuer to learn 我们要承认,很多人迫于压力去学习。 13.play a key p

7、art in.在某物中起着关键作用 例句: CPU plays a key part in many electrical things such as PC,smart phones and tablets. 中央处理器在许多电子产品中起着关键的作用,例如:个人电脑,智能手机,平板电脑。 14.lay the groundwork for.为什么.打下基础 例句: Theoretical knowledge we got from schools lays the groundwork for our university study. 15.have no choice but to do

8、.别无选择,只能做某事 例句:We actually have no chioce but to work hard to earn a living 我们别无选择只能努力工作来谋生 16. .is just a desirable idea rather than an achievable reality.某事只是一个美好的愿望,而不是一个可以实现的目标 例句: Gender equality is just a desirable idea rather than an achievable reality. 性别平等只是一个美好的愿景,而并非一个可以实现的目标。 17. .hashav

9、e considerable influence on 对某物有这巨大的影响 例句: Parents have considerable influence on the behavioral development of children. 父母对孩子的行为发展有这巨大的影响。 18. .is a subject close to ones heart 是某人关心的话题 例句: Teens puppy love is a subject close to many partens heart 青少年早恋是很多父母关心的话题。 19.arouse ones desire to do.引发某人做

10、某事的欲望 例句: TV advertising can arouse our desire to buy someting that looks fashionable. 20.spare no effort to do.不遗余力的做某事 例句: As President of United States,Im going to spare no effort to respond to this crisis. 21.take stringent measures to do.采取严格措施做某事 例句: _s shuold take stringent measures to curb e

11、nviromental degradation. 政府应该采取严格的措施来抑制环境恶化。 22.Proper measures must be taken to.我们必须采取适当的措施去做某事 例句: Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists. 我们必须采取适当的措施来限制外国游客的数量。 23.devote too much energy and time to.为某人和某物投入太多的精力和时间 例句: People of today devote too much energy and tim

12、e to work 如今的人们投入太多的精力和时间在工作上。 24.pay a heavy price for 为.付出沉重的代价 例句: Human beings have paid a heavy price for the ignorance of ecological protection. 人们已经为忽略生态环境保护而付出了沉重的代价。 25.make extraordinary progress in.在某方面取得了巨大的进步 例句: Human beings have made extraordinary progress in knowledge and technology over the recent decades. 人类近些年来在知识和科技领域取得了巨大的进步。 2021考研英语:复习应该熟知的技巧 2021考研备考:英语长短句解析(5) 2021考研英语:英语必考词汇复习 模板,内容仅供参考



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