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1、22 单位代码 10635 学 号 专业学位硕士论文如何充分发挥小学音乐课教学的德育功能论文作者:指导教师:专业学位类别:专业领域:提交论文日期: 年 月 日论文答辩日期: 年 月 日学位授予单位:西南大学中 国 重 庆20 年 月目 录摘要1 Abstract21绪论41.1研究背景、目的与意义41.2国内外研究现状41.3研究方法52相关理论研究62.1小学音乐教育概念62.2小学音乐教育内涵62.3德育教育概念82.4德育教育内涵83小学音乐教学融入德育的必要性、可能性及相关对策、建议103.1小学音乐教学融入德育的必要性103.2小学音乐教学融入德育的可能性113.3发挥小学音乐课德育




5、学融入德育的必要性与可能性,并针对教师提出了一系列对策与建议;第四章则论述了音乐课堂上进行德育时应注意的问题,包括内容应贴合社会实际、形式符合学生特点及课堂气氛应和谐融洽等问题。 关键词:小学;音乐课;教学;德育AbstractThe moral education of primary school students has always been the focus of attention of the state and society. Moral education can not only rely on the ideological and moral lessons, an

6、d the subject teaching should be combined with moral education. Music teaching in primary schools also contains the function of moral education, giving full play to the initiative of music teachers and integrating moral education into music teaching is the trend of the development of the times. The

7、development of primary and secondary school students physical and mental development is special, the mood is easy to fluctuate, there is a strong demand to express their opinions, the further development of their self-awareness, teachers and parents need to trust and respect. The moral education of

8、primary school students is not an overnight success. School as the main place for students to learn, but also the most important place for students to receive moral education, therefore, the importance of moral education can not be ignored. In addition to the moral education, teachers of various sub

9、jects also shoulder the important task of moral education for students. For music lessons, if schools and teachers can make full use of primary school music course resources inside and outside the classroom, the students moral character of the appropriate education, will have a more significant effe

10、ct than the pure moral. The research on the infiltration of moral education in primary school music curriculum has profound theoretical and practical significance. First of all, the author found that access to relevant literature, the research of moral education is a hot topic for academic research,

11、 moral education specific of a subject, a period of not too much, this provides a starting point for the study; secondly, in teaching practice, the author found that a section of the teaching activities can not only increase the students knowledge and skills, and the ideological and moral aspects of

12、 students also has a role in promoting the new curriculum, as a lesson from the teaching goal of knowledge and skill, process and method, emotion attitude and values of the three set. Therefore, the study of how to effectively carry out moral education in primary school music classroom has both theo

13、retical support and practical needs. This research is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction, describes the research background and personal experience, the related research both at home and abroad are analyzed and compared, the definition of the core concepts; the second chapter is the related theory, the basic concepts were analyzed, including the concept and con


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