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1、跨文化翻译策略的趋向异化为主归化为辅,英语其它论文The Trend of Cross-cultural Translation Strategy-Foreignization First,Domestication SecondAbstract Choosing foreignization or domestication is a heated topic in the field of translation, about which many translators are fond of arguing. They hold their own opinions about the

2、se two strategies, some of whom choose foreignization and some advocate domestication. The author of this paper holds that we first take foreignization, and then domestication, because foreignization is in line with cultural differences between Chinese and English, and the exchange of the different

3、culture could enrich each other. Language is the carrier of culture. The essence of translation is to understand and study the foreign culture through the translation of foreign language. “Domestication Strategy” occupied the 20th century, but the history will come to Foreignization Strategy . The a

4、uthor gives the examples of the translation of literature, allusion, idiom, advertisement brand and term to support this idea. It suggests that we should choose one of the methods according to the concrete situation. We should apply foreignization as much as possible, but sometimes it will cause mis

5、understanding. At that time we need domestication. Applying foreignization doesnt mean abandoning domestication. These two methods are both useful and important. They come forward side by side and compensate each other.Key Words cross-culture; translation; foreignization; domestication.跨文化翻译策略的趋向-异化

6、为主, 归化为辅【摘 要】 采用归化法还是异化法在翻译界仍然是一个争论不休的话题,有的译者主张归化法翻译,有的译者主张异化法,各抒已见。笔者认为,应该以异化法为主,归化法为辅。因为异化法不仅体现了中英文化存在的差异性,而且符合中英文化相互交流能丰富各自的语言这一事实。语言是文化的载体,翻译的本质就是通过翻译外国的语言来了解和学习国外的文化。20世纪的中国翻译界以归化翻译为主流,但历史将会走向异化翻译。笔者将以一些文学翻译、 典故习语翻译、广告商标翻译、术语翻译的例子来说明异化翻译的优势,并说明其逐渐成为一种趋向。选择异化法或是归化法要结合具体的情况,我们应该尽可能地采取异化翻译,但异化翻译有时

7、会因文化差异导致误解。此时就需要归化翻译来补充。尽可能选择异化翻译并不意味着摒弃归化翻译。这两种都是有用的重要的方法,它们并行不悖,相得益彰。【关键词】 跨文化;文化差异;异化;归化;翻译1. IntroductionEugene A. Nida has pointed out that as a successful translation, mastering two different cultures is much more important than mastering two different languages, because the words are meaningl

8、ess unless they are in the specific cultural background that entitles the words their meanings. 1P30 So we could think that culture has a great influence on language. The target of the translation is not only to translate the words but also the culture. Most of linguists in China and abroad point ou

9、t commonly that language are the carrier of culture, and the essence of translation is to understand and study the foreign culture through the translation of foreign language. Domestication was the mainstream in the translation field last century. Lin Shu, Zhu Shenghao, Qian Zhongshu, Fu Lei, Zhang

10、Guruo, Yang Bi and some other translators are the representatives of “Domestication Strategy”. As the development and globalization of the politics, economy, religion, the development of culture is coming into globalization gradually, and the permeation and communication between the different cultur

11、es become more and more frequent, which leads to a great influence in the translation field and moves up a current of foreignization. Many researchers express their idea that foreignization is, in essence, cross-cultural translation. Translation seems to hold the contact and transformation of differ

12、ent languages as the basic form, but in fact it carries the views of contact, collision and interchange between different cultures. Our Chinese people show a broad heart that could accept even an ocean. We could understand fully and respect the variety and difference of foreign culture. The example

13、below is a best proof of that. It was a speech Chinese President Jiang Zeming made to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of China. “The world is colorful and various. The variety of civilization of every country is the fundamental characteristic of human socie

14、ty and the motive force of the civilization progress. We should respect the historic culture, social system and developmental pattern of every country and recognize the reality that the world is various. Every civilization and social system of the world should coexist for a long time, and seek for o

15、thers merits to compensate its shortages in the competition and comparison, and develop together permitting the similarity and difference.” Variety comes from difference, so respecting the difference is the precondition of respecting the variety, and foreignization embodies the difference. From what

16、 we can get, we know that the recent international development trend and Chinese national condition and basic policy set up a good environment for foreignization. All the merits of foreignization can accelerate the mutual exchange, mutual communication and mutual study of human 2P48. However, it doesnt mean that we should accept and approve foreignization completely or reject and abandon domestication completely. We should apply foreignization as much as


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