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1、Construction Management ,1,名称 INVITATION TO TENDER 题注 Whole Doc. Date: Tender No. 1. The Peoples Republic of China has-applied for aloanandcredit from the World Bank towards the cost of _Project.Itis intended that part of the proceeds of this loan and credit will be applied to eligible payment under

2、 various contracts for _ , _,_. Tendering isopentoalltendernessfromeligiblesource countries as defined under the “Guidelines for procurement” oftheWorld Bank.,Construction Management ,2,2. _ Company now invites sealed tendersfrompre-qualified tenderers for provision of the necessary labor, materials

3、, equipmentand services for the construction and completion of the project. 3. Pre-qualified tenderers may obtain furtherinformationfrom,and inspect the tender documents at the office of: _. 4. Acompletesetoftenderdocumentsmaybeobtainedbyany pre-qualified tenderer for the cost of RMB _ or US$_on the

4、 submission of a written application to the above. 5. All tendersmustbeaccompaniedbyaTenderSecurityinan acceptableform andmustbedeliveredto_Companyatthe above-mentioned address (refer to Item 3) on or before _.,Construction Management ,3,6. Tenderswillbeopenedinthepresenceofthosetenderers representa

5、tives who choose to attend at _ (time)。 7. If a prequalified foreign tenderer wishestoformJointventure with a domestic contractor, such a request will be considered ifreceived within _ days before the closing date for submission of tenders.The selected local contractor shall be subject to approval b

6、y the Employer. 8. The Pre-Tender Meeting will be held on _ at thefollowing address: _.,Construction Management ,4,Instructions to TenderersGeneral 1. Description of Works (sketch)All tenderers shall have equal access for supplyofdomesticlabour and material.The Contractor shall make his own arrangem

7、ents for the procurementof local labor, materials, transportation and other services.The Employer will assist Contractor in locatingpotentialnumberof suppliers for local labor, materials. The Employer will alsoassistthe contractorinmakinghisownarrangementforsupplyof fuel and explosives.,Construction

8、 Management ,5,2. Source of Funds 2.1 The Peoples Republic of China has applied for a loanandcredit from the World Bank hereinafter referred to as the IFI) towards thecost of _ Project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of the loan and credit to eligible paymentsundertheContractforwhich

9、 these documents are issued. Payment by the IFI will be madeonlyatthe request of the Chinese Government and upon approval by the IFI and will be subject in all respects to the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement. No party other than the Peoples Republic of China shall derive any rights from t

10、he Loan Agreement or have any claim to the loan。,Construction Management ,6,2.2 Payment from the proceeds of the World Bank Loan willbelimited to goods produced in, and servicessuppliedfrom,Switzerlandandthe member countries of the World Bank which havecommercialrelationswith China. 2.3 All costs no

11、t met by the IFI Loan will bepaidbytheEmployer from funds allocated by the Government of China.,Construction Management ,7,3. Eligibility and Qualification Requirements 3.1 This tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderersfromeligible source countries as defined under the “Guidelines for Procuremen

12、t” ofthe world Bank. 3.2 All goods and services to be supplied underthisContractshall have their origin in eligible source countries, and all expendituresmade under the Contract will be limited to such goods and services. 3.3 The origin of goods and services is distinct from thenationality of the te

13、nderer.,Construction Management ,8,3.4 To beeligible forawardofcontract,tenderersshallhave provided evidence satisfactory to the Employer of their eligibilityunder clause 3.1 above, and of their capability andadequacyofresourcesto effectively carryouttheContract.Tothis end,theEmployerand_ company ma

14、y, at any time prior to award of contract,request tenderers to amplify for update previously submitted prequalification data. All Tenders submitted should include the following information:,Construction Management ,9,(a) copies of original documents defining theconstitutionorlegal status, place of r

15、egistration andprincipalplaceofbusinessofthe company, firm or partnership or, if a joint venture, of each party thereto constituting the tenderer; (b) the qualifications and experience of keypersonnelproposedfor administration and execution of the Contract, both on and off site, in the format prescr

16、ibed in Schedule V;,Construction Management ,10,(c) major items of constructional plant and equipment proposed for use in carrying out the Contract in the format prescribed in Schedule IV; (d) a list of proposed sub-contractors intheformatprescribedin Schedule VI; (e) information regarding any current litigation in which the tenderer is involved;



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