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1、AGENDA,Business Models Domestic and international long-distance voice Wholesale/carrier Enterprise solutions Issues going forward,Economic modeling,Choice of business models to pursue and timing,Roadmap for pursuing business models and expected financial performance Integrated approach to CNC busine

2、ss plan,Majorissues,Expectedoutput,How do the market sizing and share assumptions translate into overall top line revenue for CNC? What capital investments will be necessary to build out metro and long haul fiber networks? Predicted cash flow pro business model and selected scenarios,Assessment of m

3、arket opportunities,How will China datacom market develop? How large is the overall opportunity for a new entrant? Overall market sizing and revenue forecast by product area,Regulatory and competitive analysis,What type of regulatory environment will evolve in China? Will equal access for voice and

4、data be granted and when? What effect will WTO have? Regulatory mapping and CNC share predictions across scenarios,Strategic implications and capabilities assessment,METHODOLOGY BEING USED TO DEVELOP BUSINESS MODELS AND OVERALL STRATEGY,- Current areas of focus,CNC AT A CRITICAL STRATEGIC CROSSROADS

5、,Preliminary Conclusions,Recommendations/Decisions to be Made,Offnet VOIP predicted to generate to provide breakeven economics for building backbone1 Wholesale revenue provides significant upside potential Majority of wholesale revenue relies on access to mobile carriers Enterprise solutions economi

6、cs very attractive, but substantial complexity and resources involved High-bandwidth international gateway critical to success in both wholesale and enterprise Economic predictions highly sensitive to a set of key assumptions,Accelerate vendor selection and backbone construction; time to market crit

7、ical Commitment to utilizing IP/DWDM invlolves risk to mobile carrier business RFP to vendors should be based on product requirements vs. technology Staging of investments and service launch must consider tradeoff between quality of service and coverage Preliminary talks with international carriers

8、should begin ASAP Scenario modeling will help us decide where to focus,Overarching question: Can CNC successfully pursue all opportunities outlined in the short/medium term?,(1) Assuming settlement fees of 10% of revenue,Overall approach Where How,BUSINESS MODELS SUMMARY: THREE CORE ELEMENTS,Enterpr

9、ise Solutions,Capture datacom growth in key business centers with leading-edge products and superior customer service Top business districts in major urban areas; only the most dense areas in short term Focused Deployment Leverage existing conduits to lay in major urban areas Superior service and ba

10、ndwidth Target CTs weakness in service and bandwidth Utilize LMDS in intermediate cities and areas where time to market is critical,Wholesale/Carrier,Target mobile carriers and ISPs with backbone transport; consider supplying fixed-line incumbents Cover POPs in all major calling zones; develop local

11、 leased lines network in key locations Aggressive deployment of backbone infrastructure to provide unparalleled bandwidth Establish high bandwidth international gateway to differentiate internet access Superior service with clear positioning “The clear alternative to CT”,Long distance voice,Capture

12、early revenue from to fund development of subsequent business models Top 60 POPs by end of year 2000 utilizing mix of leased lines from CT and CNC network Position offnet voice as first product from “Chinas first datacom carrier” Do not overextend resources in VOIP as it does not fit CNCs long term

13、strategy Create “dial-around” solutions for business and interconnect terms,- 17930 -,Enterprise solutions,POTENTIAL BUSINESS MODELS COVER WIDE RANGE OF PRODUCT/MARKET ALTERNATIVES,Opportunity for growth,Current market size,Wholesale/ carrier,Consumer ISP?,Domestic and International Long Distance Vo

14、ice,Residential,Med/large enterprise customers,Carriers,Potential traffic per consumer,Products,Emerging datacom,Data,Voice,Emerging data niche,AGENDA,Business Models Domestic and international long-distance voice Wholesale/carrier Enterprise solutions Issues going forward,APPROACH TO DOMESTIC AND I

15、NTERNATIONAL VOICE BUSINESS MODEL,Objectives,Hypothesized Approach,Capture early revenue from launch of prepaid IP calling cards “Cash cow” for funding other business model development Pursue prefix and equal access long distance for business customers as soon as possible to begin establishing relat

16、ionships Manage pricing and product life cycle effectively to maximize total margin and avoid investing in declining products Do not overextend ourselves nor blur our “datacom” image,Fight the regulatory battle to ensure favorable approaches to equal access and interconnect Market calling cards to business customers in the short term for travelling personnel Emphasize quality image/brand to distinguish from CT and Unicom-position calling card as first step in



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