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1、一、选出下列单词不同类的一项 1.选出不同类的单词() A. ear B. natural C. eye D. nose 2.选出不同类的单词() A. swim B. song C. fly 3.找出下列单词中不同类的单词() A. smooth B. blunt C. put D. rough 4.选择不同类的单词() A. name B. boy C. girl 5.选出下列单词中不同类的单词() A. kite B. quiet C. toy 6.选出下列单词中不同类的单词() A. playground B. school C. art room 7.选出不同类的一项 A. he B

2、. boy C. girl 二、单项选择 8.Do you have art room in your school? A. a B. an C. the 9.There a desk and two chairs in my room. A. be B. is C. are 10.Happy birthday _ you! A. too B. to 11.Which city do you like, New York _ Rome? A. or B. and C. but 学校姓名班级_ 座位号 装订线内不要答题 12. is your house? Its next to the par

3、k. A. What B. Where C. How D. When 13.Im very . I want two hamburgers and a sandwich. A. angry B. hungry C. lovely 14.Lu Xun is a famous writer. A. American B. Chinese C. Australian 15.We live in Baoding. In winter, it is _ and_. A. cold; snowy B. windy; cool C. warm; rainy 16.Will they make cakes?

4、_ A. Yes, they did. B. No, they wont. C. Yes, they do. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空 17.Peter is _ (write) a letter to Jim. 18.Some people eat _ (dumpling) at spring festival. 19.Tom, with his classmates, often _football after school.(play) 20.He is a _ (drive). 21.Im _ (make) a shopping list. 22.Lets _ (buy) some

5、chips. 23.He is asking Yang Ling how _ (get) there. 24.Im going to _ (give) Li Ming a special gift next week. 25.Look! The students are _ (clean) their classroom. 26.Mike is the _ (tall) student in my class. 四、连词成句 27.to, need, to, I, go, hospital, the (.) (连词成句) 28.have, a, you, library, do, (?) 29

6、.is that the bathroom 30.wants to he it catch(. )(连词成句) 31.do, want, What, you ,to, do (?) (连词成句) 五、句型转换 32.There are some pupils in the playground? ( 改为疑问句 ) 33.Are you Lucy? ( 作否定回答 ) 34.Will you do your homework? (作肯定回答 ) 35.This was Grandpa Chens parrot. (对划线部分提问) _parrot_this? 六、补全对话 36.读一读,选一选

7、,补全对话 A. This is my bag. B. Im fine. Thank you. C. Hes my English teacher, Mr Wang. D. Whats that? A: Good morning, Li Hong. How are you? B: _And how are you, Sam? A: Im fine too, thank you. Whats this? B: Oh, _. A: _ B: That is a ball. A: Who is he? B: _ 七、阅读理解。 37.阅读对话,判断下列句子正误 Mark: Hi, Alice! Wo

8、uld you like to have a picnic? Alice: Sure. Are you free( 空闲 ) on Monday? Mark: No, Im busy. I go to the library on Monday. What about Tuesday? Alice: No. I play the piano on Tuesday. Im free on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Mark: Im free on Friday. Alice: OK! Lets have a picnic on Friday. (1)Mark is

9、 free on Monday. (2)Mark goes to the library on Wednesday. (3)Alice plays the piano on Tuesday. (4)Alice is free on Thursday. (5)They will have a picnic on Saturday. 38.阅读短文,判断下列句子正误 I have a pet dog. His name is Polly. Every morning Polly goes to the shop in the town. The girl in the shop gives him

10、 two things a small piece of meat and a newspaper. Polly eats the meat and then takes the newspaper in his mouth back home. I like reading newspapers when I have my breakfast. After I finish my breakfast, he goes out to wait for the bus. When he sees the bus coming, he barks, and I run out to take t

11、he bus. (1)Polly is my pet dog. (2)The boy in the shop gives Polly a newspaper. (3)I like reading newspapers when I have my breakfast. (4)When Polly sees the bus coming, he laughs. 答案解析 一、选出下列单词不同类的一项。 1.【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 A 选项是:耳朵;B 选项是:自然的;C 选项是:眼睛;D 选项是:鼻子。A 选项, C 选 项和 D选项都是人体器官名称,只有B选项不是。故答案为:B。 【点

12、评】这是考查同类词的题目。要掌握所学的人体器官名称。 2.【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 A 选项是:游泳;B 选项是:歌曲;C 选项是:飞。A 选项和C 选项都是动词,只有B 选项是名词。故答案为:B。 【点评】这是考查同类词的题目。要掌握所学常用动词。 3.【答案】 C 【解析】 【分析】 A 选项是:光滑的;B 选项是:钝的;C 选项是:放; D 选项是:粗糙的。A 选项, B 选 项和 D 选项都是形容词,只有C 选项是动词。故答案为: C。 【点评】这是考查同类词的题目。要熟练掌握常用的形容词。 4.【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 A 名字, B 男孩, C 女孩; BC 都是性别,

13、与选项A 不同。故选A. 【点评】本题考查了同类词,关键在于熟悉每个单词的意思,将单词分入不同类别。 5.【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 A 风筝, B 安静的, C 玩具; AC 都是名词,与选项B 是形容词,不同,故选B. 【点评】先翻译单词,然后根据单词的词性,选出不同类单词。 6.【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】 A 操场, B 学校, C 美术室; AC 都是学校的一部分,与选项B 是学校总称,不同,故选 B. 【点评】考查了同类词,分析每个单词词义,然后选出不同类的单词。 7.【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】 A 他, B 男孩, C 女孩; BC 都是名词,与选项A 是代词,不同,故选A. 【点评】本题考查了同类词,先翻译单词,然后看单词词性是否一致,再选出不同的那个单词,平时牢记 单词。 二、单项选择。 8.【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】句意:你们学校有美术室吗?这里“art room 美术室 ” 不是特指,不用the,用不定代词。 art 是元音音素开头的单词,不定代词用an。故答案为: B。 【点评】这是考查冠词的题目。要掌握冠词用法的区别。 9.【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】句意:我的房间里有一


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