牛津沪教版五上英语Unit 5 Friends 教学设计2

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1、小学英语 五年级上册 牛津沪教版Module 2 RelationshipsUnit 5 Friends教学设计2教学目标1、帮助学生掌握基本形容词。2、帮助学生描述共性和特性。教学重难点句型:We both.词汇:easy, say, ask, answer, make phone calls日常用语:Im bored. I dont know. Is that Ken?语音:dr-(dress) pr-(princess)教学流程Pre-task preparations1.和学生玩猜谜语的游戏。教师描述班中任意一位学生的外貌特征及喜好,让学生猜猜他是谁。T:Hes/Shes in our

2、 class. Hes/Shes tall/short.He/She likes sport. He/she likes running and playing table tennis. Whos he/she?Ss: He/She is (name).2.给学生欣赏一组和朋友在一起的照片,让学生互相讲述,分享朋友间一起度过的美好时光。T: Look, this is a photo of my friend and me. Were good friends. We like to be together. We both like. He/She likes.I like.We like

3、 each other. Were happy when were together.While-task procedures1.播放Listen and enjoy的儿歌,让学生自编一首类似的歌谣。2.通过提问,让学生说说他们的好朋友的情况。 1) Whos your best friend? 2) What do you like? 3) What does your friend like? 4) What do you both like (doing)? 5) What do you often do together? 6) How do you feel when youre

4、together?教师引导学生回答问题,然后安排学生两人一组,互问互答。3.用多媒体展示小故事打乱顺序的图片,学生听录音给图片排序。学生阅读故事并回答问题。判断对错等方式学习单词和理解故事。然后学生跟着录音朗读课文。4.出示Learn the sounds的语音单词卡片dr-(dress).pr-(princess),请学生跟读并感知dr-/pr-在单词中的发音。T: dr/dr/ ,dress, dress.Ss: dr/dr/ ,dress, dress.T: pr/pr/, princess, princess.Ss: pr/pr/, princess, princess.然后,教师播放

5、Learn the sounds的录音,请学生根据录音模仿朗读儿歌,鼓励学生模仿录音中的语音语调。Post-task activities1.学生根据自己朋友的情况完成Think and write的写作练习,然后和同桌互相介绍自己和好朋友的情况。学生之间相互交换彼此所写的文字,然后针对具体内容进一步询问,了解对方的好朋友。2.对班上同学与朋友之间的相同和不同之处展开调查,进一步巩固对核心词汇及句型的运用。课后作业1. Listen to the tape 2. Copy the new words. 3. Make some sentences.牛津上海版英语四年级上册知识点整理Unit1M

6、eetingnewpeople生词: eleven twelvethirte enfourteenfifteensixteen newmorning classmate her name sit afternoon his 句型: My/His/Her name is . Nice to meet you. See you.Hes/Shes . (age) Thisismy. Good morning/afternoon语法: 形容词性物主代词 my,her,his,your 在英语中有物主代词,它可以分成名词性的和形容词性的。形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,置于名词前,在句子中用于修饰名词,做

7、定语,后面必须跟一个名词。 例如: Thisismybrother.HisnameisTom. 这是我的哥哥。他叫汤姆。形容词性物主代词有人称和数的变化, 单数形式: my 我的 , your 你的 , his/her/its 他的、她的、它的 。复数形式: our (我们的), your (你们的), their (他们的)。 Unit2 Can you swim?生词: run fast fly drawreadwriteswimjump welcomebut skate dance cat mouse bird rabbit fish elephant句型: I/He/She/Kitty

8、/My sister can . I/He/She cant Can you/he/she? What can you/he/she do?Welcome to Super Show. A fish can swim. An elephant can ran fast. 语法: 1. 情态动词 can 意思是“会,能”,表示会做某事。 句子结构: 肯定句:主语 +can+do( 动词原形 )否定句:主语 +can+not+do( 动词原形 ) 一般疑问句: Canyou/he/she/theyrunfast ?特殊疑问句: Whatcanyou/he/she/theydo ? 例如: Myfr

9、iendcanrideabicycle. Icantswim.Mybrothercanhearthebird. Icantdrawflowers.注: can 的否定有两种书写形式 cant 和 cannot2. 连词 butBut 是个表示转折关系的并列连词,意思是“但是,然而”。例如: Icanrun,butIcan tswim. 我会跑但是 我不会游泳。Mysistercansing,butshecan tdance. 我妹妹会唱歌但是不会游Unit 3 Are you happy?生词 :happy hungry thirsty sad fulltired bird see drink

10、bottle a new kite look at have some water/biscuits. little stones drink the water very thirsty have a good idea语法: Im/He/She/Peter is happy/hungry. Are you sad/tired? Yes, I am/No, Im mot.Is Kitty thirsty? Yes, she is/No, she isnt.Howdoyoufeel? Im/Were.Module2Me, myfamilyandfriendsUnit 4 Jill sfamil

11、y生词: father mother parent brother sister uncle auntgrandfather grandmother grandparent mecousin a big family Uncle Johns son Dans father 语法: I have two cousins. I dont have any cousins.Doyouhave any .?Yes, Ido. /No, Idont.How old is your brother? He is 11 years old.Who is this/that? This/That is my

12、uncle/me.Welcome to my home. Is this your brother? Yes, he is./No, he isnt.Unit5 My friends生词: shirt T-shirtskirtshorts dress brown green redwhite black blue pink yellow purple a pair of shorts orange get out tooth/teeth sharp a brown shirt fly a kitean orange dress ride a bike skate afraid 语法: I ha

13、ve a black T-shirt. He/Shehas a pair of brown shortsUnit6 My parents生词: doctornurseteacherstudentfire man cookbusdriverJills father kid help people fire play with 语法: Whatdoes your father do?He/Sheis a fireman.What do you/your parents do? Im/My father is a doctor.Is your sister a nurse? Yes, she is/

14、No, she isnt.Dont play with fire. Yes, Mr Xu.Are you afraid of fire? No. I like my job.Module3PlacesandactivitiesUnit7 At school生词: school office busy computer many library tryPlayground classroom toilet animal pupil forest first Climb trees teachers office an animal school no classroom语法: There be 句型是英语中常用句型, 意思是 “ 有 ” ,表示 “ 人或事物的存在 ” 或 “ 某地有某物 ” 。There be 句型的构成形式一般为 “ There is/are + 某物 / 人 + 某地 / 时 ” ,表示某地 / 时有某物 / 人1. 当动


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