牛津沪教版五上英语Unit 11 Water 教学设计

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1、小学英语 五年级上册 牛津沪教版Module 4 The natural worldUnit 11 Water教学设计1教学目标1.能用How do we use water?和We use water to 就水的用途问答。2.能用At home /work, we use water to 谈谈在不同场所水的用途。3.体会字母组合th的发音,并能迁移运用到其他含有th组合的单词拼读中。教学重难点重点:1.词汇:use, clothes, farmer, useful, grow crops, put out fires2. 句型:Water comes from We use water

2、to难点:句型We use water to 能用核心句型阐述水的基本用途。教学流程Step1: Leading-inT: Look at this! Can you guess what it is?(Its no taste, no smell, no color. Its everywhere around us.)Ss: Its a drop of water.Step2: Presentation 1. T: Today, I bring the drop of water here. Can you guess where it comes from?(出示相关的图片lake ,s

3、ea, river, rain, well来提示)Ss: It comes from lakes, sea, rain, well, waterfall2. T: Water is everywhere around us. Water is very important. I drink water every day. I use water to drink and cook. How do you use water?S1: I use water to wash my face.S2: I use water to clean my house.S3:3. Pair workTwo

4、students to practice the target language:How do you use water?We/I use water toStep3: Consolidationwash vegetableswash clothes1. Students give a show and teacher writes the key words on the blackboard. useful water clean the floor cook foodwash dishes 2. Students write some sentences about the use o

5、f water according to the key words on the blackboard.Water comes from the sea, the rain and the tap. Water comes from rivers, lakes and wells. I use water to clean my room .I use water to wash my face, to brush my teeth. I also use water to play water games.Step4: Summary课后作业把黑板上的思维导图写成一段话,总结水的来源和用途

6、。牛津上海版英语四年级上册知识点整理Unit1Meetingnewpeople生词: eleven twelvethirte enfourteenfifteensixteen newmorning classmate her name sit afternoon his 句型: My/His/Her name is . Nice to meet you. See you.Hes/Shes . (age) Thisismy. Good morning/afternoon语法: 形容词性物主代词 my,her,his,your 在英语中有物主代词,它可以分成名词性的和形容词性的。形容词性物主代词相

7、当于形容词,置于名词前,在句子中用于修饰名词,做定语,后面必须跟一个名词。 例如: Thisismybrother.HisnameisTom. 这是我的哥哥。他叫汤姆。形容词性物主代词有人称和数的变化, 单数形式: my 我的 , your 你的 , his/her/its 他的、她的、它的 。复数形式: our (我们的), your (你们的), their (他们的)。 Unit2 Can you swim?生词: run fast fly drawreadwriteswimjump welcomebut skate dance cat mouse bird rabbit fish el

8、ephant句型: I/He/She/Kitty/My sister can . I/He/She cant Can you/he/she? What can you/he/she do?Welcome to Super Show. A fish can swim. An elephant can ran fast. 语法: 1. 情态动词 can 意思是“会,能”,表示会做某事。 句子结构: 肯定句:主语 +can+do( 动词原形 )否定句:主语 +can+not+do( 动词原形 ) 一般疑问句: Canyou/he/she/theyrunfast ?特殊疑问句: Whatcanyou/

9、he/she/theydo ? 例如: Myfriendcanrideabicycle. Icantswim.Mybrothercanhearthebird. Icantdrawflowers.注: can 的否定有两种书写形式 cant 和 cannot2. 连词 butBut 是个表示转折关系的并列连词,意思是“但是,然而”。例如: Icanrun,butIcan tswim. 我会跑但是 我不会游泳。Mysistercansing,butshecan tdance. 我妹妹会唱歌但是不会游Unit 3 Are you happy?生词 :happy hungry thirsty sad

10、fulltired bird see drinkbottle a new kite look at have some water/biscuits. little stones drink the water very thirsty have a good idea语法: Im/He/She/Peter is happy/hungry. Are you sad/tired? Yes, I am/No, Im mot.Is Kitty thirsty? Yes, she is/No, she isnt.Howdoyoufeel? Im/Were.Module2Me, myfamilyandf

11、riendsUnit 4 Jill sfamily生词: father mother parent brother sister uncle auntgrandfather grandmother grandparent mecousin a big family Uncle Johns son Dans father 语法: I have two cousins. I dont have any cousins.Doyouhave any .?Yes, Ido. /No, Idont.How old is your brother? He is 11 years old.Who is thi

12、s/that? This/That is my uncle/me.Welcome to my home. Is this your brother? Yes, he is./No, he isnt.Unit5 My friends生词: shirt T-shirtskirtshorts dress brown green redwhite black blue pink yellow purple a pair of shorts orange get out tooth/teeth sharp a brown shirt fly a kitean orange dress ride a bi

13、ke skate afraid 语法: I have a black T-shirt. He/Shehas a pair of brown shortsUnit6 My parents生词: doctornurseteacherstudentfire man cookbusdriverJills father kid help people fire play with 语法: Whatdoes your father do?He/Sheis a fireman.What do you/your parents do? Im/My father is a doctor.Is your sist

14、er a nurse? Yes, she is/No, she isnt.Dont play with fire. Yes, Mr Xu.Are you afraid of fire? No. I like my job.Module3PlacesandactivitiesUnit7 At school生词: school office busy computer many library tryPlayground classroom toilet animal pupil forest first Climb trees teachers office an animal school no classroom语法: There be 句型是英语中常用句型, 意思是 “ 有 ” ,表示


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