纪念九一八事变英语作文带翻译 修订

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1、纪念九一八事变英语作文带翻译 九一八事变(又称沈阳事变;日本称满洲事变,因中国东北被日 本称作满洲)指 1931 年 9 月 18 日在中国东北爆发的一次军事冲突和 政治事件。冲突双方是中国东北军和日本关东军。九一八事件爆发后, 日本与中国之间的矛盾进一步激化,而在日本国内,主战的日本军部 地位上升,导致日本走上全面侵华的道路。这次事件爆发后的几年时 间内,东北三省全部被日本关东军占领,所以被中国民众视为国耻, 直至今日, 9 月 18 日在中国很多非正式场合都被称为“国耻日”。 1931 年 9 月 18 日晚上,日本驻中国的侵略军关东军,自行炸 毁沈阳北郊柳条湖附近南满铁路的一段路轨,反诬

2、中国军队破坏铁路, 并借此突然袭击了东北军驻地北大营和沈阳城。随即在几天内侵占20 多座城市及其周围的广大地区。这就是当时震惊中外的“九一八” 事变。 1931 年 9 月 18 日夜,日军以其制造的“柳条湖事件”为借口,大 举进攻沈阳。当时,国民党政府正集中力量实行反人民的内战, 对日本侵略者采取卖国政策,命令东北军“绝对不抵抗”,撤至山海 关内。日本侵略军乘虚而入,于9 月 19 日占领沈阳,接着分兵侵占吉 林、黑龙江。至 1932 年 1 月,东北三省全部沦陷。1932 年 3 月,在日 本帝国主义的扶持下,傀儡政权伪“满洲国”在长春建立。从此, 日本帝国主义把东北变成它独占的殖民地,全

3、面增强政治压迫、经济 掠夺、文化奴役,使我东北3000多万同胞,惨遭涂炭,陷于水深火热 之中。 “九一八”事变激起了全国人民的抗日怒潮。各地人民纷纷要 求抗日,反对国民党政府的不抵抗的作法。在中国共产党的领导和影 响下。东北人民奋起抵抗,展开抗日游击战争,先后涌现出东北义勇 军等各种抗日武装。 1936 年 2 月,东北各抗日部队统一改编为东北抗 日联军。 1937 年“七七”事变后,抗日联军团结广大群众,进一步 展开了广泛持久的抗日武装斗争,有力地配合中国共产党领导的全国 抗战,终于迎来了抗日战争的胜利。 “九一八”事变的发生,是日本帝国主义为了吞并中国、称霸 亚洲及太平洋地区而采取的一个蓄

4、谋已久的重要侵略步骤。早在1927 年夏,日本内阁就在东京召开“东方会议”,制定了对华政策纲 领,声称中国东北“在(日本) 国防和国民的生存上有着重大的利害 关系”。同年 7 月,内阁首相田中义一向天皇奏呈“田中奏折”,公 然宣称:“欲征服中国,必先征服满蒙,欲征服世界,必先征服中 国”,从而确立了在“满蒙”建立侵略基地的狂妄战略。1931 年,日 本军部秘密制订了相关侵略我国东北的方针、步骤和措施。在完成了 发动侵略战争的周密准备之后,日本帝国主义悍然发动了“九一八” 事变,揭开了对中国、进而对亚洲及太平洋地区实行全面武装侵略的 序幕。 Mukden Incident In the even

5、ing of September 18, 1931, the Japanese invasion army-Kantogun (Kwantung Army) voluntarily blew up a section of the South Manchuria Railway which was near Liutiao Lake on the suburb of Shenyang, but they accused Chinese troops of destroying the railway. On this pretext, they attacked Beidaying and S

6、henyang City where the Chinese troops were stationed. Soon afterwards, they occupied more than 20 cities and vast surrounding areas within only several days. That was the “September 18 Incident” that shocked China and the whole world at that time. In the evening of September 18, 1931, the Japanese t

7、roops mounted a large-scale offensive against Shenyang on the pretext of the “Liutiao Lake Incident”. At that time, the Kuomintang Government was concentrating troops on the anti- communist and anti-people civil war, adopted a policy of quislism towards the Japanese invaders, order troops stationed

8、in Northeast China “not to resist absolutely” and withdraw to the inside of the Shanhai Pass. The Japanese invaders took advantage of this weak point, occupied Shenyang on September 9 and then divided troops to respectively occupy Jilin and Heilongjiang. By January 1932, the three provinces in North

9、east China all fell into the enemy hands. In March 1932, under the aegis of the Japanese Imperialism, the puppet regimethe puppet “State of Manchukuo ” was founded in Changchun. From then on, The Japanese Imperialists had changed Northeast China into Japans exclusive colony, fully strengthening poli

10、tical oppressions, economic plunders and cultural enslavements. Our 30 million compatriots in Northeast China were plunged into an abyss of misery and suffering. The “September 18 Incident” aroused peoples angry tide of resistance against Japan all over China. People all over the country successivel

11、y demanded resistances against Japan and opposed the Kuomintang Governments non-resistance policy. The people in Northeast China were roused to resist and launched anti-Japanese guerilla warfare. Various armed anti- Japanese forces including the Northeast Volunteers appeared. In February 1936, all a

12、nti-Japanese troops were uniformly reorganized as the Anti-Japanese Amalgamated Army of the Northeast. After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937, the Amalgamated Army united vast majority of masses to further lunch protracted comprehensive armed anti-Japanese struggles, effectively coordinating t

13、he nationwide War of Resistance against Japan led by the Communist Party of China, and finally gained the victory over Japan. The launch of the “September 18 Incident” was a long- premeditated important invasion step taken by the Japanese Imperialists for annexing China and dominating Asia and the P

14、acific Region. Early in the summer of 1927, the Japanese Cabinet held the “Oriental Meeting” and mapped out the “Political Platform towards China” in Tokyo, proclaiming that the Northeast China “has great interests in terms of (Japans) national defence and peoples existence”. In July of the same yea

15、r, the cabinet prime minister Tanaka Giichi submitted the“Tanaka Memorial ”to the Mikado, publicly proclaimed : “In order to conquer China, we must first conquer Manchuria and Inner Mongolia, and in order to conquer the world, we must first conquer China”, thereby decided the presumptuous strategy o

16、f establishing invasion bases in “Manchuria and Mongolia”. In 1931, the Japanese Army Headquarters secretly formulated the principles, steps and measures for invading Northeast China. After careful preparation for the invasion war, the Japanese Imperialists blatantly launched the “September 18 Incident”, it was a prelude to all-around armed invasions to China, then Asia and the Pacific Region.


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