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1、优质文档 Unit10 知识点 1.well-known 众所周知的,著名的 blow off 吹掉 take off 脱掉 put on 穿上 2.story 的复数 stories scarf 的复数 scarves /scarfs 3. 本单元出现的过去式: write-wrote 写 blow-blew 吹 collect-collected 收集 begin-began 开始 tell - told 告诉 have - had 有 can-could 能够 4.enjoy + 动词 ing “喜爱 .,享受 . ”例如: I enjoy reading books. 5.most +

2、 名词复数“大多数 . ”例如: Most girls like flowers. 6.learn .from. 从. 学到. 例如: We can usually learn something from these stories. 7.begin to + 动词原形“开始 .”例如: He began to laugh. 8.be from = come from “来自” 例如:I am from Guangdong = I come from Guangdong. 9.both. and . “. 和. 两者都 . ” 例如: Both adults and children lik

3、e their stories. 10.All right = OK 行,好 That s all right 不客气,没关系 That s right 那是对的 11.begin to do sth. 开始做某事 例如: The sun began to shine. 太阳开始普照大地。 12.go swimming 去游泳 go running 去跑步 go shopping 去购物 13.Denmark 丹麦 Danish 丹麦的 优质文档 Germany 德国 German 德国的 14. 形容词的比较级:在英语中,两者做比较时,形容词要用比较级, 一般是在形容词的后面加er, 例如:

4、taller, stronger , bigger,也有一些 不规则的变化,例如: good-better ,比较对象通常用 than 引出来, 例如: I am stronger than you. 15. 英语句型阅读中升调和降调的规律: 陈述句一般用降调;特殊疑问句一般用降调,回答也用降调; 一般疑问句一般用升调,回家用降调。 16. 小作文:介绍一名你喜欢的作者。 This is _. (作者名) She is a well-known writer. She is from _(作者来自哪里) . She writes many interesting _. (故事 stories)

5、 _is a very popular storybook . (书名 Ma xiaotiao) _enjoy reading her storybooks. (孩子们 Children) We can_from those books.(学习. learn something) Unit11 知识点 1.laugh at 嘲笑 wait for 等待 each other 相互 Christmas 圣诞节(12 月 25 日) Halloween 万圣节( 10 月 31 日) Easter 复活节 (三月或四月的一个星期天) Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 (11 月的第 4 个

6、星期四) 2. 具体日期前用 on 例如:on 31 st October. 星期的前面也用on 例如: on Monday 单独的年,单独的月份前用 in 例如:in 2020, in March 优质文档 3.get .from 从. 得到. 例如: Children get candy from their nerighbours 4.give .to. 把. 给. 例如: People give presents to each other at Christmas. 5.take .to . 把. 带到. 例如: Rudolf took Father Christmas to the

7、 children. 6. 节日前用介词 on ( 指节日这一天 ), 例如: We eat a big dinner on Spring Festival. 也可以用 at ( 指整个节日期间 ) 例如: We visit family and friends at Spring Festival. 7.wait for 等候,等待 Wait for me 等等我 8.Laugh at 嘲笑例如: Dont laugh at anybody. 9.On one s way to +动词原形“在去干 . 的路上” 例如: Father Christmas was on his way to g

8、ive presents to children. 本单元出现的动词及其过去式: have-had 有 laugh-laughed 大笑 help-helped 帮助 can-could 能够 take-took 带走 love-loved 爱,喜爱 11. 小作文: My favourite festival My favourite festival is Spring Festival. Its usually in spring. I usually say “Happy New Year ” and get lucky money at Spring Festival. I like

9、 this festival because I can visit my grandparents and eat a big dinner with my family. Unit12 知识点 1.see the world 见世面 one by one 一个接一个地 优质文档 look out of 往外看 look out 当心,小心! look out for.当心,小心 . live together 住在一起 grow bigger and stronger 长得越来越大,越来越强壮 grow bigger and bigger 长得越来越大 fly to the sun 飞向太

10、阳 fly into the sky 飞向天空 fall on the roof 落在屋顶 fall into the water 落在水里 fall into a yard 落在院子里 fall on the ground 落在地上 grow into a plant 长成一株植物 get well 康复,好转 2. 本单元动词及其过去式: live - lived 居住 ask - asked 问 pick - picked 捡起 answer - answered 回答 look - looked 看 say-said 说 grow - grew 生长 say - said 说 fly

11、- flew 飞 fall - fell 掉, 落 eat - ate 吃 hit - hit 撞击 see - saw 看见 get - got 得到 take - took 带走 3.try to do sth. 尽最大努力去做某事例如: I try to learn Math well. 4.Must/mustn t + 动词原形例如: It must be strong . 5.excited “兴奋的”,用于表达人的感受。例如:I am so excited. exciting “令人兴奋的”用于修饰令人兴奋的事物。 例如: This film is exciting. 6. tak

12、e .out of.从. 取出. 例如:She take out of a book from her bag. 7. 基数词 - 序数词: one - first two - second three - third 优质文档 four- fourth five- fifth six - sixth seven - seventh eight - eighth nine - ninth 8. 小作文:写一写你最喜欢的故事 I like reading. My favourite story is “The ugly duckling ”. It s about an ugly ducklin

13、g. The duckling becomes a beautiful swan. Anderson wrote the story. 优质文档 1、三人行,必有我师。 2、书是人类进步的阶梯。二二年六月十七日2020 年 6 月 17 日星期三 3、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。04:346.17.202004:346.17.202004:3404:34:466.17.202004:346.17.2020 4、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。6.17.20206.17.202004:3404:3404:34:4604:

14、34:46 5、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Wednesday, June 17, 2020June 20Wednesday, June 17, 20206 /17/2020 6、路遥知马力日久见人心。4 时 34 分 4 时 34 分 17-Jun-206.17.2020 7、山不在高,有仙则灵。20.6.1720.6.1720.6.17 。 2020 年 6 月 17 日星期三二二年六月十七日 8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。04:3404:34:466.17.2020Wednesday, June 17, 2020 亲爱的读者: 春去燕归来,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在 这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃 花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。


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