
上传人:心**** 文档编号:149457287 上传时间:2020-10-27 格式:PDF 页数:6 大小:57.95KB
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1、根据提示补全单词,完成对话(首字母已给出)。 1. Are you g_ at math? No, I am not. 2. Go b_ to your seat, please. OK. 3. Do you have a dog as p_? Yes, I do. 一、 按要求完成下列各题。 1. they are ( 缩写形式 )_ 2. hen (复数) _ 3. I (同音词) _ 4. can t ( 完整形式 )_ 5. boy (复数) _ 6. boxes ( 单数形式 )_ 7. two ( 同音词 )_ 8. yes ( 反义词 )_ 9. bat ( 改变其中一个字母变成

2、另一个词 )_ 10. he is ( 缩 写形式 )_ 1 1. read ( 同类词 ) _ 12. leg ( 复数 )_ 13. children ( 汉语意思 )_ 14. fish ( 汉语意思 )_ 15. sheep ( 复数 )_ 16. 小河 (英语) _ 17. shoes ( 单数 )_ 18. purple ( 同类词 )_ 19. don t ( 完整形式 )_ 20.classroom ( 复数 )_ 二、 用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1.I _(be) ten years old . 2.The little boy can _(dive). 3.She _(g

3、o) to school at 7:00. 4.They _(like) bananas. 5.I _( do not) go shopping. 6.My friend _( do not ) play ball games after school. 7.T anaka _( be ) not Chinese. He _(speak) Japanese. 8.Look! The baby _(be) laughing! 9.The boys _(be) running after the cat. 10.He _( be not ) watching TV now . 三、 选择填空 1.

4、 Listen! He is _. A.writes B. singing C. dance 2. _here, Nancy . A.Come B. Goes C. Comes 3. What are you doing? I _ washing my face. A.is B. am C. are 4.He can _. A.swims B. swimming C. swim 5.My mother often _ housework. A.does B. do C. doing 6.I am thirsty .I _some water . A. can B. may C. need 7.

5、Mike _watching cartoons. A.likes B. like C. don t like 8._Tommy have lunch at home ? A. Do B. Does C. Doing 9.Can you _ the story? A. tell B. tells C. telling 10.Lucy _ know the answer. A.do B. doesn t C. don t 11.Is that a tree? A. No, it is. B. No, it isn t C.Yes,Iam. 12.Can the little boy play fo

6、otball? A . Y es, hei s B. No, he isn t C.Y es,hecan 13.What are they? A.They re jeans. B. It s a desk. C. It s a scarf. 四、 按要求完成句子。 1. What is this ?(改成复数句) 2. These ar e sheep.( 改成单数句 ) 3. Are you in Class One ?( 做肯定回答 ) 4.Is this a toy ship?( 作否定回答 ) 五、 根据情景,选择正确的答语。 1. 当你要睡觉时,你应该说: _ A. I mNancy

7、 . B. Good night C.Good morning. D. Let s go home. 2. 当别人对你表示谢意时,你应该说: _ A. Sorry . B . Y o u re welcome . C. No thanks. D.Thank you. 3. 当别人说你作业写得好时,你应该说: _ A. Thank you B. No , no no . C. Sorry D. Excuse me 4. 当你买完东西给钱时,你该说: _ A. Here you are . B. Here are you C . Y e s . D.Here is your ruler. 5. 当你想问那个人是谁时,你可以说: _ A. How are you ? B. Who is your father? C. Who is he ? D. What is your father? 6. 当你的同学祝你生日快乐时,你可以说: _ A.Merry Christmas! B. Happy! C. Thank you . D. The same to you .


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