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1、1 Unit 4 单元测试 (满分 150 分,时间 120 分钟 ) 第一部分听力(30 分) .听句子,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。每个句子 读一遍。 (7.5 分) ( )1.How much did the MP3 cost? A B C ( )2.What do you often use to search for information? A B C ( )3.Do you know how to use it? A B C ( )4.What is made of wood? 1 A B C ( )5.What is it? 2 A B C .听

2、对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(7.5 分) ( )6.Where would the girl like to go? A.Space. B. Beijing. C.The moon. ( )7.What can the man see in New York? A.Kind people. B.Galleries. C.Buildings. ( )8.Where does the girl hope to go? A.Cold place. B.Cool place. C.Warm place. ( )9.What does Jane like? A.Watching space.

3、B.Watching TV. C.Watching games. ( )10.What s that? A.A TV set. B.A mobile phone. C.A digital camera. .听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 答案。每段对话读两遍。(7.5 分) ( )11.What does the man want to do? A.Lend the CD to Daniel. B.Keep the CD for another week. C.Return the CD to Amy. ( )12.Where is the

4、 walkman now? A.On the table. B.On the floor. C.In the drawer. ( )13.How long does the woman spend doing the housework? A.Fifteen minutes. B.Half an hour. C.One hour and a half. 3 ( )14.How often does the girl write to his foreign friends? A.Once a year. B.Once a month. C.Twice a year. ( )15.Who inv

5、ented the useful thing? A.Guglielmo Marconi. B.Orville. C.Wilbur. .听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(7.5 分) ( )16.David is from_. A.England B.the USA C.China ( )17.Last summer he went to London _. A.to see his friends B.to spend his holidays C.to visit his relatives ( )18.People in David s country drive _. A.on the

6、 right B.on the left C.in the middle ( )19.What happened to David when he came to a busy street? A.A car hit him. B.A bike hit him. C.A policeman stopped him. ( )20.Why did the old woman come to David? A.Because she wanted to see whether David was hurt. B.Because she came to tell David where he was.

7、 C.Because she wanted to know if David wanted a map of the city. 第二部分语言知识运用(35 分) .单项选择。(15 分) ( )1. I won t have a trip to Mount Huang unless Amy _, either. You mean you ll go if Amy goes? A.will be invited B.invites C.is invited ( )2.I was made _ this or that while working as a waiter in this hote

8、l. A.do B. doing C.to do ( )3.Wow! What a beautiful coat! 4 I bought it in Suzhou last year. It s _ silk. It s dear. A.made of B.made from C.made in ( )4.Who broke the window? It _ by the boy who lives next door. A.is broken B.was broken C.has broken ( )5.Do you know that woman? Yes. She is the woma

9、n _ saved the old man s life. A.who B.which C.whose ( )6.Everyone should make a contribution to _ our environment. A.protect B.protection C.protecting ( )7.What should we do first if we want to develop our village? A lot of new roads _, I think. A.have to build B.must build C.must be built ( )8.He i

10、s a writer _ a singer. A.as long as B.as well as C.as well ( )9.I don t know _. A.what to do B.where to do C.how to do ( )10.No one can say for _ what they are talking about. A.certain B.certainly C.true ( )11._ the morning of March 31, she made an important decision in her life. A.On B.In C.From (

11、)12. You ve saved a lot of money. How do you plan to _ it? You know, it will _ much to buy a house. A.pay; spend B.spend; cost C.cost; pay ( )13.He can t help _ the answers when she can t work out the problems. 5 A.turn to B.to turn C.turning to ( )14.We all _ Mrs. Wang _ her help. _ her help, we ha

12、ve made great success. A.thank for, Thanks to B.thank to, Thanks for C.thank for, Thanks for ( )15.It _ that there are many treasures in the pyramids( 金字塔 ). A.says B.said C.is said .补全对话。(10 分) 从下面方框中选择正确的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。 A: What are you making, Tom? B: I m making a model rocket. A: How nice! 16 B

13、: Of course. 17 A: Could you tell me something about rockets? B: Sure. Rockets are used for sending satellites into space. A: 18 B: Yes. And we can also learn much about other planets. A: 19 B: That s right, including its speed and direction. A: 20 B: I hope your dream will come true. A.It will be c

14、ontrolled by this tiny machine. B.Are you sure that it can fly in the sky? C.I wish I could travel to space in the future. D.Spaceships are used for sending astronauts. 6 E.They will be controlled by computers. F.I can make a spaceship as well. G.Will satellites be used to explore other planets? .完形

15、填空。(10 分) 阅读短文,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 The computer is a very wonderful machine today, and it s so 21 that it seems that we 22 live or work without it. Computers are used in many 23, such as offices, factories, big shops, schools and even homes. With the computer people are living a better 24. The computer is one of the greatest inventions in the 20th century. The first computer 25 in America in 1946 which was named ENIAC, and it was not only very 26, but also quite heavy. It was as big as ten ordinary ( 普通的 ) rooms! But the computer is developing very fast. Today they re becoming s


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