2021年八年级英语上册单元测试定心试:Revision Module B(能力提升)(外研版学生版)

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1、精品资源教育学院 2 20 02 21 1 年年初初中中上上册册单单元元测测试试定定心心卷卷 学 校: 姓 名: 班 级: 学 号: 老 师: 分 数: 班 级: 学 号: 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升2 Revision Module B 能力提升卷 班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 分数_ (考试时间:60 分钟 试卷满分:100 分) 第第 I I 卷(选择题)卷(选择题) 一、完型填空一、完型填空(共共 15 分分) Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming to this concert. I hope you wi

2、ll enjoy the _. The purpose (目的) of this concert is 1 money for children in Africa. Every day many children in Africa die because they have illness or dont have enough 2 . There are two main 3 . First, there are no jobs for the childrens parents, so they have no money to buy 4 or food. 5 , the gover

3、nments (政府) in many African countries do not have the 6 to take care of the people. They are too poor. Most African countries are in a bad situation (情况). The land isnt good for 7 food. And the weather is also 8 for farming. The Feed Africa Fund (基金会) 9 a lot of money every year on food for poor peo

4、ple in Africa. The money comes 10 the kind people who do not want to see children die because of hunger (饥饿). Just one dollar can buy enough rice or corn to 11 a family of four for three days. How 12 do you need for food each day? Ten dollars? Twenty dollars? I am sure you can spend a little less on

5、 your own food 13 you have a few dollars for the Feed Africa Fund. Ladies and gentlemen, we will now have the show. Enjoy 14 and be generous (慷慨的), please. Hundreds of thanks! 1(1 分)ApartyBfoodCmusicDfun 2(1 分)Ato getBto prepareCto makeDto borrow 3(1 分)Afood BriceCsleepDwater 4(1 分)AideasBreasonsCst

6、oriesDjobs 5(1 分)AclothesBmedicineChousesDdrinks 6(1 分)ALast BLaterCFinallyDSecond 7(1 分)AsolutionBexperienceCmoneyDhope 8(1 分)AgrowingBinventingCeating Dseeing 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升3 9(1 分)AbadBgoodCdangerousDfamous 10(1 分)AlosesBtakesCspendsDpays 11(1 分)AtoBfromCwithDof 12(1 分)AfeedBbuildCliveDmak

7、e 13(1 分)AmanyBmuchClittleDfew 14(1 分)AalthoughBbecauseCas soon as Dso that 15(1 分)AyourselvesBthemselvesCherselfDhimself 二、阅读单选二、阅读单选(共共 40 分分) A An earthquake(地震) may happen at any time.Its best for us to know what to do,where to be safe and who to contact during the earthquake.The following infor

8、mation will help you. Remember:Prepare your personal earthquake bag.Collect these items and keep them somewhere near you,such as water,food,medicine,mobile phone,torch(手电筒),personal washing things,blanket,money. Remember:Drop,Hide,Hold and Contact. Drop to the floor and protect your head and neck wi

9、th your arms. Hide yourself beside something like a table,a bed and so on. Hold the furniture so that you wont move away during the earthquake. Contact family and friends to tell them where you are. Remember:Never do these things. Stand close to the buildings (because they may fall on you) Stand und

10、er the trees or signs (because its better for you to stand in an open space) Go too close to the power lines(电线) (because you may be badly hurt by electricity) 16(2 分)The underlined word “contact” in the passage most probably means “_” in Chinese. A联络B求救 C接触D触碰 17(2 分)According to the passage,how ma

11、ny items should be kept in your personal earthquake bag? ASix.BSeven. CEight.DFive. 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升4 18(2 分)We should hold the furniture so that _. Awe wont move away during the earthquakeBwe can hide under it Cit can protect our heads and necksDwe can hide in it 19(2 分)It is safer for you to

12、stand _during the earthquake. Aclose to a buildingBin an open space Cbeside power linesDin high place 20(2 分)Which is the best title of this passage? AThe reasons of the earthquakeBDifferent kinds of earthquakes CIts better to be safe than sorryDEarthquake B How dangerous it would be if there was a

13、fire! Winter is the time for us to learn a lot more about fire,especially what to do if we are caught in a fire. 1Shout out If you smell smoke or see fire,shout out “Fire!” Shout as loudly as you can,because people may be asleep. 2Call 119 Never try to put out the fire yourself,even if it is a very

14、small one! Get help from your parents or call 119. 3Keep down close to the floor If there is a lot of smoke in your room,keep down close to the floor. 4Test the door Test the door before you open it.If the door is cool,open it carefully.If the door is hot,do not open it! Try to find a different way

15、out. 5Get out If you can,get out of your home as soon as possible. 6Dont use the lift Never use the lift during the fire.It may also go wrong. 7Dont go back Never go back into a burning building! 21(2 分)The passage is mainly about _. 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升5 Ahow to look after yourself when you are on

16、 fire Bwhat to do when you are caught in a fire Cwhen to leave the burning place Dwhy to call 119 when there is a fire 22(2 分)When people are asleep,what will you do when a fire breaks out in your building? ACall 120 for help as quickly as you can. BOnly wake your parents up fast. CShout out “Fire!” as loudly as you c



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