国庆节爬山游玩-国庆节英语作文带翻译 修订

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1、国庆节爬山游玩 -国庆节英语作文带翻译 I am looking forward to the long national day. In the days of joy, I was reminded of the TV in the excited exciting picture. October a -1949 years, Chairman Mao in Tiananmen Square solemnly declared to the people of the world: the peoples Republic of China was established. And si

2、nce then, the Chinese people have stood up, foreigners can not call us sick man of East Asia, China, from the development of a weak and incompetent country step by step into a powerful country, this is how not easy ah! Today is the birthday of the motherland 61 years old, it is a great honor, today

3、is my 10 birthday, ah, I was one year old. Father to celebrate the motherland, and my birthday, took me to Baiyun Mountain Gu Ming Chun, spent a happy day. Along the way, sunny, day Gao Yundan, everywhere flags flying. To celebrate the National Day four eye-catching headline everywhere, filled with

4、the happy atmosphere of the festival. To Baiyun Mountain, we sat on the car battery, to Gu Ming chun. Dad said, Gu Ming Chun in the parrot show is very exciting, a Parrot Dance is quite decent. Really? I dont believe, with half believe and half doubt into the field, see the wonderful. The first show

5、 is that I dont believe in the Parrot Dance, I really want to see the parrot is how to dance. For a while, I saw a South American parrot jump out, fell on the stage, the parrot is very large, body length of about 30 centimeters, the body is white feathers, a big mouth, as if a hook, a small nose, lo

6、oked very funny, it moved wings, dancing, wings open a can be beautiful! I do not know how long after, the little things of this action dislike, change also an action, shook his head, shook his head, the shake the cerebellum bag East, West shake the sway head movements was lovely, provoke everyone l

7、augh, especially I, belly almost was breaking the, I finally believe dad said that wonderful. The second and the third program in the past, the same is very exciting, but my most memorable program is Diao money, the show eye opener for me, the eyes. You see, many, many audience raised bills, a yuan,

8、 five yuan, ten yuan, or even fifty yuan, oh, this Diao money game can attract a lot of visitors. Has been flying off on the branches of the little parrot like still no movement, I said to himself, it must not want to play with us, but I was wrong, suddenly, that only the color of a small parrot, an

9、d took the money, we set a look, wow, is a fifty yuan note, I also can not help but cheer up, but in earnest search all the hands of the audience holding money, see who the money is more big, really a clever parrot. Today, I am really happy, forget Ming parrot in the Spring Valley, we bring joy, mor

10、e feel the motherland prosperity to our people happy life, ah! I love my country. 我盼望已久的国庆节终于到了。在这欢乐的日子里,我想起了电 视里那激动人心的画面,-1949年的十月一日,毛泽东主席在* 城楼上向全世界人民郑重地宣布:“中华人民共和国成立!”,中国 人民从此站了起来,外国人再也不敢称我们为“东亚病夫”,中国, 从一个弱小无能的国家一步一步发展成一个强大的国家,这是多么的 不简单啊! 今天是祖国 61 岁生日,很荣幸,今天也是我的10 岁生日,啊, 我又长大了一岁。爸爸为了庆祝祖国,还有我的生日,特意

11、带我到白 云山鸣春谷,度过了一个快乐的国庆。 一路上,阳光灿烂,天高云淡,处处彩旗飘扬,“欢度国庆”四 个醒目大字随处可见,洋溢着快乐的节日气氛。 到了白云山,我们坐上电瓶车,前往鸣春谷。听爸爸说,鸣春谷 里的鹦鹉表演很精彩,有一只鹦鹉跳起舞来还挺像样的呢。“真的”? 我不相信,半信半疑的跟着进了场,看那“精彩”的表演。 第一个节目就是我不大相信的“鹦鹉跳舞”,我真想瞧一瞧那只 鹦鹉是怎样跳舞的。一会儿,只见一只南美洲大鹦鹉跳了出来,落在 “舞台”上,这只鹦鹉非常大,身体约长30 厘米,全身呈白色的羽毛, 一张大大的嘴巴,好像一个钩子,小小的鼻子,样子很滑稽,它动了 动翅膀,翩翩起舞,翅膀一开

12、一合的,可漂亮了!不知过了多久,这 小东西对这个动作厌恶了,换了另外一个动作,摇摇头,晃晃脑袋, 把它的小脑袋东摇摇,西摇摇,这晃脑袋的动作可真够可爱的,惹的 大家捧腹大笑,尤其是我,肚皮都差点儿被笑破了,我终于相信爸爸 说的那种“精彩”。第二、第三个节目过去了,同样是很精彩,但令 我最难忘的节目就是“叼钱”,这个节目令我大开眼界,大饱眼福。 你瞧,许很多多的观众举起了纸钞,有一元的,五元的,十元的,甚 至五十元的,哦,这“叼钱”游戏可吸引了很多观众。 已飞落在树枝上的小鹦鹉好像还是没有一点儿动静,我自言自语 地小声说着:“它一定不想跟我们玩游戏”,不过,我错了,忽然, 那只彩色小鹦鹉飞向一个啊姨,叼走了纸币,大家定眼一看,哇,竟 是一张五十元大钞,大家顿时发出一阵惊讶声,我也情不自禁地欢呼 起来,“原来刚才那只鹦鹉不是不想参加游戏,而是在认真地搜索着 各位观众手上举着的钞票,看一看谁的钱面值更大,真是一只聪明的 鹦鹉”。 今天我真快乐,忘不了鸣春谷里鹦鹉带给我们的欢乐,更感受到 祖国富强给我们人民幸福美满的生活,啊!我爱我的祖国。



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