2021年七年级英语上册单元测试定心试:Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(基础过关)(学生版)

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2021年七年级英语上册单元测试定心试:Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?(基础过关)(学生版)_第1页
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1、精品资源教育学院 2 20 02 21 1 年年初初中中上上册册单单元元测测试试定定心心卷卷 学 校: 姓 名: 班 级: 学 号: 老 师: 分 数: 班 级: 学 号: 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升3 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 基础过关卷 班级_ 姓名_ 学号_ 分数_ 一、单项选择 1Does Jack_ a TV? Yes.He often _sports programs on_ TV. Ahas;watches;/ Bhave;watches;/ Chave;watches;the Dhas;watches;the 2_you

2、 have soccer balls? Yes,I do.And I have two baseballs. ADoes BAreCDo DCan 3Lets watch TV. _. ASorry,I dont BThats a good idea CYes,I do DNo,I dont 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升4 4What are the girls doing? They are playing_ basketball now. Aa BAnCthe D/ 5_Bill _two ping-pong balls? ADo;have BDoes;haveCDo;has

3、 DDoes;has 6Wheres Mary? Sorry,I_. Anot know Bam not knowCdont know Dknow not 7Peters father often watches basketball games _TV. Ain Bon Cat Dof 8Do you have a TV? _ AYes,it is. BYes,we are.CYes,we have. DYes,we do. 9Your English is very good. _. AYoure right BThank youCYou are OK DDont say so 10Let

4、s play computer games. That _ good. Alooks BwatchesCsounds Dlistens to 11The music(音乐)is_.I like it. Awell BrelaxingCboring Dbad 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升5 12There are five people in a _team. Abasketball BbaseballCvolleyball Dsoccer ball 13We need one ping-pong ball and two _. Aping-pongs bats Bping-pon

5、gs bat Cping-pong bats Dping-pong bat 14The question is not easy.Its very _. Adifficult BdifficultyCrelaxing Dnot difficult 15Mr.Black doesnt like the lecture(演讲)It is _. Ainteresting BboringCfun Drelaxing .完形填空(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) Hello!Im 1 .Im an English boy.I 2 two sisters. 3 are Sonia and Linda.Son

6、ia has a great sports collection.She has a soccer ball,three volleyballs 4 four basketballs.But she 5 play sportsshe only 6 them on TV.Linda has a sports collection, 7 .She has two tennis balls and 8 baseball.And she has many ping-pong balls 9 her schoolbag(抽屉)She 10 ping-pong every day. 1A.Lucy BAl

7、anCSonia DLily 2A.have BdoChas Ddoes 3A.He BSheCThey DIt 4A.and BbutCto Dof 5A.isnt BarentCdont Ddoesnt 6A.look BwatchClooks Dwatches 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升6 7A.please BtooCthere Dhere 8A.three BtwoCa Dan 9A.with BofCon Din 10A.plays BplayCsound Dneeds 三、阅读理解 A My friend Jane is a sports fan(爱好者)She

8、has a great sports collection.She has three soccer balls,five baseballs,six volleyballs and two basketballs.They are all under her bed.Jane plays basketball very well.She likes Kobe.She thinks he is the best(最好的)basketball player in America.Jane plays baseball very well,too.Now she is in her school

9、baseball club. 1Jane has _ volleyballs. Asix Bfive Cthree Dten 2Kobe is a _. Astudent Bbasketball player Cteacher Dbaseball player 3Jane plays _ very well. Asoccer and basketball 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升7 Bvolleyball and baseball Cbasketball and baseball Dtennis and basketball 4Jane is _. Ain her schoo

10、l basketball club Ban English teacher Ca sports fan DKobes sister 5We can find _ under Janes bed. Asome notebooks Ba watch Cthree books Da great sports collection B I have three good friends.We like sports very much.My favorite sport is basketball.I have three balls.I think playing basketball is int

11、eresting.Jim and Tim think it is boring to play basketball.Their favorite sport is soccer.They play soccer every afternoon.They have four balls.Mary is a nice girl.Her favorite sport is volleyball.She plays it very well.Its relaxing for her to play volleyball.But she has only one ball.Sports are goo

12、d for us. 6Whats Jim and Tims favorite sport?_ ABasketball. BSoccer. 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升8 CVolleyball. DBaseball. 7Whats Marys favorite sport?_ ASoccer. BV olleyball. CBasketball. DBaseball. 8Who has only one ball?_ AI. BMary. CTim. DJim. 9Does Mary think its boring to play soccer?_ AYes,she does.

13、 BNo,she doesnt. CWe dont know. DNo,she dont 10How many balls do I have?_ ATwo. BFour. COne. 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升9 DThree. C John Smith doesnt play sports.He has two children.His son,Jim,likes tennis and soccer.And he has a sports collection.(A)He is in the school tennis club.(B)He plays tennis wit

14、h his friends every day. Cindy,his daughter,likes baseball and tennis. (C) She only watches them on TV. 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。 11写出文中喜欢球类运动的人物: _ 12将(A)译成汉语: _。 13写出(B)的否定句: _ 14下面哪一项能填入文中(C)处,使文意通顺连贯:_ AShe plays them every day. BBut she doesnt play them. 15根据上下文,猜测画波浪线的单词“children”的含义:_ 四、用所给词的正确形式填空四、用所给词的正确形式填空 1My sister _(not have)a soccer ball. 2Bruce only _(watch)sports on TV! 3Michael _(have)a computer. 4Lets _(go)to play soccer. 5Does your father _(play)sports every day? 2021 年初中单元测试 基础过关能力提升10 6Where _(be)your books?


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