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1、 电气工程师求职英文简历模板个英文简历中要阐述自己的技巧、能力、经验时要尽可能地准确,不夸大也不误导。以下是电气工程师求职英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!电气工程师求职英文简历模板.com(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxNo.67, Lane123 Job Road,District, Shanghai, 200070ELECTRICAL ENGINEERSeeking an Entry-Level Position Within the Renewable-Energy SectorRecent BSEE graduate and EIT with experience as an electri

2、cal engineer intern for a major solar power solutions manufacturer.Possess the analytical abilities and technical skills necessary for engineering innovative designs and applications.Solid understanding of electrical engineering theory, industry-standard circuit design, testing tools and photovoltai

3、c (PV) systems.EDUCATIONXYZ UNIVERSITY Sometown,CA Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 5/2011 Activities: IEEE, Student Member .Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Student ChapterSenior Capstone Design Project: Completed renewable-energy engineering project involving the design of switch-mod

4、e power electronic converters and electric drives for wind-energy converters.Relevant Courses: Digital Electronics, Circuit Theory, Analog Electronics/Circuits, Logic Design, Signals Systems, Sustainable Electric Energy, Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) Digital DesignEngineer in Training

5、(EIT)Passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam4/2011EXPERIENCEABC COMPANYSometown, CAPhotovoltaic manufacturer providing solar electric power systems solutions.Electrical Engineer Intern11/2010 to 11/2011Custom designed and sized solar PV systems for residential and commercial customers using

6、 AutoCAD to generate detailed computer drawings. Participated in research and marketing projects to promote renewable energy and drive business growth.Key Contributions:Worked under senior electrical engineers to design PV systems that converted sunlight into electricity.Equipped selected PV systems

7、 with uninterruptible power supply (UPS) capability, allowing customers to operate selected circuits for hours (or even days) during a utility power outage.Assisted in distributed system voltage performance analysis for high-level penetration photovoltaics, contributing to research study that will b

8、e used to optimize future PV systems.Conducted efficiency and price/watt comparisons on other solar power systems on the market to gather intelligence used for marketing campaigns.Wrote content for company blog to educate the public on the advantages of solar electric power.Janet was an excellent ad

9、dition to our electrical engineering teamShe worked on her first PV system design in the first week of her internship. She shows an excellent command of digital integrated circuitry and photovoltaics Tom Carter, Senior Electrical Engineer, ABC CompanyTECHNOLOGY SUMMARYAutoCAD, C, C+, Mathematica, Fr

10、ameMaker, MicroStation, MS Project and Excel双语简历vs纯英语简历,哪个更实用?随着招聘市场越来越正规化,英语简历也改变过去小众局面,成为简历大部队中的生力军。英语简历,一般有两种形式,一种是中英都有的双语简历;一种是纯英文的求职简历。二者表现方式不同,效果也千差万别,于是不少求职者纠结,简历制作时到底用哪种形式?那个更实用呢?双语简历适用范围更广双语简历,多用于外企应聘或语言类毕业生求职。就徐州地区而言,虽说城市发展不断进步,但一些传统思维并没有改变,面试官依旧多由老人担任。所以,为了照顾招聘人员,建议各位,还是用带有中文的双语简历比较好。双语简历,其实就是英文简历+中文简历。将中文放在最前面,后面附上英文简历,一式两份,两种形式的结合,既能让面试官看懂,又能在一定程度上凸显求职者的英语水平,效果上相对于纯英文简历,要好上很多。纯英语简历更突显外语能力纯英语简历,在北京、上海之类的一线城市使用的比较多。但在二线城市,出现的频率和使用范围明显变窄。如果没有非常好的英语能力,或是不了解英语简历写作要求的话,不建议大家使用此种形式。相对而言,纯英语简历对求职者语言掌握要求更高。光是简单的靠翻译是远远不够的,相对于形式自由的中文简历来说,纯正的英文简历,有着一套固定的模板。如果不甚了解就随便套用,很容易闹出笑话。


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