初级英语口语速成:与代理商商谈 修订

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《初级英语口语速成:与代理商商谈 修订》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初级英语口语速成:与代理商商谈 修订(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初级英语口语速成:与代理商商谈 1.Well appreciate your strenuous efforts to promote the sales in your market on commissions basis. 如果你能在代理的基础上,在市场上为我们的产品尽全力做促销 的话,我们将非常感激。 2.As you know, to start with, well have more difficulties with new products. 你知道,刚开始销售新产品,我们将会有更多的困难。 3.We would like to ask for a guaranteed mi

2、nimum. 我们希望你保证付给我们一个。 4.As this is quite a new line, can you supply us with 20 units on the basis of sale or return? 因为这是新产品,能否供应20 台机器让我们试销,销不完给退货 呢? 5.We would like to have your price list. 我想看一下你们列出的价目表。 6.What rate of commission do you expect from us? 你希望我们所付的佣金率是多少呢? 7.If you decide to appoint

3、us as your sole agent, we can consider carrying a limited quantity of stock on hand. 如果你决定任命我们为代理商,我们能够考虑手头储备一定限额 的货物了。 8.Could you show me your catalogs or brochures? 给我看看你们的目录或者宣传册好吗? 9.If you worked with us, how much commission would you expect? 如果你和我们合作,你希望得到多少佣金? 10.I think our boss usually pay

4、s around 6%. 我想我们老板一般是支付大约6% 的佣金。 11.The designated area should include Beijing, Guangdong province and Henan province. 指定的代理地区包括北京、广东和河南。 12.I hope we can see eye to eye about the rate of commission and the terms of the agency agreement. 我希望我们能就代理权协议的各项条款以及佣金率达成一致意见。 13.You should send us as many p

5、rice lists and leaflets as possible to be distributed among our clients. 你应该送给我们尽可能多的价目表、还有分给用户的宣传品等。 14.We must know what your service charges will be. 我们必须弄清楚你们将收取多少服务费用。 15.I will have to consult my home office and see what they say. 我必须同本部商量看他们怎么说。 16.The agency asked us to double the expense, 代

6、理商要求我们出双倍价钱。 17.Have you had more discussions with the British agent? 你们和英国的代理商进一步谈了吗? 18.Are you able to offer exclusivity for all of China? 你能够授予我在中国的代理权吗? 19.With the sole agency in your hand, you could easily control the market. 你取得了代理权后,能够轻易地控制市场。 20.You can entrust us with the sole agency for

7、your shirt in our country. 贵方授予我方在我们国家销售贵方衬衫的代理权。 21.We have many advantages to act as your sole agent. 我方在作为你方代理方面有很多优势。 22.We have to decline your proposal of acting as our sole agency. 我们不得不谢绝你们作为我方代理的建议。 23.We ll consider appointing you as our sole agent for our new products. 我们将考虑指定你方作为我们新产品的代理。 24.We have enough positive experiences to act as your sole agent. 我有绝对充足的经验成为你公司的代理。



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