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1、 Jane EyreA Great Woman Recently, I read a moving novel, Jane Eyre. It is the masterpiece of the famous writer Charlotte Bronte. This novel tells us the story of a poor but self-respecting girlJane Eyre. Jane Eyre is an orphan, whose parents went off when she was very young. Her uncle became her gua

2、rdian. After her uncle death, her aunt, Mrs. Reed, a harsh and unsympathetic woman, treats her as badly as a ragtag. Her early life at Gateshead is really terrible. One day, unable to bear the maltreatment any longer, Jane tells straight to her aunts face what she thinks of her. Mrs. Reed is furious

3、 and sends Jane to a charity school for poor girls in Lowood, where she lives an intolerable life and stays for eight years. These suffers from being humiliated and devastated teach Jane to be preserving and prize dignity over anything else. After graduation, Jane gets a chance to be a governess in

4、Thornfield Garden. There she makes acquaintance of lovely Adele and the gardens owner, Rochester, a man with worm heart but cold face. Jane expects to change the life from then on, but fate has decided otherwise. After Jane and Rochester fell in love with each other and got down to marry. She unfort

5、unately comes to know that Rochester has got a wife who is mad and locked in a private room. Shocked by the news, Jane flees from the house. She goes through many hardships. Finally helped by a parson, she gets the job of being a teacher in a village school. When the parson tells Jane that he wants

6、to marry her, Jane suddenly realizes that Rochester is the person she really loves. So she finally returns to Thronfield Garden. After finding Rochesters misfortune brought by his original mad wife, Jane chooses to stay with him forever. After reading this novel, I was moved by Jane Eyre, this respe

7、cting and praiseworthy angel, this common but uncommon woman. Frankly speaking, at first, I think Jane Eyre is a poor and wretched girl, because my attention was drawn by the heavy sufferings that Jane experienced. However, when I have appreciated all words and thoughts of Janes in her hard time, I

8、was persuaded to admit how common but uncommon she is! She says, “I am poor, mean, is not beautiful, diminutive, I do not have the soul not to have the heart? You were wrong! When we pass through the grave, stands in front of the God heel, is equal - - because we are equal!” In her opinion, everyone

9、 is the same at the Gods feet. Though there are differences in status, in property and also in appearance, but all the human beings are equal in personality. Although God did not grant her a beauty and wealth person, instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thoughtful brain. Her idea of equality and

10、self-respect impressed us extremely much and make us feel the power inside her small body. This is Jane, and we can never forget her plain face but noble soul; we can never forget her weak body but magnanimous and charming personality; we can never forget her poverty in life but richness in spirit; we can never forget her search for freedom and her confident attitude towards life. Thats what makes her great. She is really an immortal tale in our mind.


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