小学四年级(三年级起点) 英语上册课本内容 外研社--修订编选

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小学四年级(三年级起点) 英语上册课本内容 外研社--修订编选_第1页
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小学四年级(三年级起点) 英语上册课本内容 外研社--修订编选_第2页
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1、 MODULE 1-第 1 模块 Unit 1第 1 单元 Go straight on. Activity 1活动 1 Listen,point and say. Where are you,Tom? Im behind the tree. Where are you now? Im on your left. Im on your right now. Activity 2活动 2 Listen,point and find turn left,go straight on,turn right. Look,Sam. Heres a dog. Its lost. My name is Do

2、udou. I live at No.2 Park Street. Excuse me. Wheres No.2 Park Street,please? Turn left. Go straight on. Turn right. Its next to a supermarket. And its beside the cinema. Thank you. Bye-bye. Goodbye. Thank you so much! Youre welcome. Activity 3活动 3 Listen and say. Turn left. Go straight on. Turn righ

3、t. Unit 2第 2 单元 Its at the station. Activity 1活动 1 Listen,point and say. Wheres Sam? Hes behind the door. Activity 2活动 2 Listen and say. Wheres the train? Its up the hill. Wheres the train? Its down the hill. Wheres the train? Its near the house. Wheres the train? Its at the station. Activity 4活动 4

4、Listen and say.Then chant. Left foot,right foot, left foot,right. Marching all day, and Marching all night. Go straight on, now turn right. Left foot,right foot, left foot,right. Come on,kids! Youre doing all right! Left foot,right foot, left foot,right. Marching all day, and Marching all night. Go

5、straight on, now turn right. Left foot,right foot, left foot,right. Come on,kids! Youre doing all right! Words and Expressions in Module 1 straight-直地;直线地 Go straight on-直着走 left-左边;向左,左边的 right-右边;向右;右边的 live-居住 No.(number 的缩写)-第号 street-大街,街道 excuse me-对不起,打扰一下 turn left-向左传 turn right-向右转 next to

6、-紧靠旁边,贴近 supermarket-超市 beside-在旁边,在附近 cinema-电影院 so much-十分,非常 Youre welcome!-不客气! station-车站 train-火车 hill-小山 near-接近,临近 house-房屋 Module 2-第 2 模块 Unit 1第 1 单元 Shes reading a book. Activity 1活动 1 Listen,point and say. I like playing football. She likes playing basketball. He likes swimming. We like

7、 running. Activity 2活动 2 Listen, point and find-ing. Look at these pictures. This is my friend Maomao. Shes reading a book. This is my friend Xiaowei. Hes taking pictures. This is my sister Amy. Shes watching TV. This is my little brother Tom. Hes playing with a toy train. Activity 3活动 3 Listen and

8、say. Hes taking pictures. Shes reading a book. Unit 2第 2 单元 What are you doing? Activity 1活动 1 Listen and chant. Im reading a book. Hes flying a kite. Shes taking pictures. Theyre riding a bike. Activity 2活动 2 Listen and say. What are you doing, children? Im listening to music! Im talking to my frie

9、nd! Whats Tom doing? Oh, hes reading a book about China! Ha ha. Activity 3活动 3 Listen and match. Then say. 1 Hello, Im Tiantian. Im listening to music. 2 Hi, Im Maomao. Im playing table tennis. 3 Hello, Im Lanlan. Im playing basketball. 4 Hello, Im Xiaoyong. Im playing football. Activity 4活动 4 Liste

10、n and say. Then sing and do the actions. Are you doing it too? Im listening to music. Im reading a book. Im writing a letter. Come here and look. Im playing football. Im talking to you. Im doing my homework. Are you doing it too? Words and Expressions in Module 2 read-读,阅读 running-跑步 these-这些 pictur

11、e-照片 take-拍摄 take pictures-照相 children(child 的复数形式)-孩子们 listen-听 listen to-听 talk-说话,交谈 talk to-和交谈 China-中国 Module 3-第 3 模块 Unit 1第 1 单元 What are they doing? Activity 1活动 1 Listen, point and say. What are the kids doing? Theyre listening to music. What are they doing? Theyre playing football. Activ

12、ity 2活动 2 Listen, point and find-ing. Lets get on the bus. We can see lots of interesting things. OK. Look at the people in the park. What are they doing? Theyre doing taijiquan. Look at the people on the lake. What are they doing? Theyre rowing a dragon boat. Look at the men between the big trees.

13、What are they doing? Theyre playing chess. Look at these girls. What are they drinking? Theyre drinking soya milk! Look at the clock. Its twelve now. Im hungry. Me too. Lets go! Activity 3活动 3 Listen and say. What are they doing? Theyre playing chess. What are they drinking? Theyre drinking milk. MO

14、DULE 3-第 3 模块 Unit 2第 2 单元 Whats the elephant doing? Activity 1活动 1 Listen, point and say. What are they doing? Theyre playing football. What is it doing? Its drawing pictures. Activity 2活动 2 Listen and say. Whats the elephant doing? Its drawing pictures. What are the tigers doing? Theyre jumping. W

15、hats the bird doing? Its singing. Look! The horse is running. No, its dancing. Activity 4活动 4 Listen and say. Then sing. Row, row, row your boat Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily,merrily, life is like a dream. Words and Expressions in Module 3 kid-小孩 get on-上

16、(车) can-能够,会 see-看到 lots of-许多 interesting-有趣的 thing-东西,物品;事情 people-人,人们 row-划(船) dragon-龙 boat-船 dragon boat-龙舟 men (man 的复数形式)-男人 between-在之间,在中间 chess-国际象棋 play chess-下国际象棋 drink-喝,饮 soya milk-豆浆 clock-钟 hungry-饥饿的 Me too. -我也一样。 draw-画 jump-跳 sing-唱 dance-跳舞 Module 4-第 4 模块 Unit 1第 1 单元 Do you want some rice? Activity 1活动 1 Listen and chant. Noodles and rice are very, very nice. Juice with ice is also very nice. Activity 2活动 2 Listen, point and findDo you want.? Look, Amy. Chines


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