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1、1 FRIENDS welcome to Southwark School! When you go to a new school, it can be scary. You worry about your studies. You worry about your studies. You also worry about making friends. You worry that no one will like you. But do not worry to much. Most of the time some people are friendly and some peop

2、le are not. Usually there are some people you like at once. These people often like you too. How do people make friends? What makes a person a friend? Heres what one student says: My name is Helen. Amy and Sally are my best friends. Amy has been my friend since my first day at nursery school. We wer

3、e three years old then. Were 14 now! I like her because she is happy almost all the time and very friendly. Sally is quiet person. She makes friends more slowly. However, she is just as good a friend as Amy. They are both interested in the same things as me, and we listen to each others problems. Am

4、y likes to talk and Sally likes to listen. We are all good at different school subjects. so we help each other with our homework too! WORD BANK scary 令人惊恐的 worry 担忧、担心 almost 差不多几乎 quiet 文静的、沉默寡言的 subject 科目 EXERCISES 1.Match the word with its correct meaning in the text. worry most often friendly t

5、hink that something bad might happen or has happened usually a thing that is difficult to do or to understand problem behaving in a kind and open way 2. Decide whether the following statements are true(T) or false (F). 1) You dont worry about anything when you go to a new school. ( ) 2) Most of the

6、time Amy is happy while Sally is quiet. ( ) 3) When Helen and Amy were three years old, they were at the same nursery school. ( ) 4) Helen, Amy and Sally are good friends, so they do homework for each other. ( ) 2 WE SPEAK DIFFERENT KINDS OF ENGLISH Ben: Hi, Sally! Sally: Hello, Ben! Ben: Oh, yes, t

7、hats right! You British people say Hello, not Hi. I forgot that. Sally: Actually, lots of British people say Hi these days. Its all the American TV we watch. I dont think people over in America say Hello much, do they? Ben: No, most people just say Hi, as Hello sounds very formal. Sally: Well, lets

8、be British and say Hello to each other for a change. Ben: OK, Sally! Sally: OK is not British. In Britain we say Alright. Ben: Thats not true. EVERYONE in the whole world says OK! Even the French say OK. Sally: Well, yes, thats true. But alright is proper English now. Ben: So it is a kind of old-fas

9、hioned English. But OK, I mean alright. Ill try it. But will anyone understand me? Sally: Yes, of course they will, Oh, look, here comes Tony. Hes from Australia. I wonder whether he says Hello or Hi. Ben: Hi, Tony! Sally: Hello, Tony! Tony: Gday, you two! Sally: Oh no! He speaks Australian English!

10、 WORD BANK forget 忘记 alright 还好、还可以 whole 整个的、全部的 French 法语、法国人 proper 正确的、合适的 old-fashioned 陈旧的 mean 想说、意指 try 尝试 EXERCISES 1. Find the following six words from the puzzle. start forget Proper English again English C A B A G A I N O M D H F X W V Z P N O E J O K D O R Y B S H I R C U S T A R T E N

11、G L I S H P Q R I A E F J G W Q O Y K J T P R O P E R C 2. Follow the example and find the information from the passage to fill in as much of the table as you can. British Australian American Hi Hello Gday Alright OK 3 AN INTERVIEW WITH MR BLACK Which class do you teach, Mr. Black? I teach Class 3.

12、The students are eight or nine years old. What do you teach them? Everything! I have them all day for whole year! By the end of the year you must know them very well! Yes. They know me pretty well too. What do you think your class would say about you as a teacher? This year, my class thinks I am gru

13、mpy! My wife and I have a new baby. The baby sleeps badly, so we are kept awake almost every night. No wonder you are grumpy in the morning! What is your favorite subject to teach? I like teaching maths. I like it when I explain something and the children can do things they could not do before, like

14、 adding fractions together. Do you like teaching English? Its OK. The Class 2 teacher, Mrs. Lewis, is good at telling stories. She doesnt like maths. Sometimes she tells my class stories and I do maths with her class! What do you like about teaching children of this age? They like learning new thing

15、s. Sometimes older children are more interested in their friends. They like to talk to each other, and they think some lessons are boring. WORD BANK pretty 相当 grumpy 脾气坏的 wife 妻子 awake 醒着 no wonder 怪不得 maths 数学 fractions 分数 learn 学习 boring 令人厌烦的 EXERCISES 1. Choose the correct words to put into the

16、sentences below. 1) Did you _ well last night? 2) I _ English in a middle school. 3) Who is your _ singer? 4) Eating the same thing every day is _ . 2. Answer the following questions. 1) How old are the students in Mr. Blacks class? 2) What makes Mr. Black grumpy? 3) Why does Mr. Black like teaching maths? 4 I LOVE HORSE-RIDING! Im Sue. Im 14 and I


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