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1、1 词汇积累、 活动_ 意识_ 简要地 _ 详细地 _ 主办举办 _ 通知告知 _ 介绍_ 介绍 n._ 提供_ / _ 促进_ 2 短语部分 开阔眼界 _ 旨在_ / _ 详细地 _ 为了_ 、_ 简要地 _ 希望_ 目的是 _/ _ 3. 句式 开头段 1 我很高兴你对我们学校举行的英语比赛很感兴趣,所以我写信向你简要介 绍一下它的情况。 I feel extremely delighted that _, so I am writing to _. 2. 我感到很荣幸受委托与您联系,告知您我们的安排。 I _, informing you of our arrangements. 3.

2、回复你关于 . 的来信,我想告知你这个活动的一些细节。 _, I would like to inform you of some details about it. 4. 很高兴收到你的来信并乐于简要告诉你我知道的关于这个活动的情况。 I am more than pleased to receive your letter and delighted to _. 中间句: 1致力于促进 / 改善/ 提供/ 传播. _, the activity is to be held on Sunday 2. 为了提高人们的 的意识,活动将于 .举行 _, the activity is to be

3、held at the School canteen on the weekend. 3. 旨在促进学校间文化交流的活动/会议/ 比赛 将于(时间地点)举行。 This activity _ is going to take place on June 15 th. 4. 为了响应学校发起的环保活动,我们组织了一次演讲比赛。 _the environment protection activity in our school , we have organized a speech contest. 5. 在学生会大厅地方举行了一次演讲比赛,其目的是提高 .的意识。 The activity

4、will take place in the Students Union hall , _ _ 6. 活动安排在这个周末举行。 The activity will be scheduled to start on this weekend. / _, the activity will be held on this weekend. 结尾句: 1. 活动不仅让我大开眼界而且激励我更加努力地学习。 _ _ 2 活动促进 / 增加了我们对中华文化的更好的理解 The activity contribute to / adds to _ 3 通过活动,我们意识到 . 的重要性。 Through

5、the activity , we_ 4.活动给我们提供了一个了解中华文化的机会,并帮助我们学会培养自身的阅 读习惯。 The activity _ and helped us learn _. 满分范文: 假定你是新华中学的学生李华,我校将于今年 6 月接待一批来华研修的美国学 生, 请根据以下提示,给领队 Smith 写信告知其相关安排。 时间: 6 月 17到 19 日 活动内容: 1 游览长城,参观丝绸之路展 2 学习中国传统文化课程 3 体验中国端午节风俗 Dear Smith, I am Li Hua from Xinhua Middle school. Delighted to

6、learn that you will come to China on a study tour on June 17 th, I d like to briefly introduce the arrangements. As scheduled, students will visit the Great Wall and then go to the Silk Road Exhibition upon arrival. The next day , you will get a taste of the traditional Chinese culture by taking cou

7、rses on calligraphy. On the last day , there will be a boat race to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. Then follows a get-together in our school dining hall, where all the participants will enjoy zongzi of different flavors. Hopefully, you will have a pleasant time with us in China. Yours, Li hua 仿

8、写: 假定你是李华,2018 年 3 月 30 日是你学校的开放日,届时所有课堂将对外开 放。 请你给你校美籍教师Wendy写一封介绍信,内容包括: 1 开放日的时间和总结会的地点(学校会议室) 2 Wendy上一堂体现核心素养培养的口语课(core competences) 3 在总结会上 Wendy可以谈谈在本次活动中的收获 Dear Wendy, I am delighted to tell you that our school will organize an open day for teaching , when all the classes will be open for

9、visitors to observe. _ _, (为了帮助你能实现做好充分准备), I I d like to briefly introduce the arrangements. _( 按照安排 ), the open day will start on March 30 with a meeting to summarize the event as the ending in the conference room. You are expected to give an oral English class which focuses on how to develop students core competences._(然后是会议 ), where every teacher is advised to share what they learn from this activity and you are no exception. _everything will go smoothly. Yours Lihua 练习:假定你是红星中学的学生,请你写封信想某英语报社介绍你校的“爱我家乡”主题 摄影展( photography exhibition )内容包括:摄影展宗旨;展览的时间地点和展出作品的特 点;你的感受


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