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1、Passage B A Once-in-a-Lifetime Journey Think About It Read About It,1.Do you think college education is a once-in-a-lifetime journey?,Yes. To most of us students, it is a once-in-a-lifetime journey, so we should cherish the time we spend in college and make good use of all the possible educational r

2、esources to broaden our horizons and cultivate life and career development skills.,Reference:,2.Who have supported you on your road to college?,My parents. In China, and in the world in general, it is the parents who support their children on their road to college. But many students also support the

3、mselves by applying for a scholarship or taking a part-time job to earn the tuition.,Reference:,Read About It Language Points Content Awareness Language Focus Reading Skill Practice,revolutionize v. When something revolutionizes an activity, it causes great changes in the way that it is done. 使发生巨大变

4、革;给带来革命性剧变,Over the past forty years plastics have revolutionised the way we live. 在过去的40年中,塑料彻底改变了我们的生活方式。,contemplate v.沉思,深思熟虑 think (about) deeply and thoughtfully,Examples As he lay in his hospital bed that night, he cried as he contemplated his future. 那天晚上,他躺在医院的病床上,想到未来,他哭了起来。,complex adj. d

5、ifficult to understand, explain, or deal with,Examples What he said is too complex for me to understand. complex personality. 复杂的性格,The changes we have brought in our environment from global warming to the reduction and extinction of various flora and fauna force us to face the question of how we wi

6、ll build a model for sustainable existence.,Key The environmental changes, such as global warming and the decreasing and dying out of various plants and animals, pose a severe question. That is: how we should develop an existence pattern in which we can maintain our environmental sustainability. 我们给

7、环境造成的变化 从全球变暖到各种动植物种群的减少乃至灭绝 迫使我们要面对这样一个问题:我们将如何建立一种可持续生存的模式。,Events around the world remind us that we share a small planet among peoples with different beliefs, hopes and cultures, and that understanding and appreciating their ambitions and their history will be critical to building a better world

8、 for all.,Key What happens in the world reminds us that we live on and have to share the same “small planet” with peoples who have different beliefs, hopes, and cultures. And we should recognize and value each others desires, hopes, ambitions and each others culture and history, which is crucial to

9、building a better world for us all. 世界各地发生的种种冲突事件提醒我们,我们是在与拥有不同信仰、希望和文化的各个民族分享一个小小的星球,理解和尊重他们的企盼和历史对建立一个对大家都会更加美好的世界来说将至关重要。,appreciate v. recognize and enjoy the good qualities or worth of,Examples He quit his job, because his abilities were not appreciated in the company. They chose to attend the

10、medical college, for doctors are highly appreciated in that country.,extraordinary adj.非凡的,特别的 ,卓越的 more than what is ordinary; special,Examples Her strength of will was extraordinary; she never gave up no matter what circumstances she was in.,I hope that you will discover a new understanding and ap

11、preciation for the pluralistic society in which we live and find constructive ways to contribute to the world.,Key I hope you will find a new way to understand and appreciate the diversified society we live in and find your own way to serve it. 我希望你们能对我们所处的这个多元社会有全新的理解和认识,找到建设性的途径去为世界做贡献。,You have c

12、hosen to attend a university that is not only a great educational institution; it is also a great research institution.,Key The university you attend not only offers you the best opportunity to learn, but also provides you with the best facilities and resources to do research work. 你们所选择就读的大学,不仅是一个出

13、色的教育机构,也是一个卓越的研究机构。,seminar n. (大学里由教师指导一小组学生参加的)研讨班,研讨课 A seminar is a class at a college or university in which the teacher and a small group of students discuss a topic.,Examples Students are asked to prepare material in advance of each weekly seminar. 学生要在上每星期的研讨课前备好材料。,ignite v. If something or

14、 someone ignites your feelings, they cause you to have very strong feelings about something. 点燃;激起,Examples The recent fighting in the area could ignite regional passions far beyond the borders. 最近该地区的战斗可能激发边境以外整个地区的激动情绪。,sustain v.维持; 支撑,支持 keep in existence over a long period; maintain,Examples Th

15、e runner was able to sustain the same pace for hours.,rewarding adj. (of an experience or action) worth doing or having; giving satisfaction 值得做的;有发展前途的,Examples Reading can be rewarding to everyone. A tour of the Great Wall is an immensely rewarding experience.,It is an opportunity to develop the s

16、kills and passion for being a lifelong learner in areas related to and outside of your future career.,这是一个培养你成为终生学习者所需技能和热情的机遇,这种技能和热情无论在你将来的事业领域还是其他领域都是需要的。,But it is your children, as individuals, who will choose what excites them, what generates intellectual passion and what engages their very able minds.,Key But it is up to your children to decide what ignites their eagerness to learn, what can stimulate their passion for knowledge, and what is the focus of attention of these tale


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