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1、part 1面试形式香港各大高校自主招生面试大多采用英语为考察语言,面试形式为群体面试和单独面试。群体面试是面试环节的核心,每个群面小组由68人组成。群面环节开始于考生的自我介绍,考生相互认识后,考官会为每个小组提供一个话题。在简短的讨论后,考生自由发言,该环节时长约30分钟。群体面试结束后,考官通常会让考生就学校相关信息进行提问。另外,一些考生会被考官留下单独面试,但不是所有考生都需要单独面试。面试结束后,考生有时会被考官留在现场询问其他事宜,有时则会要求直接离场,考生听从安排,礼貌退场即可。part 2考察重点港校面试采用全英文形式,重点考察考生的综合表现,面试涉及问题从政治要闻到社会热点

2、,非常多元化。考生们可以根据以下五大重点考察内容去做逐一突破:语言沟通能力、逻辑思维能力、团队合作能力、领导力及行为举止。part 3面试题型及题目港校面试题依然凸显对社会热点问题的关注,有些港校着重学术和学科偏向,有些则统筹社会话题及学科话题。优朗针对三大专题板块为港校面试真题做了一个简要划分:政治政策类、社会生活类和学习教育类。考生可以更清晰地对话题归类,从面试技巧出发总结各类话题答题思路和方式,轻松拿下考试! 政治政策类 1.What do you think of the secondchild policy?你对前面开放的二胎政策有什么看法?2.Recently, the local

3、 government announced plans to outsource Huang He Tower (黃鶴樓) by transferring the right to operate the scenic spot to a commercial entity. Should Historical Attractions of such be outsourced?近日,当地政府宣布他们计划通过将经营权转让的形式把黄鹤楼外包给商业实体。你觉得历史景点应该被外包吗?3.Will China be respected if it has become stronger?只有中国变强大

4、了外国才会尊重我们吗?4.How to view Chinas college entrance examination reform?如何看待中国的高考改革?5.Should countries invest their money in space programs or in medicine research?国家应该把钱投在太空项目还是在医药研究方面?6.Should China host the World Cup?中国应不应该举办世界杯?7.Why is China helping Africa, not its own country?中国为什么援助非洲而不是本国?8.Shou

5、ld companies contribute to national construction?企业是否应该对国家建设而做出贡献?9.Is it worth it to spend a lot of money on Chinas moon landings?在中国的登月计划华费大量经费值得吗?10.What do you think of Chinas blocking of foreign websites?中国对外国网站屏蔽你有什么看法?11.Asian Winter Games will be held from February 19 to 26, 2017 in Japan. H

6、owever, it has been found that the hotel, where Chinese athletes are supposed to stay during the Games, have placed books in rooms denying the Nanjing Massacre. Some people claim that China should boycott this Winter Games as this is an open provocation to Chinese people. Do you agree with this boyc

7、ott? Any alternative?亚洲冬季运动会将于2017年2月19日至26日在日本举行。然而,中国运动员在运动会期间本应入住的酒店在房间里放置了否认南京大屠杀的书籍。有人声称中国应该抵制冬季运动会,因为这是对中国人的公开挑衅。 你同意这个抵制吗? 有任何可行的解决方式吗?12.A group of citizens would like to improve sanitation in their community. Is it better for them to petition the government or to take a grassroots approach

8、to solving the problem directly?一群市民想要改善社区的卫生状况。是向政府请愿呢,还是采取草根的方式直接解决问题更好呢?13.Nations should suspend government funding for the arts when significant numbers of their citizens are hungry or unemployed. Do you agree?在大量公民挨饿或者失业的时候,政府应该暂停对艺术的资助。你赞同这种观点吗?社会生活类1.What do you think about the childs picky

9、eating?孩子挑食问题,你怎么看?2.What is the most important thing in your life?你生活中最重要的事情是什么?3.What is the most important thing you can do to support your life?你人生中支持你走下去最有意义的一件事?4.Talk about your life values谈谈你的人生价值观5.What is the most valuable thing to you?对你来说最有价值的东西是什么?6.What do you think is healthy or unhea

10、lthy in society now?现在社会上有什么你认为健康或不健康的事物?7.What do you think is the most unhealthy thing that society encourages us to do?社会鼓励我们做的最不健康的事情你认为是什么?8.How to look at plastic surgery?如何看待整容?9.Does the Internets impact on relationships destroy relationships?互联网对人际关系的影响,是否催毁了人际关系?10.The advantages and disad

11、vantages of social media such as QQ and WeChatQQ、微信等社交媒体对青少年的利与弊11.A father raising over 290,000 US$ in donations for his sick daughter via Chinese social media triggered controversy after netizens revealed he did not actually need this money at all. Should he be blamed for what he has done? Or to w

12、hat extent you consider he was wrong?一位父亲在中国的社交媒体上为生病了女儿筹集了超过290,000美元的捐款。然而后来网友们发现这位父亲其实并不需要这些钱,这件事情引起了激烈的讨论。这个父亲应该为他做的事情收到责难吗?或者说,你在多大程度上认为他做错了?12.Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances. Others believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion

13、, what does success come from?有的人认为人生的成功来源于敢于冒险或把握机会。但有的人认为人生的成功源于仔细规划。在你看来,成功源于什么呢?学习教育类1.What do you think about the students learning to jump?对于学生学习跳级有什么看法?2.Do not give a salary to the teacher according to the students learning performance, and talk about it.要不要根据学生的学习表现给老师定工资,谈谈对此观点的看法。3.What a

14、re the conditions for establishing an ideal university?建立一个理想中的高校需要哪些条件?4.If I give you enough money,what kind of high school would you like to build?如果给你足够的钱,你想建立一个什么样的高中?5.How to view Chinese universities as the main subjects?如何看待中国的大学把英语作为主科?6.If you want to cancel a subject, which one do you sug

15、gest?如果高考要取消一门科目,你建议是哪一门?7.What qualities do you think a leader must have? Do you think that education like China can produce good leaders?你认为一个领导者必要的素质是什么?你觉得中国这样的教育能培养出好的领导者吗?8.What do you think of a British school that bans homework and reduces student burden?英国一学校要禁止作业,减轻学生负担,你怎么看?9.Surveys show that many people believe that knowledge is not the goal of education. What do you think about that?调查显示,许多人认为掌握知识不是教育的目的。对于此观点你怎么看?10.The occurrence of the cheating in the poor areas during the col


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