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1、5B unit4 An English friend一 教学内容5b unit4A Read and say二 教学目标知识目标1. 能四会单词及句型:usually,an e-mail,busy,a town,well,Im busy.2. 能三会词汇及句型:Does he/she ?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt.What does he/she usually do ?He/she usually .surf,Internet.技能目标能初步用 Does he/she?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt. What does

2、 he/she usually do ?He/she usually 讨论别人的习惯等。情感态度目标:1. 学会委婉拒绝别人的邀请:Sorry,I cantt.Im busy.2. 培养学生与他人交流的能力。三、教学重点:1能初步用 Does he/she?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt. What does he/she usually do ?He/she usually 讨论别人的习惯等。2Usually 的正确发音。四、教学难点:1. Require the students to read and act the dialogue五、课前准备:1.

3、教学挂图。2. 录音机和磁带。3. 单词卡片和小黑板。六教学过程Step 1waring up and revision1. greetings2. sing a songHobbies3. free talkDo you have any hobbies ?Does your mother have the same hobby?Step 2presanation1. learn :what does he/she usually do on Sundays ?T:Do you have a friend?and I have an English friend,his name is To

4、m .look ,theres a photo.lets say hello to tom.T:Today is Friday ,tomorrow is Saturday ,I usually go shopping on Sundays.how about you?T:Do you want to know :what does he(手指 tom)usually do on Sundays?you can ask me togother.T:He usually sufs the Internet on Sundays.(出示句型卡片并且领读学习)2. work in pairs.利用图片

5、进行练习添加 She 的成分。让学生进行交流展示。3. Learn:what subjects does he study at school? Does he study ?T:In China we study Chinese,Maths,English and so so,yes?Guess! What subjects does he study at school?You can guess like this:Does he study ?(出示卡片)学生问教师,师生交流4. work in pairs5. 利用话题:我的英国朋友 Tom 喜欢的明星姚明和李宇春为话题学习:Does

6、 he play well? 拓展:Does she sing well?T:Look,whos he ?Yes,this is yaoming .my English friend likes he very much.we know he likes playing basketball very much.Does he play well?(领读)T:look,Whos she? Can you make a sentence like this?T:Yes,does she sing well?Step3 Learn Part A1.T:Look at the picture.(出示

7、挂图).Who are they?T:Is WangBing surfing the Internet?Lets listen to the tape and answer my questions.(出示小黑板上的问题)Questions:1.Is WangBing surfing the Internet?2.Who is his English friend?3.Does Tom live in London?4.What does Tom usually do on Sundays ?5.What subjects does he study at school?2.listen an

8、d repeat.3.Read Part A by yourselves.4.分角色朗读课文。Step4 Fill in the blanksEnglish friend lives plays town studies swimsWangBings is Tom.He in a small near London.He usually football on Sundays.He English,Maths,Science and Art.He like swimming very much,he well.Step5 Homework1. 听本课对话录音并且朗读五遍,小组内进行对话表演。2

9、. 抄写并且背诵四会单词:well,usually,town,busy,an email七板书设计Unit4 An English friendWhat does he/she usually do on Sundays ? He usually surfs the Internet on Sundays.What subjects does he study at school?He studies English,Maths,Science and Art.说课稿教学内容:牛津小学英语 5B Unit4 An English friend A 部分。一说教材本课主要围绕发电子邮件这个场景介

10、绍朋友。要求学生能够在一定的情景下正确使用副词搭配的词组。在介绍朋友的同时,还重点引出了主语是第三人称单数的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句及其答语 Does he/she?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt .What does he/sheusually do?He/she usually二教学目标知识目标3. 能四会单词及句型:usually,an e-mail,busy,a town,well,Im busy.4. 能三会词汇及句型:Does he/she ?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt.What does he/she usua

11、lly do ?He/she usually .surf,Internet.技能目标能初步用 Does he/she?Yes,he/she does.No,he/she doesnt. What does he/she usually do ?He/she usually 讨论别人的习惯等。情感态度目标:3. 学会委婉拒绝别人的邀请:Sorry,I cantt.Im busy.4. 培养学生与他人交流的能力。三说教法图片为了顺利完成教学目标,更好地突出重点,突破难点,按照学生的认识规律,我采用情景假设法、直观演示法、交际法相结合的方法。兴趣是学生最好的老师,在课堂上适当运用教学方法,能激发学生


13、交流的活动中建立起自信,享受到学习的快乐,得到相关的知识,培养学生对英语运用的实践能力,让他们成为学习的主人。五说教学过程合理安排教学程序是教学成功的关键,针对学生的认识状况及本课教材的特点,我安排了以下几个教学环节:Step1 Warming up1.Greetings师生间亲切的问候,建立了和谐、民主的课堂气氛,因此我采用谈话的方式,因为是借班上课所以我直接介绍自己:Im Cherry.Today ,Im your English teacher.I live in Huandun town.How about you?让学生也介绍自己,减少紧张的气氛,为下面的学习打下基础。2.Free

14、talk这是课堂教学重要的形式之一。首先,我以一首“Hobbies热身,轻松的歌曲可以缓减学生课前的紧张情绪,再次 I like going shopping. Do you have any hobbies?Does your mother have the same hooby?加深师生之间的交流,同时为下面的学习打下基础。Step2 Prensentation1.新课导入根据本课教学内容的特点,我介绍了自己的英国朋友 Tom,接着课件展示Tom的照片,引出本课重点词汇及句型 usually,what does he usually do on Sundays?He usually sur

15、fs the Internet on Sundays.之后我还设计了,利用图片进行问答练习,训练学生的口语表达能力。这样语言环境更加真实,利于师生之间进行交流。更加利于锻炼学生的口语。2.教授新知学习:What subjects does he/she study at school?He/she studies 首先,我先让学生用句子:Does he study ?去猜测我的英国朋友在英国学习什么课程。在此,学习单词 London,。教读时,配上相应的动作或表情,让学生动起来,融入动脑、动口 、动手的英语学习中。之后,我还鼓励同桌进行交流展示,用于巩固句型。3学习:Does he?我根据本课

16、句型的特点和所准备的实物和图片,采用了情景创设法:我的英国朋友最喜欢的明星姚明、李宇春。学习句型:Does he play well?同时我稍微拓展了一点,让学生去说类似的句子:Does she sing well?让学生获得学习英语的成就感。在交流的时候,我让学生来问,我来回答,体现学生的主体性。4.整体展现课文在学习新知之后,我展示 A部分的挂图,并且提出问题,让学生带着问题听录音,目的性更强。在整体展示课文的同时,让学生跟读录音并且填空概括大意,让学生对课文有一个整体的把握。5. 作业设计既有巩固作业又有预习作业。以增强学生的预习和自学能力。第四环节:板书设计为了将重点词汇和句型都展示出来,我采用句型和图片结合的方式,使学生一目了然。Unit4 An English friend



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