16-Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers(quiz有答案)

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《16-Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers(quiz有答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《16-Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers(quiz有答案)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers1Where did Henry get the money for the spy kit?He got it from his piggy bank.He got it from Mudges bank.He got it from his parents.He got it from his parents bank.2What did the code say?The code said, What is your phone number.The code said, Who are you?The cod

2、e said, Use the trash can for your spy drop.The code said, Bring your dog.3What did Mudge end up chewing on?He chewed on the magnifying glass.He chewed on a big rock.He chewed on the secret code.He chewed on the old shoe.4What did the boys name their club?They named it Crackers.They named it Codebus

3、ters.They named it The Boys in the Masks.They named it Spies for Hire.5The Man in the Mask was what kind of TV show?It was a spy show.It was a police show.It was a clown show.It was a cowboy show.6What did Henry say they would steal?He said they would steal secrets.He said they would steal the magni

4、fying glass.He said they would steal sandwiches.He said they would steal hats.7What did Mudge do to make it look like he was not spying?He rolled around in the leaves.He rolled around on the sidewalk.He rolled around in the garbage can.He rolled around in a puddle.8What was Mudge spying?He was spyin

5、g a left over pizza.He was spying a bone.He was spying another dog.He was spying an old shoe.9What did Henry think was the best thing in the spy kit?It was the trench coat.It was the spy hat.It was the magnifying glass.It was the spy badge.10What did Mudge do with the magnifying glass?He gave it a b

6、ig wet lick.He bit it in two.He stepped on it.He sat on it.Henry and Mudge and the Sneaky Crackers1. Correct Answer:He got it from his piggy bank.2. Correct Answer:The code said, Who are you?3. Correct Answer:He chewed on a big rock.4. Correct Answer:They named it Crackers.5. Correct Answer:It was a spy show.6. Correct Answer:He said they would steal secrets.7. Correct Answer:He rolled around in a puddle.8. Correct Answer:He was spying an old shoe.9. Correct Answer:It was the magnifying glass.10. Correct Answer:He gave it a big wet lick.


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