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1、人際關係與溝通,陳世聰 chen4513hotmail 08-8660976 0929151102,第十四章 職場溝通,履歷表的要素 有效的求職信 如何準備工作面試 求職者與應徵者如何發展彼此信賴 求職過程與之後應做的事 如何與工作伙伴有效溝通 有效能工作團隊的特徵 團隊成員的溝通角色 溝通技術如何幫助團隊作業 團隊會議的運作原則 團隊會議的成員責任 不同職場的溝通議題,篇頭故事,Mark, 今天有全體成員月會,所以我大約在11:30前往海濱渡假地和你會合。玩得愉快哦! Adelaide,Grove和其他伙伴一個星期沒有你,就不能自行作業嗎?我不相信她們會希望妳帶著電腦渡假,繼續工作。 哦!

2、Mark,那沒什麼大不了的。你是知道的,我是這個改組團隊的要角,我不想重大決策少了我的參與。我會透過擴音參與她們的會議,然後我再從st. louis辦公室將計劃型儲蓄的資料寄出去即可。接下來呢,再透過一些e-mail往來傳送就好了。 就是這樣的想法,一點也無法暫停工作。飛行中途必須和辦公室連繫,而且妳的老板還會以e-mail傳送工作相關的緊急訊息。 但是, Mark,我喜歡能夠和工作伙伴保持連繫。在我離開時,仍讓工作保持運行會使我放心,也仍是改組工作團隊的成員。我不但有一個不錯的假期,也能和工作保持連繫,當我下週一再回到辦公室時才不會有錯愕的事情發生。,履歷表,a.Contact inform

3、ation: name, address, and phone number, and e-mail address where you can be reached. b.Career objective: one-sentence statement of job objective focusing on your expertise. c.Employment history: paid and unpaid, beginning with most recent dates and duties, and noteworthy accomplishments. d.Education

4、: names and addresses of schools attended, focus on courses related to job, list degrees and academic honors. e.Relevant professional affiliations. f.Military background: branch, dates of service, rank, commendations, and discharge status. g.Special skills: language fluency, computer expertise, etc.

5、 h.Community service: activities, offices held, and dates. i.References: list at least three names with address, e-mail address, and phone number, or indicate “available upon request.”,求職信的基本寫法 1) Where and how did you find out about the position? 2) What is your reason for being interested in the c

6、ompany? 3) What are your key skills and accomplishments? 4) How do you fit the job requirements? 5) What items of special interest support your potential for the job? 6) Did you request an interview?,準備面試,做好功課 依據研究,準備與工作和公司有關的問題清單 面試模擬演練 衣著得體端莊 準時到達 攜帶備份資料,面試的原則,積極聆聽 思考後再回答 展現熱忱 提問問題 避免討論薪資與福利,面試後,寄

7、送感謝卡 自我評估面試表現 連繫面試者以獲回饋,同事關係的溝通,別視同事關係為理所當然,此關係必須透過溝通經驗。 同事間的信任與合作,不代表彼此必須是密友。 在工作更多樣性的年代,意見不同、誤解在職場上更加平常。 輪流發言、傾聽、合作解決衝突、同理與支持的技術是必要的。,工作上的團隊關係,團隊有清楚的目的與適當的結構,成員彼此知道各自的角色與共同要達成的目標。,有效團隊的特徵,有清楚的團體目標 清楚的個別成員角色 定期回饋個別與團體的表現 專家與團隊人員技術的結合 對團隊與任務的承諾 開放、誠實與直接(明確)溝通的氣氛 卓越表現的標準 強而有力的領導,團隊成員的溝通角色,任務角色 創始者(In

8、itiator): Gets the discussion started or moves it in a new direction 提供者(Information or opinion giver): Provides content for the discussion 蒐集者(Information or opinion seeker): Asks questions that probe ideas and opinions 分析者(Analyzer): Helps group explore, probe, or evaluate ideas or information 領航者

9、(Orienter): Helps team know where they are through summaries,團隊成員的溝通角色,維護角色 把關者(Gatekeeper) Ensures everyone has a chance to speak 鼓舞者(Encourager) Provides support for contributions of others 協調者(Harmonizer) Helps to relieve tension and manage conflict Which role do you play best?,團隊作業的溝通技術,A. Elect

10、ronic newsletters for a team to share information, recap past work, preview upcoming events, and set work expectations. B. E-calendars: Team members have access to each others schedule. C. Blogs, which facilitate communication, such as recording progress, thoughts, or questions about a shared projec

11、t. D. Podcasts: Digital media files distributed over the Internet for playback on computers or portable media players. E. E-surveys: Aids teams when gathering and reporting information needed for decision-making. F. Wikis: Collaborative websites that allow users to add and edit content.,團隊會議運作原則,A.

12、Define and communicate the purpose of the meeting. B. List specific outcomes that should be reached by the end of the meeting. C. Communicate and stick to a starting and ending time. D. Send out a detailed agenda, including date, time, location of meeting, topics to be discussed, and time allocated

13、to each agenda item. E. Make physical or technical arrangements. F. Think of a meeting youve recently attended. How well were the above tasks handled? How important do you believe the above tasks are to the success of a meeting? Explain.,團隊會議中成員的責任,A. Preparing. Meetings should not be viewed as impr

14、omptu events. Study the agenda. Study the minutes. Prepare for your contributions. List questions you would like answered during meeting.,團隊會議中成員的責任,B. Participating: Expect to be a full participant. Listen attentively. Stay focused. Ask questions. Take notes that help you follow the discussion. Pla

15、y devils advocate by encouraging further discussion of an idea that hasnt been sufficiently discussed. Monitor your contributions, making sure you neither dominate nor talk too little.,團隊會議中成員的責任,C. Following up Review and summarize your notes. Review the minutes Evaluate your effectiveness Communic

16、ate with others Complete responsibilities,多元職場的溝通,工作型態差異 結果導向的文化:美國 關係導向的文化:日本、西班牙、墨西哥 循序任務完成的文化 整體任務完成的文化,多元職場的溝通,世代的差異 1.對職權的看法 2.對規定的態度 3. 對工作與休閒的優先取向 4.對技能能力的看法 5.對公司的忠誠度,多元職場的溝通,性騷騷擾,性騷擾,直接表達”不”,私下記錄溝通過程 :時間訊號,決定是否申訴,輕度作嘔,YES,騷擾停止 NO,騷擾繼續 YES,極端作嘔,多元職場的溝通,辦公室戀情 近水樓臺先得月? 許多共同之處、時常接觸相互吸引 同事約會VS.長官和部屬約會 公司的政策、同事和主管的反應、職場生涯影響、分手後的尷尬。 維護標準的溝通行為與專業行為。,教師甄試口試模擬,口試模擬題1,閱讀可提升學生的語文素養,但在基測成績掛帥的現實面下,身為一位中學級任老師,您在班級如何推動學生的閱讀呢?



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