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1、. . . . . . . 摘摘 要要 随着网络技术的迅速发展和 J2EE 平台的广泛应用,基于 B/S 的多层 WEB 体 系结构正在不断的完善。WEB 技术的发展推动了信息化的发展,使人们能够不 再受地理空间的限制与其他人进行信息的交流与共享。而开发这样一个信息交 流平台,正是本论文要着手处理的问题。 其实,就算用 Java 建造一个不是很烦琐的 web 应用程序,也不是件轻松的 事情。当为一个应用程序建造一个构架时有许多事情需要考虑。从高层来说, 开发者需要考虑:怎样建立用户接口(user interfaces)? 在哪里处理业务逻 辑?和怎样持久化应用数据。这三层每一层都有它们各自的问

2、题需要回答。各 个层次应该使用什么技术?怎样才能把应用程序设计得松耦合和能灵活改变? 构架允许层的替换不会影响到其它层吗?应用程序怎样处理容器级的服务 (container level services) ,比如事务处理(transactions)? 本论文正是基于上述问题出发,以开发一个信息交流平台系统为背景,对 基于 MVC 模式的 Struts 框架、Hibernate 的 ORM 机制和对持久对象持久化的管 理以及 Spring IoC(控制反转)技术进行了探讨。并整合这三种框架:表现层 使用 Struts;业务层使用 Spring;持久层使用 Hibernate 进行系统的开发。最

3、后结合具体的事例对系统的实现作了详细的说明,验证了实现方法的可行性。 关键词关键词:J2EE Struts Hibernate Spring 模式 框架 . . . . . . . AbstractAbstract With the rapid development of network technology and the wide use of J2EE platform, the multilayer web structure base on B/S has developed gradually. WEB techniques development has promoted th

4、e development of informationization, it has made people can communicate and share information without area and space limitation. However, developing such kind of information communication platform is just the case in this thesis. Building non-trivial web applications with Java is no trivial task. Th

5、ere are many things to consider when structuring architecture to house an application. From a high-level, developers are faced with decisions about how they are going to construct user interfaces, where the business logic will reside, and how to persist application data. Each of these three layers h

6、as their own questions to be answered. What technologies should be implemented across each layer? How can the application be designed so that it is loosely coupled and flexible to change? Does the architecture allow layers to be replaced without affecting other layers? How will the application handl

7、e container level services such as transactions? This thesis is just base on these questions, taking an information communication platform system development as background, based on MVC architecture, discussed Struts frame, Hibernators ORM mechanism, persistent management of persistent object and Sp

8、ring IoC technique and combining frameworks using three popular open source frameworks: For the presentation layer we will use Struts; for our business layer we will use Spring; and for our persistence layer we will use Hibernate to developing this system. At the end of the thesis, illustrate the wa

9、y of realizing the system by an instance, . . . . . . . and validate its feasibility. KeyKey wordswords:J2EE Struts Hibernate Spring Pattern Framework . . . . . . . 摘摘 要要 .1 1 ABSTRACTABSTRACT .2 2 第第 1 1 章章 概述概述 .6 6 1.1 课题研究目的和意义.6 1.2 研究容.7 第第 2 2 章章 开发涉及的相关技术开发涉及的相关技术 .8 8 2.1 MYSQL 数据库设计工具介绍 .8

10、 2.2 MYECLIPSE设计工具.8 2.3 STRUTS2 开发工具.9 2.4 SPRING技术简介 .10 2.5 JAVASCRIPT技术简介.11 第第 3 3 章章 手机短信分享系统概述及需求分析手机短信分享系统概述及需求分析 .1212 3.1 手机短信分享系统概述.12 3.2 手机短信分享系统需求分析.12 第第 4 4 章章 手机短信分享系统的详细设计手机短信分享系统的详细设计 .1313 4.1 框架分析.13 4.2 功能模块简介.15 4.3 数据模型设计和数据库设计.18 持久层的实现持久层的实现.25 O/RO/R 映射映射.25 DAODAO 数据访问接口数据访问接口.26 DAODAO 数据访问实现数据访问实现.26 4.44.4 业务层的实现业务


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