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1、专题三数词素养 训练提高 S U Y A NGX U N L I A NT I G A O一、单项选择1.(2020甘肃白银 ,17)The number“ 23,456 ” can be read as“”.A.twenty-three thousand,four hundred and fifty-sixB.twenty-three thousand and four hundred fifty-sixC.two three thousand and four five sixD.two three thousand four and five six2.(2020甘肃天水 ,42) Ho

2、w do you say“ 1:57 ” in English?It s.A.three past twoB.fifty-seven to oneC.three to oneD.three to two3.(2020云南曲靖 ,29) In our hometown,villagers leave for big cities to look forjobs.A.two hundreds of B.hundred ofC.hundreds ofD.two hundreds4.(2020青海 ,23)You all failed in theexam yesterday,soI want to

3、give youchance.A.oneB.a secondC.the thirdD.first5.(2020湖北黄冈 ,27) Dad,aboutof our classmates wear glasses.Oh,that s terrible.You all should take good care of your eyes.A.three fourthB.third fourthC.third fourthsD.three quarters6.(2020湖北咸宁 ,27) Nowadays China has about 25,000 kilometers of high-speed

4、railways.That sof the world s total .A.two thirdB.two-thirdC.two thirdsD.two three7.(2020湖南湘西改编 ,28) Excuse me,Mary.Can you read“ 198” in English?Yes,of course.A.One hundred ninety-eightB.One hundred nine eightC.One hundred and ninety-eightD.One nine eight8.(2020贵州安顺 ,25) What do you think of the en

5、vironment here,Mr.Wang?第 1 页共 3页Wonderful!of the landcovered with trees and grass.A.Two fifths;isB.Two fifth;isC.Two fifths;areD.Two fifth;are二、根据句意及首字母提示写出句中所缺的单词9.(2020广西百色 ,81)May is thefmonth of a year.10.(2020广西河池 ,80)December is thetmonth of the year.三、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子11.(2020四川广安 ,61) Jane would

6、 like to live on the( 第十二 )floor.12.(2020江苏常州 ,45) How much time do you need to carry on with the project?Another( 四 ) days.13.(2020广西贺州 ,84) There are about two( 千 ) students in our school.14.(2020广西贵港 ,76)Today is the boys( 第九 ) birthday.His mother made him abig cake.15.(2020四川南充 ,69)On her( 第十二 )

7、 birthday,she received a valuable presentfrom her aunt.16.(2020浙江宁波 ,36)April is the( 第四 ) month of the year.17.(2020江苏宿迁 ,46) Although she is in her( 八十 ),Tu Youyou still keeps ondoing research on medicine.四、按照括号内的要求写出下列单词的相应形式18.(2020甘肃天水 ,15)two( 序数词 )答案:一、 1.A考查数字读法。在英语中读数字时, 千位与百位之间不用连词and, 而百位

8、与十位之间用and 连接。故选 A 项。2.D 考查时间的读音。 (60-原分钟数 )+to+(原小时数 +1) 表示“差几分钟几点”, 故选 D项。3.C考查数词的用法。句意: 在我们的家乡 , 数百名村民前往大城市寻找工作。表示具体数词后面hundred不用复数形式 ,hundredsof表示数目的 , 故选 C 项。4.B考查冠词和数词的用法。句意: 昨天你们考试都没及格, 因此我想要给你们机会。根据“failedintheexamyesterday”可知应该是指再给一次机会, 故选 B 项。5.D考查分数的构成。在英语中, 分子使用基数词 , 分母使用序数词 , 当分子大于1 时 ,

9、分母用复数形式。 quarter为“四分之一” ,threequarters为 3/4 。故选 D 项。6.C考查分数的构成。分数表达法: 分子用基数词 , 分母用序数词 , 分子大于 1 时 , 分母用复数。故选 C 项。7.C考查数字的读音。百位数和十位数之间要加and。故选 C 项。8.A考查分数和主谓一致。英语中表达分数时, 分子用基数词 , 分母用序数词 , 当分子大于一时 , 分母用序数词的复数形式。这里中心词是不可数名词land, 做主语时看作单数, 故选 A 项。二、 9.fifth10.twelfth三、 11.twelfth12.four13.thousand14.ninth15.twelfth16.fourth/4th17.eighties四、 18.second第 2 页共 3页第 3 页共 3页


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