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1、河南省许昌市长葛市第一高级中学2019-2020学年高一英语质量检测试题一、单选题(共20题;共40分)1.Fred surprised everyone when he _ the offer of promotion. A.turned awayB.turned backC.turned downD.turned over2.You do not have to count all the nuts. Just _ how many there are.A.aimB.changeC.estimateD.join3.You have no idea what Ive had to _ in

2、finding the proper job in the last few months.A.come throughB.go throughC.cut throughD.get through4.Plays twice a month in that theatre. A.put onB.are put onC.was put onD.often put on5.During the holiday I bought a CD player, _ was rather reasonable. A.its priceB.of which priceC.the prices of whichD

3、.whose price6.The home price is still rising. How I wish every average family a roof over their heads! A.has hadB.hadC.hasD.will have7.The company won the bid for the project by saying that it would do the cleaning up afterwards _.A.for freeB.in chargeC.in controlD.on average8.My job is to think up

4、creative and _ advertising ideas. A.objectiveB.originalC.physicalD.social9.He got very good marks in the entrance exam and was admitted _ the key middle school. A.forB.inC.toD.at10.Human beings must _ light pollution. That is to say, we must try hard to reduce it. A.fight againstB.play againstC.stan

5、d against11.Everything between us was_. A.in the endB.to the endC.at an endD.by the end12. Dad, lets go whitewater rafting! Ok. But equip yourself first. It is not such an easy job _it looks.A.asB.whichC.thatD.what13.It seems that he has no pen_. A.to writeB.to write withC.writingD.writing with14.It

6、 is the third time _ late this month. A.that you arrivedB.when you arrivedC.that youve arrivedD.when youve arrived15.He has lost the key to the drawer _ the papers are kept. A.whereB.on whichC.under whichD.which16.That strange-looking man has been _ here for over half an hour. What does he want? A.h

7、anging onB.hanging upC.hanging aboutD.hanging back17.The success of her book has given her high social . A.statusB.sculptureC.approvalD.figure18.The car was not seriously _ in the accident and it wont cost much to get it repaired. A.destroyedB.ruinedC.damagedD.suffered19.Evidence has been found thro

8、ugh years of study _ childrens early sleeping problems are likely to continue when they grow up. A.whetherB.howC.thatD.why20.The mother saw her baby fall to the ground, _ brought her heart to her mouth. A.itB.and thatC.and whichD.that二、任务型阅读(共2题;共10分)21.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Bein

9、g overweight is one of the biggest problems that many men and women of all ages suffer from. Although everyone wants to lose weight quickly, burning fat is no easy task. _. Dont expect to just read these tips and expect to lose weight while you sleep. It will take a lot of effort on your part to succeed. Its very important to drink lots of water while reducing the use of salt. _.Try not to eat the foods that contain high amounts of fats and instead focus on eating foods rich in fiber. _ This is the best way to lose weight, as playing a sport ca


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